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How can I have the best skin possible?


skin care juarez on Tattoo | Body Art | Piercing | Permanent make-up | Escondido Body Art
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Q. Hello so I am 19 years old and I am going to beauty school (either Aveda Institute, or Gene Juarez Academy, I am going in either September or December of this year). I have NEVER been a chain smoker nor a huge drinker. I like to drink every once in a while, I recently started smoking cigarettes, artificial pot, and hookah but I just quit and I feel alive, energized, and great!!!!! I always try to use all natural, chemical and paraben free products (soap, shampoo, lotion, conditioner, makeup, chapstick, sunscreen, body wash, deoderant, perfume, face wash, face masks, etc.) I found out that sun does a lot of damage to your skin about 2-4 years ago and started wearing a lot of sunscreen regularly. Where I live it is cloudy and rainy almost everyday. I basically stopped wearing sunscreen and stopped taking care of my skin the way I should. I want to have young, beautiful, youthful skin forever. In my opinion when I am not wearing makeup I look about 14-16 years old and I am 19!!!! I just need to know the best skin care routines, and the best ALL NATURAL PARABEN AND CHEMICAL FREE products! (When I buy my skin care stuff at the drugstore I try to get: Burts Bees, Aveeno, and Neutrogena.) And which comes first face lotion or sunscreen? How often to apply sunscreen, etc. I just need a lot of good information. Because I want to look like I am 20 when I am 35, thank you so much!!!!!

You should apply every couple of hours, And buy a high factor, a good skin care range is simple.

Why do Mexicans have racist slur for white people when there are white Mexicans??

Pumpkin Pi

Like Basketball star Eduardo Najera,Paulina Rubio,Thalia Sodi,Salma Hayek,Luis Miguel,ect.On my vacation to Ciudad Juarez I saw many people with blue eyes,brown hair,light skin ect,actually all types.But I have a Mexican boyfriend,he is short & reddish brown skin of mainly indian descent.His uncle & other family members have called me "Gabacha" on several occasions.Don't defend this term,it is a very insulting term to white people.They say it & give me dirty look,they are cleary not being nice & very racist. Are they forgetting White Mexicans?I also dated a white Mexican man named Renne Torres.Also there are "Mexican" people on here saying crap about whites.I simply do not get this.

Who cares what they say ... Have some self esteem and realize it doesn't matter what they or anyone else says about you or to you. It's what you believe about yourself that matters...

Move on ... It will probably piss them off more if they see it doesn't bother you, they say it to get a rise out of you !

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Do you think presidents really care about approval ratings?


skin care ratings on Boss Skin Perfecting Skin Serum Reviews - Skin Care | dooyoo.co.uk
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I'm kind o

I think if I were prez it would be nice to be loved and adored by the people of my country, but if they didn't then it wouldn't be any skin off my back. I'm the prez! Too bad suckas I do what I want! Do you think they really care if we like them or not?

Well President Bush didn't. He always followed his philosophy over opinion polls. Any President who wants to be successful should always follow their conscience. Bush proposed Immigration Reform that almost killed conservative support for him, he felt it was the right thing to do. When the Iraq War had it lowest public approval, Bush pushed for an increase in troops and when it went into effect, we saw massive improvements in Iraq. Bush listened to his economic advisers and avoided the mistakes of the Great Depression by pushing for a huge bailout of the banking industry, something unpopular with both parties and the American people.

History will be kind to him and we'll see that his accomplishments in 8 years were outstanding. His style is one to be praised, Bush never gave in to the media and opinion polls.

What to use for oily skin and get rid of acne Clinque 3 step system or Neutrogena skin ID?


oily skin all over face and acne quite frequently

Try going for naturals. Products with a base of natural ingredients like green tea, olive, or chamomile will benefit your skin more than abrasive chemicals which your skin will eventually come to heavily rely on.
I'd advise you to stay away from anything to harsh. If you get a new zit out of nowhere, consider using hydrogen peroxide on it. It's usually used as a toner, but I think to spread that stuff all over your face is kind of extreme. You might see the peroxide fizz on your skin, but that only means it's killing the bacteria.

Neutrogena brand works best for me, but of course this took some experimentation to figure out. I don't really use it for acne, just for keeping my skin fresh, so my product is just a simple facial scrub with no specific acne-fighting purpose.

I recommend you give the Oil-Free Neutrogena Redness-Soothing scrub a go.
Another thing the Neutrogena Naturals line might have something for you to consider - exfoliants. The Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Pore Scrub has some really good feedback, which you can read here:

And the St. Ives Green Tea Scrub has garnered rave reviews, on top of green tea being a universally recognized remedy for skin-care:
There's a tab for you to click "Ratings and Reviews" beneath the picture. An astounding amount of users have experienced success with it.

All the best! (:

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Questions about Herbatint hair dye?


beauty and health institute reviews on Bosnia Blog
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Now my sisters hair is a really dark brown. It looks black and she wants to dye it black, but the hair dyes I looked at all say you have to lighten your hair to darken it, which doesn't make sense to me. So I found Herbatint Permanent Hair Color and I was wondering if she used this product would she have to lighten her hair to turn it black with Herbatint? And if she were to use it would it cause her hair to lighten?

For years, there has been speculation among consumers and health groups that consistent use of hair color can result in an increased risk of certain types of cancer. According to Begoun, this is a real concern, but exhaustive research by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health has yielded no conclusive answers. Begoun says the research has been both confusing and conflicting: "In essence ⦠there is no definitive proof one way or the other." The FDA recommends that consumers weigh the risk for themselves.

Henna, for example, is a natural hair color that is incredibly drying to the hair shaft, Begoun says. And cosmetics scientists at TheBeautyBrains.com say that henna will only temporarily tint your hair. Although most so-called natural hair-color products use fewer chemicals than most drugstore hair colors, experts say that any change to natural hair color causes hair damage. Experts suggest using the gentlest formula that will yield your desired color and using it as infrequently as possible.
Herbatint & Naturetint are two permanent hair colors that use a smaller amount of hair dye chemicals in conjunction with natural ingredients. Both have fairly decent ratings at MakeupAlley.com (though each gets only a handful of reviews).

Here's a new article I found re: henna, which is supposed to be better for you than reg. box dye. It's a good read!
Google: Henna for Hair Warnings.
Google: Warning-- Clairol Natural Instincts dye recall

If youâre using Henna which says itâs going to turn your hair from black to blonde, then it seems like your using compound Henna, which is not 100% natural. Without getting too scientific, compound henna is when you mix the Lawson in with a chemical like, metallic salts. The most commonly used ones are Copper, Lead acetate and Nickel. This can arguably damage your hair, leaving it dry, brittle and coarse.

Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.
> > > Hair dye chemicals linked to cancer
London, Feb 20, 2013 I've been saying that since 2009.
Hair dyes, which include home hair colouring kits and those used at pricey salons, are linked to deadly cancer-causing chemicals, warn scientists. In 2009 the Mail revealed that women who used hair dyes more than nine times a year had a 60% greater risk of contracting blood cancer.
A year later the European Commission banned 36 hair dyes which put long-term users at risk of bladder cancer. < < < <â¨
Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Halloweâen party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11

The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. Itâs made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. Itâs well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time. Skin specialist Najjia Ashraf reveals that there are barely any dyes that donât contain this toxin; even the ones who claim they donât, are not being honest. âBig brands often escape the blame by suggesting they are ammonia-free. However, ammonia and PPD are two very different things and PPD is present in nearly every dye because it is what gives off the colour,â she explains.

Should i take muscle supplements, im 14 ?


When i start 9th grade i want to be big so i decided to take some six star muscle building tablets and my friends say if i take my body will never develop is that true?

This is what i am taking http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://image.become.com/imageserver/s4/1000951684-150-150-5-32/six-star-pro-nutrition-professional-strength-ultra-bcaa-elite-series-60-cplts.jpg&imgrefurl=http://health-and-beauty.become.com/six-star-pro-nutrition-professional-strength-ultra-bcaa-elite-series-60-cplts--compare-prices--sc1257984815&usg=__VhNDsuKqFNh3leg9L0oCN-n4cZk=&h=150&w=150&sz=6&hl=en&start=14&zoom=1&tbnid=PCG0JHH9oIJYeM:&tbnh=117&tbnw=117&ei=24ILTr_8NeKosALeuZG4AQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dsix%2Bstar%2Bpro%2Bnutrition%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1349%26bih%3D559%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=267&vpy=185&dur=188&hovh=120&hovw=120&tx=113&ty=68&page=2&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:14

Dont take it bc you dont know what's in it.

The labels arent required to be accurate.

Eat foods you know for protein, skim milk & egg whites, some fish, etc.

Diet wont do anything w/o a muscle building workout routine.


http://www.presidentschallenge.org/challenge/active/index.shtml Scientifically sound fitness programs


http://health.nih.gov/ National Institue of Healthâs health info page according to body system/location, & population groups: teens, women, seniors, etc.


http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/lpirx2.html Diet & exercise. Linus Pauling Institute






http://hp2010.nhlbihin.net/menuplanner/menu.cgi National Institutes of Health, interactive grid for finding how many calories in user-selected food items, snacks or full meals.

http://books.google.com/ebooks?id=Gb7LAjTrC2kC âThe Volumetrics Eating Plan: Techniques and Recipes for Feeling Full on Fewer Caloriesâ (Google eBook). Reviews. By Barbara Rolls, PhD, Chair of Nutrition @ Penn St U.

http://www.google.com/search?q=eat+more+weigh+less+ornish&tbs=shop%3A1 Book: "Eat More, Weigh Less," by Dean Ornish, MD, Professor of Medicine @ U Cal, S.F. Eat more in volume, less in calories, feel satisfied, lose excess body fat.

And take a good multi mineral-vite like Rite Aid drugstore chainsâs Century-Vite. It's USP certified [United States Pharmacopeia.] Look for those letters on the label of all vits & mins for certification of potency, purity and dissolvability. www.usp.org/USPVerified/dietarySupplements/

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How good are these natural skin care products?


skin care vitamin c on Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid , is a popular natural ingredient ...
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I am most curious about Burts Bees, Alba (the seaweed line, not the hawaiian line), Vitamin C, and zia. I would most likely just get the gel-based cleanser, but am also looking for a new moisturizer. I break out very easily, and I find that fragrences and sunscreens aggravate my acne.

How good are those lines of products? Are they worth the money I would spend?

I tried the vitamin C line about a month ago and LOVE it. Right now I'm using there mosturizing cream. Burts Bess is okay, but I really only like there lip stuff. Alba is also okay, but not as good as vitamin C. I've never heard of zia....Another natural line u should try is Jason http://www.jason-natural.com/ I use there tea tree body wash as a facial cleanser because it helps calm my acne prone red skin and get rid of my black heads. Overall, vitamin C and Jason are the two lines I use and love. I'd reccomend Jason more because it helped my skin faster, but if u can't get their products Vitamin C is good. Something similar to Vitamin C that I heard good stuff about for break outs is say yes to tomatos

Does anyone know of a woman's multivitamin that has low vitamin c and high calcium?


I'm looking for an all natural multi-vitamin that has no more than 200 mg of vitamin c and at least 500 mg of calcium. Thanks.


Arbonne offers a vitamin pack made for women. They direct you to take 1 pack in the am and 1 in the pm.

1 packet contains 75mg of Vitamin C and 580 mg of Calcium. So if you took 2 packets a day, you would still be under your request for 200 mg of Vitamin C and way over for the calcium.

If you like, I can email you a pdf.doc that will show you all that is included in their vitamin packs.

Arbonne International is a Health and Wellness Beauty Company. They create products that are Pure, Safe, and Beneficial. All their products are botanical based. They basically try to offer the best product possible to provide great results in a healthy way.

Arbonne is sold through their Independant Consultants. I am a consultant. I signed up so that I could get the consultant 35% discount. ( It is like a Sams Membership - It only cost $29.00 for one year and $15.00 a year after that..so worth it to get the discount.) I love their products. I started with the skin care for my baby and have tried new things along the way.

I have been using the vitamins myself for only 2 weeks and I am amazed. Not even Pre-natal Vitamins made my nails as strong as I notice they are now.

Here is the description from their website:

A balanced, power-packed combination of multivitamin and multimineral tablets, calcium for bone support, antioxidants and digestive enzymes that work synergistically to address womenâs specific health concerns, every day.

...... If you would like to see the full ingrediants list please let me know and I will email it to you.

They offer a 45 day money back guarentee.

Hope this helps,

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What is the difference between a aesthetic physician and a dermatologist?


skin care physicians on Physicians Formula now has customized skin care solutions! | Beauty ...
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Q. I am very interested in studying Dermatology after high school and a little while ago I came across this website of a certain skin care clinic and I looked at the biography of the doctors that worked at the clinic, some of them had a diploma in dermatology and others in practical dermatology or both. One of the doctors didn't have a diploma but a certificate of competence in aesthetic procedure. However, it said that they were all Aesthetic Physicians, so now I am confused as to whether a aesthetic physician is the same as a dermatologist.

To be a Board Certified Dermatologist takes intensive training (a residency) and passing the Board examination. Aesthetic Physicians, according to their web site, practice "a discipline within medicine that does not require formal residency training or a fellowship and can be practiced by a licensed physician of any specialty."
There are also Plastic Surgeons who help make people look better. If you're going toward a specialty, you're best off heading toward one that actually requires a residency and that is recognized--Dermatology or Plastic Surgery, depending upon your interests and abilities.

Can skin care products recede hair line?


I read somewhere that skin care produts for your face can recede your hairline (on a male) or cause a type of hair loss. Is this true? I use Neutragena and Clean and Clean. Please help.


I doubt that those specific products will cause any serious hair loss for you, you can always check the labeling or online to see if there are any major side effects that come with usage though. Also, if on the off chance you do begin noticing significant hair loss, I'd suggest scheduling a free consultation with a Bosley physician at one of our many regional offices (all listed on our website).

Our people are hair loss experts who can diagnose the specific cause & recommend appropriate treatment options, if necessary. Best of all, the consults are conducted free of charge so there's no worrying about any major bills. Again though, this is only a last case scenario as I personally think you'll be ok with what you are using now.

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What are some good Skin Care Products for Sensitive Combination Skin/Breakouts?


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I'm African American. I'm 16. And I have Combination Skin(Oily around Nose) right now, I have been using just soap and water. I have sensitive skin and breakouts under my jaw bone and around my cheeks. What are some good skin care products I can purchase at Target or Walmart? Something that's not gonna dry my skin out. I need, Cleanser Bar, Toner and Moisturizer.

Thanks :)
Also, what are some good oil blotting sheets I can carry in my purse. (Oily Nose and other areas sometimes) and do I really need to use a Scrub Product like once a week?
Something to help even out my skin tone. It's all Blotchy in some areas

Try Clinique products. You can get them from high end department stores such as Dilliards or Macy's. They're kind of expensive (it'll probably cost about $60 to get the basics you need) but it is so worth it. There are professionals at the counter that can help you decide what to get and what strength you need the medicine in. They'll also give you a full makeover so you can see the difference. Theire make-up is hypo-allergenic and it's all I use on my sensitive face.

Does the clinique 3 step skin care system really work?

this girl

I'm really thinking about saving up money to get the 3 step skin care system, but i'm not sure if i really want to spend $60 on something that wont work...

Have you or someone you know ever used this skin care system?
If so, how did it work?
Is it worth the price?


I have been using it for quite a while.
I have very dry skin, hair, lips, etc.
Especially in the winter!
However, it does SUCH a great job of keeping me moisturized!
One thing about it though is that it doesn't smell great or anything.
I wouldn't describe it as smelling bad...just different.
But it does not make the product any less worth buying.
As for the price, i think it is definitely worth it.
The quantities are plentiful and will last you for quite a while!

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should men use skin care products that are made for girls?


skin care products for men on Lab Series Skincare for Men - Daily Moisture Defense Lotion SPF 15
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I want to know if it is okay for guys to use skin care products that are made for girls like vichy creams. Guys don't really have that much skin care products this days. like facial care, rejuvenation creams and all that. Girls what do you think?
I use girl creams that are made for girls. I just want to know what girls think about this?

it does not matter.
skin care products are typically advertised towards girls,
since they are typically the biggest customers.
but it's not like you're going to turn into a girl if you use female skin care products.
they are made for anyone's skin.
so go for it.

Some good face skin products for men?

Q. Are there any good skin care products for men that work? I used to use Zirh and I loved it but I can't find it anywhere anymore.

I also read in Mens Health magazine that there's this new product called Skinn, I looked on Amazon and its around $70!

Will any of you guys recomend some?

I'm not a guy but I use clearasil ultra. It does wonders. I got it for $8 at a grocery store.

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What are good products for naturally curly Arican-American hair that is worn natural?


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I have shoulder length, culry, natural hair. I love wearing my hair "wet", however, I can not find the right combination of products that will give me the results that I seek. Everything that I have tried so far eiher leaves me with a curly afro, the air dried poodle look, or hard hair that doesnt move. I want something that will individualize my curls, while leaving my hair soft and shiny with little frizz. Please help ... I do NOT want to perm my hair but I am quickly getting frustrated!
Do not post stupid answers to my questions as an attempt to gain points. If you do not have a substantial answer, please keep moving because I do report point-gaming. Thank you.

There are two product lines made specifically for your type of hair.

Styling Options: If you want softer more defined curls try a twist out, this used to be my favorite style.

1. On freshly washed hair apply a good leave in conditioner with a light oil. For extra hold I suggest a wrap foam as well. Comb products thought your hair roots to tips.
2. Don't part with a comb but with fingers, the amount of hair depends on how large you want your curls to be. Twist 2 strands of hair from root to tips in a circular motion around each other.
3. Allow hair to dry, and undo twist.Your curls will be defined and cute. You can apply a oil sheen or a light oil for more shine

Product Suggestions:
Leave In- Elasta QP
Foam wrap lotion- Motions, Silk Elements, Elasta QP
Hair Oils- Carrot Oil, Olive Oil, Jojoba Oil, African 8 Oil, My favorite Kemi-Oil it smells delicious.

Mahogany Beauty a new group for Black women that want to discuss hair and beauty. There is a Hairstyle gallery in our photo section. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/mahoganybeauty/

how much would it cost to build a retail store and have all this?


give me an estimate and a safe number i want to open up my own retail store should i buy a building or make my own from the ground up and how much will it cost? i'm looking to sell men's clothes women's and kids clothes ,electronics,food,health and beauty,deli,dairy,bakery,2 or 4 bathrooms,salad bar,hot foods,eyeglasses, and maybe pharmacy
what should i start off with if all this costs too much?

You are the only one that can figure that out as everyoneâs situation is unique. Go to http://www.score.org/template_gallery.html and download the Excel template for estimating startup costs.

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What are some good spas to work at in the Seattle area? (massage therapist and esthetician)?


skin care 5th ave on ... Care Nail Care Skin Care Jewerly Clearance Sale Remi Hair, Wigs
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I have a year of experience working as a massage therapist and I am about to graduate esthetics school and will have an esthetician license as well.

I was thinking about applying at Gene Juarez and also at Elizabeth Arden's Red Door Spa.... does anyone have any other suggestions of where I could apply?

Or personal experience working for either of these places or others? What was the experience like?

Thanks :)

These are my picks for the best spas in Washington.

1. Salish Lodge and Spa
Just thirty minutes from Seattle, Salish Lodge and Spa is the region's top luxury resort. Perched atop the majestic Snoqualmie Falls at the base of the Cascade Mountains, the resort offers gorgeous guided hikes. The Asian-inspired spa has the feeling of a Japanese bathhouse, with a pair of hydrotherapy pools set into natural rock. It makes a special effort to cater to couples.
Address: 6501 Railroad Ave SE, Snoqualmie, WA 98065
Phone: 800-2-SALISH or 425-888-2556

2. Willows Lodge and Spa
Located in Woodinville's wine country, Willows Lodge and Spa is within walking distance of Chateau Ste. Michelle, Columbia Winery and Red Hook Brewery. It has a scenic location on the Sammamish River, and is just 25 minutes from Seattle. The spa offers Carita facials, a French line available in only a small number of spas in the U.S.
Address: 14580 NE 145 Street, Woodinville, WA 98072

3. The Woodmark Hotel, Yacht Club & Spa
The Woodmark Hotel, Yacht Club & Spa is located on the picturesque shores of Lake Washington, just 15 minutes east of Seattle. Set within the Carillon Point waterfront community, it has impressive shoreline views of the Seattle skyline and Olympic Mountains. The spa has a comfortable, clubby feel.
Address: 1200 Carillon Point, Kirkland, WA 98033
Phone: 425-822-3700 or 800-822-3700

4. Hotel 1000
This hip urban hotel spa is located in downtown Seattle, steps away from the waterfront along Elliot Bay and near Pike Place Market and the Seattle Art Museum. It has 160 sleekly styled guest rooms with state of the art technology. The Spaahh is a serene urban retreat.
Address: 1000 First Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: 206-957-1000

5. Rosario Resort & Spa
You must arrive by ferry or floatplane to reach Rosario Resort & Spa. This waterside luxury resort is located in the beautiful San Juan Islands, a cool location a few hours north of Seattle. The centerpiece of Rosario is a 1909 mansion that belonged to shipbuilding magnate Robert Moran. Besides all the usual spa treatments, there's a fitness studio with a full schedule of classes. It has great programs for kids in the summer.
Address: 1400 Rosario Road, Eastsound, WA 98205
Phone: 866-801-ROCK or 360-376-2222

6. Semiahmoo Resort Golf Spa
Set on the northern Puget Sound shoreline in Blaine, Semiahoo boasts two of the top three golf courses in Washington state: Loomis Trail Golf Club and Semiahmoo Golf & Country Club. It's a cool location a few hours north of Seattle and 45 minutes from Vancouver, British Columbia, and at its best in summer. The spa uses Sothys skin care products.
Address: 9565 Semiahmoo Parkway, Blaine, WA 98230
Phone: 800-770-7992 or 360-318-2000

7. Alderbrook Resort & Spa
Alderbrook Resort & Spa is considered the nicest spa on the Olympic Peninsula, which is across Puget Sound west of Seattle. To get here you need to catch a ferry or drive around the Sound. This renovated resort is located on the scenic shores of Hood Canal, a glacier-carved fjord more than 60 miles long.
Address: 10 East Alderbrook Drive, Union, Washington 98592
Phone: 800-622-9370 or360-898-2200

8. Skamania Lodge
Skamania Lodge was built in 1993 and is meant to evoke the great lodges of the 19th century. It is set on 175 wooded acres in the spectacular Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. Skamania is 45 miles east of Portland, Oregon, on the Washington side of the Columbia River. There are over 70 waterfalls nearby, including the famous Multnomah Falls. Waterleaf Spa has nine treatments rooms decorated in natural tones.
Address: 1131 SW Skamania Lodge Way
Stevenson, WA 98648
800-221-7117 or 509-427-7700

9. Cave B Inn
Located about two hours due east of Seattle, Cave B Inn is in the heart of the Columbia Cascade wine country. It even has its own winery, making it the Pacific Northwest's first luxury wine resort. This is the sunny part of Washington, with 300 days of sunshine a year. Tour the wineries and return to the inn, which has 30 guest rooms and The Spa at Sagecliff.
Address: 344 Silica Road NW, Quincy,Washington 98848
Phone: 888-785-2283 or 509-785-2283

10. Sun Mountain Lodge
Sun Mountain Lodge is perched above Patterson Lake in the Methow Valley in north central Washington. While it's not easy to get to (it's four hours from Seattle), it offers spectacular views of the jagged northern Cascades. Recreational opportunities include cross country skiing, hiking, boating, and horseback riding.
Address: P.O. Box 1000, Winthrop, Washington 98862
Phone: 800-572-0493 or 509-996-3133

are there any mother/daughter spa day packages within 60 miles of 16933, PA?


I really want to do something special for my mom this mother's day. I would love to take her to a mother daughter spa treatment. I need to find someone close to 16933 PA. New York is alright too, about an hour away is best. Thanks!


2641 Pittston Ave
Scranton, PA 18505


400 N Main St
Moscow, PA 18444
7.4MI from Scranton
State of the art facility featuring full service tanning, hair, nail & skin care services. Offering hair extensions, makeup, tanning and more. Our highly trained staff will customize a look to compliment your lifestyle and attitude.

211 Lackawanna Ave Apt 163
Olyphant, PA 18447
4.7MI from Scranton

T L C NAIL STUDIO & DAY SPA 570-586-0586

203 Greenwood Ave
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
5.4MI from Scranton


115 N State St
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
5.4MI from Scranton


1073 Highway 315 Blvd
Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
15.6MI from Scranton

MERLE NORMAN & DAY SPA 570-824-9062

Pine Mall
Wilkes Barre, PA 18701
16.7MI from Scranton

UTOPIA SALON & DAY SPA 570-226-9001

Hc 6
Hawley, PA 18428
23.2MI from Scranton


Po Box 2 2
Pocono Summit, PA 18346
25.2MI from Scranton


905 State Route 590 Salem
Nanticoke, PA 18634
25.2MI from Scranton


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Tell me which skin care brand to get?


skin care 302 on Nikki Chiverrell of Skinnovations discusses her Passion for Skin Care
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I have oily and acne skin


If you are willing to pay the price of clinque you should go with a professional line. You will get the best results. Try Bioelements.com they will tell you everything about their line. They were voted the best skin care line 2 years in a row. If you are interested go to SimplyYourSpa.com to order the products. You can email the professionals there too if you have any questions.

Likely I'll get cancer after shingles?

Jake Stern

I just got shingles and the doctor prescribed me meds (Mylan 302). Thats not really the issue.... I could care less about the shingles and how bad they hurt. My family has a history of cancer, my dad died of skin cancer and so did my grandfather. Am I next? I know my immune system is weak and that why i got the shingles but is is Likely I'll get cancer because my immune system is weak now?

Tarkarri lined up the nails and neatly hit them all on the head, as usual.

Shingles does not cause cancer, but cancer can cause some people to have shingles. Though there is growing evidence that some viruses increase the risk of developing certain type of cancer, I don't believe the varicella zoster virus that is like the mothership shingles is spawned from is one of them. Shingles is basically chicken pox transformed. When you were infected with the varicella zoster virus as a kid you had chicken pox, and even after you recovered from it the virus hid out in your body waiting to be activated and spring up as shingles. Most often, it's advanced age that causes the virus to wake up and wreak more havoc, but a weakened immune system and even stress can cause it.
An otherwise healthy immune system can become weakened by a temporary illness, sleep deprivation, or a host of other problems not related to cancer. A severe vitamin D deficiency can be a contributing factor for shingles, so if you haven't already had your levels tested you might want to do so. Ask your doctor about ways you can fortify your immune system.

People who are in active treatment for cancer are sometimes more vulnerable to shingles because their immune systems are compromised. Some types of cancer, such as Hodgkin's Lymphoma, put people at a higher risk of getting recurrent cases of shingles even after they are in remission. But you don't really need to worry about any of that right now. Just focus on riding out the shingles storm. I wrote a couple of answers about dealing with the pain of shingles and treating the scars they can leave behind last year, and I'm posting the links below in case they're of interest to you. Shingles does suck. I've had them three times now, but there are things you can do to alleviate the pain and speed up healing.

~ skylark : )

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What Topics should I use for a speech to persuade?


beauty and health regime on Healthy Beauty Outsmart Aging
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Q. Im a junior in a public speaking class made up of 16-18 year olds and I need help picking a topic. I have some thoughts:
1. Beauty Pagents should be illegal
2. SATs should not have much effect on College
3. Asisted suicide is okay

there is no specific order...I just need help put in your topics too


p.s I can't do cliched topics such as global warming, drugs, euthenasia, and such

Abuse Of The Elderly
Abused Women
Academic Dishonesty
Academic Freedom
Acid Rain
Affirmative Action
Age Discrimination
Aging Population
Agricultural Policy
Air Pollution
Airline Safety
Alcohol Abuse
Aliens and UFO's
Alternative imprisonment
Alternative Medicine
American Education Reform
Animal Experimentation
Animal Rights
Animal Welfare
Anorexia Nervosa
Arab-Israeli Conflict
Armed Conflicts
Arms Control
Arms Trade
Atomic Energy
Ballot Initiatives
Battered Women
Beginning of Life Issues
Bermuda Triangle
Bilingual Education
Biological and Chemical Weapons
Bird Flu
Birth Control
Body Piercings
Breast Feeding in Public
Cameras in Courtrooms
Campaign Finance Reform
Capital Punishment
Censor Hate Speech
Chain Gangs
Child Labor
Church State Issues
City Curfews Civil Rights
Climate Change Policy
Condoms In Schools
Creationism vs. Evolution
Dating Campus Issues
Death Penalty
Disabilities Act
Domestic Violence Drug Policy
Drunk Driving
Endangered Oceans
Endangered Species
Espionage and Intelligence Gathering
Ethnic Violence
Family Violence
Fat Tax On Food
Foreign Oil Dependence
Foreign Policy
Foster Care
Gay Marriage
Gay Rights
Genetic Engineering
Genetically Engineered Foods
Global Resources
Global Warming
Government Fraud and Waste
Gun Control
Hate Crime
Health Care Policy
Home Schooling
Homeland Security
Homeless in America
Human Cloning
Infectious Diseases
Inner City Poverty
Internet Chatrooms
Islamic Fundamentalism
Juvenile Crime
Language Policy
Legal System
Marriage and Divorce
Media Violence
Medical Ethics
Medicinal Marijuana
Medicine Abuse
Minimum Wage
Missile Defense System
National Tobacco Settlement
Nuclear Technology
Organ Donation
Organized Crime
Physician-Assisted Suicide
Prison regime
Race Relations
Racial Profiling
Rain Forests
Religious Right
Reproductive Technologies
School Uniforms
School Violence
Sex Education
Single Parent Families
Social Security Reform
Social Welfare
Space Exploration
Stadium Taxes
Stem Cell Research
Tax Reform
Teen Pregnancy
Term Limits
Tobacco Industry
Trade with China
US Budget
US War on Drugs
Urban Terrorism
Violent Video Games
Voluntary National Testing
War Crimes
War On Drugs
Water Resources
Weapons Disarmament
Welfare Reform
Women in the Military
Women's Rights
Working Women
World Trade

Example of persuasive speech fact statements:

Space Exploration Benefits Our World
Poor Air Quality Threatens Our Health
The Aging Population Hurts The Economy
Internet Chatrooms Are Not Safe

Example of persuasive speech value statements:

Cheating Is Unacceptable!
Media Violence Harms Children
Metal Detectors In Schools Violate Students' Rights
Animals Don't Belong In Zoos

Example of persuasive speech policy statements:

Keep Your Thermostat At 68 F In The Winter And 72 F In The Summer
Examinations Must Be Replaced With Other Assessment Forms
Social Security Has To Be Privatized
Arranged Marriages Should Be Outlawed

any definite way to produce collagen in skin?


I heard there are some facial creams and masks but unfortunately they dont work so good because the size of pores are not big enough to absorp . So is there a way to encourage skin to produce more collagen i mean like from inside to outside not like injection surgery?

Borage oil, its number one. take it internally, that what I take.Now I found something else too and I want you to read.
Got a wrinkle to fill? You could fill that wrinkle with injections of bovine collagen or hyaluronic acid. Yet, is there anyway to smooth out wrinkles without jabbing your skin with needles?

You can avoid the need for the needle by optimizing your estrogen levels. While estrogen influences numerous aspects of our health, from the development of breast cancer to the development of a fetus, estrogen also determines the moisture and collagen level of our skin as we age.

Studies published by N. Grosman in the âActa Pharmacol Toxicolâ established the link between estrogen and collagen. Estrogen boosts the skinâs moisture content by increasing the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin.

Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in the body. One of hyaluronic acidâs primary jobs is to make the skin firm and provide support for the collagen and elastin fibers that give skin a firm, youthful appearance.

You can potentially increase that amount of hyaluronic acid in your skin by increasing your intake of estrogen. For example, animal studies show that soy isoflavones protect skin against sun damage and may increase production of hyaluronic acid. Soy dishes come in a variety of options. From soy tofu to soy protein shakes food incarnations of soy are endless.

While eating your way to a firmer face, you donât want to overlook vitamin C. While vitamin C remains a potent antioxidant, it also helps your body to produce collagen.

Even though vitamin Câs beauty potential is loudly touted by the media, 33% of the US population is not getting enough vitamin C according to a 2005 survey done by the U.S. Agricultural Research Service's Food Surveys Research Group.

You can enjoy vitamin C in foods like broccoli, red or green peppers, strawberries, oranges and Brussels spouts.

Eating vitamin C and optimizing your estrogen levels are just one step in a series of things you can do to slow down the aging process. One simple tip to keep your anti-aging regime working is to ask yourself each time you eat, âIs this food protecting me from free radials and allowing my body to repair itself, or causing more free radial damage?â This way youâre sure to be eating your way to more youthful skin.

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What is a really good skin care product for dry skin and blackheads?


skin care for dry skin on Dry skin can be itchy and uncomfortable.
skin care for dry skin image


My skin is pretty dry and I get zits often and mostly blackheads. I have tried Clean & Clear and St. Ives which doesn't seem to work and Oxy and Clearisil which dried out my skin. What is a really effective skin care product that will not dry out my skin and get rid of my blackheads and other types of pimples? Thanks!

oh gosh I have used it all...proactiv, beauticontrol, clean & clear...all of it!
I am a senior independent beauty consultant with mary kay now & i can finally say my skin is at it's best! I had to use the classic basic skincare line #3 which means it's for acne-prone/blackhead-prone skin. As long as you get this you WILL NOT BE SORRY! It's great & comes with everything you need to take care of your skin on a daily basis! cleanser, toner, revitalizing mask, & moisurizer! email me at jamiemiller85@marykay.com or go to my website & check out the great products I have to offer you! www.marykay.com/jamiemiller85. You will get a free gift with your first online purchase hun!
Are you at least 18 because if you would like to get your skincare & makeup & fragrances at a discount I have just the way to do it for you---email me for further details!

What daily routine should I start to help very dry skin?

Cookie Que

I have very dry skin and a lot of skin care products dry out my skin. What products could I use for a cleanse, tone and moisturize routine that doesn't dry out my skin?

Try a cleansing cream or lotion. Vanicream has one. Or you could try a simple bar soap from dove or olay that says moisturizing or sensitive skin on the front. In the morning apply a moisturizer with sunscreen in it. Again Olay is good for this and they have a dry skin formula. At night apply a rich moisture cream...if you want you can get one that says anti aging too. If your eye area is dry apply an eye cream Morning and night.

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Are there any deals on makeup/skin care on Black Fridays?


skin care guru on facial scrub | Natural Body Guru
skin care guru image

Q. It seems like the day is dedicated to house appliances, furniture and electronics. But is there any deals on makeup/skin care? Do they have anything for us lovely Beauty Gurus? â¥

most of the promotions in beauty and makeup continue on beyond just that day. i think it's because people are focused on bigger things so that's what the sales typically cater to.

I need YouTube username ideas for Beauty/Makeup/Girly videos?

I want to make a YouTube account with videos beauty related. The videos will probably include makeup tutorials, makeup collections, hair care, skin care, hair tutorials, beauty supply hauls, beauty supply orginaztional tips, etc. (Basically EVERYTHING girly, beauty, makeup related) ! Any username ideas that have to do with these video ideas ? Thanks in advance !

Well, I wouldn't do anything with "07" at the end, because everyone is doing that and just copying juicystar07...I'd say just do your name and your favorite makeup brand, that's pretty much the generic beauty guru's name on Youtube.

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Any reccomendations on making my own natural products from essential oils and herbs?


beauty and health care on MENTAL HEALTH AFTER PHYSICAL HEALTH - BeautyCareideas.com
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I have been collecting essential oils and vast variety of herbs. I am very interested in making my own natural beauty and health care aids. I was wondering if anyone has any advice on getting started? Where do you buy glycerin? I have been unable to find it anywhere. Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thank you

A best glycerin site be: www.herbspro.com (for formulation from liquid glycerin as a natural emollient and skin protectant.)

You want to manufacture your own soaps I have the following advice:

Natural beeswax has become a most popular, but I like the idea of using glycerine chips but they're more difficult to search for seller of.

The purest essential oils of a high grade will be found at the online store: www.mothernature.com

What are some really good beauty/skincare & health advice websites?


I've been trying to find a good website with pretty solid beauty/skin care & health advice, any suggestions?

Makeupally.com has a whole board dedicated to skincare. They also have a makeup board and I believe a health board and the ladies on there are very knowledgeable and helpful. You should check it out. Personally I love that site!

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Are nail clippers and cell phone chargers allowed on carry-on bags?


health and beauty york on SmartLipo Triplex Ensures Amazing Results - Cosmetic Surgery Article ...
health and beauty york image


I'm taking a flight for the first time that is leaving New York to Florida. Will I be allowed to carry a pair of nail clippers and my cell phone charger on my carry-on, or do those have to be checked in? Thanks!

Yes, absolutely.

The TSA won't even bat an eye at those things. Pretty much all health and beauty supplies are allowed (tweezers, nail clippers, small scissors used to trim your nose hair, hair dryer, flat iron, curling irons, etc.) are all allowed. And all basic tech supplies are allowed (computers, cords, mouse, video camera, video game consoles, etc.) are also all allowed.

Where beauty supplies get tricky is with the liquids rule. All liquids, creams, deodorants, etc. have to be in a bottle that is 3oz or less and all of those bottles has to fit into one quart sized plastic bag. They WILL bust you on this and make you throw away your stuff!

What kind of stores do they typically in a mall?


I am not stupid but ive nvr shopped for myself allot
I am shopping for typical "casual" clothing and a good place to eat.
Please write good clothing stores, My style is throw something on typed thing.

Abercrombie,hollister,american eagle,forever 21,nordstroms,saks fifth avenue,macys here are links to the websites http://www.abercrombie.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/OrderItemDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10901&orderId=. https://www.hollisterco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/OrderItemDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10251&catalogId=10201&orderId=.&cm_ven=minicart&cm_cat=checkout&cm_pla=checkout&cm_ite=checkout http://www.forever21.com/Default.asp?cookie%5Ftest=1 http://www.saksfifthavenue.com/Entry.jsp http://shop.nordstrom.com/C/2375500/0~2375500
the simon malls are always brilliant they always have such cool stores like these so heres a link to find one near your area http://www.simon.com/mall/shop.aspx here are stores at your typical simon mall Aldo Accessories
Claire's Boutique
Club Libby Lu
Department 56
Guess Accessories
Hat Shack
Jay's Watches
Lucky Brand Jeans
Mori Luggage & Gifts
New York & Company Accessories
Optical Images
Precision Time
Sol Time
Sunglass Hut
Sunglass Hut International
Toni Bijoux
Accessories / Accessorios
Players Golf

Cards / Books / Gifts / Stationery
Carlton Cards
Club Libby Lu
Department 56
Hallmark Moments
Just Dogs! Gourmet
Polka Dotz Personalized Gifts
Spencer Gifts
Street Corner News

Children's Fashions
Club Libby Lu
Disney Store, The
Euro Moda
GapKids/ BabyGap
Polka Dotz Personalized Gifts
Stride Rite Shoes
The Children's Place
The Limited Too

Department Stores
Saks Fifth Avenue

Apple Computer
fye - For Your Entertainment
Game Stop
Game Stop

Food - Specialty
Auntie Anne's Pretzels
Dylan's Candy Bar
Harry & David Gourmet Foods
Starbucks Coffee

Health and Beauty
Aveda Lifestyle Store
Bare Escentuals
Bath & Body Works
Camilla Day Spa
Club Libby Lu
CVS Pharmacy
Hair Cuttery
Lily's Perfume
MAC Cosmetics
Regis Salons
Victoria's Secret
Victoria's Secret Beauty
Zounds Hearing Center

Home Decor / Accesorios para el Hogar
Department 56

Home Furnishings
Pottery Barn
Select Comfort
Thomas Kinkade Gallery

The Florida Hotel and Conference Center

Bailey Banks & Biddle
Beverly Hills Jewelers
Gordon's Jewelers
Helzberg Diamonds
J.B. Robinson
Jay's Watches
Kay Jewelers
Littman's Jewelers
Lundstrom Jewelers
Mayor's Jewelers
Piercing Pagoda
Precision Time
Silver & Gold Connection
Silver Designer
Whitehall Co. Jewellers
Zales Jewelers

Mori Luggage & Gifts

Medical / Oficinas médicas
Optical Images

Men's & Women's Fashions
A|X Armani Exchange
Abercrombie & Fitch
American Eagle Outfitters
Anchor Blue
Banana Republic
Details Diesel
Euro Moda
Hat Shack
Hollister Co.
Lucky Brand Jeans
MNG by Mango
Old Navy
Tommys Island

Men's Fashions
A|X Armani Exchange
Abercrombie & Fitch
Anchor Blue
Hat Shack
Hollister Co.
Lucky Brand Jeans
MNG by Mango

Men's Speciality Fashions
MW Tux
Players Golf

Cunningham Research

music / Electronics / Video
Apple Computer
Electronics City
fye - For Your Entertainment
Game Stop
Game Stop
Radio Shack
Ritz Camera
Sprint Exclusive Dealer - Enhanced Wireless
World of Electronics

Optical / Eyewear
Eyeglass Studio
JC Penney Optical
Optical Elements
Optical Images

Glamour Shots
Kiddie Kandids
Sears Portrait Studio

Restaurants (order at the counter)
5th Avenue Bistro
A & W Hot Dogs/KFC
Asian Chao
Chao Cajun
Charley's Steakery
Crepe Market
Dairy Queen / Orange Julius
E Bar Cafe at Nordstrom
Gotcha Smokehouse Bar-b-que
Maki of Japan
Mambo's Cafe
Manchu Wok
Nature's Table
Portifino Grill
Salsa Taqueria & Tequilla Bar
Starbucks Coffee
Taco Bell
Tropicana Fruit Smoothies

Restaurants (order via wait staff)
Buca di Beppo
California Pizza Kitchen
Crickets Bar & Grill at The Florida Hotel and Conference Center
Le Jardin Restaurant & Habitat Lounge
Ruby Tuesday
Salsa Taqueria & Tequilla Bar

Club Libby Lu
Dillard's Travel
Eyeglass Studio
Glamour Shots
Hair Cuttery
Hair Plus
Hat Shack
Heel Sew Quick
International Visitors Bureau #1
International Visitors Bureau #2
International Visitors Bureau #3
International Visitors Bureau #4
Jay's Watches
Kiddie Kandids
Magic Engraving Plus
Money Exchange
MW Tux
Nails Avenue
Optical Elements
Precision Time
Regis Salons
Salon Cielo & Spa
Sears Portrait Studio
Simon Guest Services
Simon Guest Services
Trade Secret
Zounds Hearing Center

Aldo Shoes
Champs Sports
Clarks of England
Florsheim Shoes
Foot Locker
Footaction USA
Lady Foot Locker
Nine West
Payless ShoeSource
Skechers Footwear USA
Steve Madden
Stride Rite Shoes
The Children's Place
The Walking Company
Traffic Shoes

Specialty Food
Auntie Anne's Pretzels
Auntie Anne's Pretzels
Dylan's Candy Bar
Godiva Chocolatier
Hat Shack
Kohr Bros. Frozen Custard
Mrs. Fields Cookies
Nordstrom Cafe
Nordstrom ebar
Starbucks Coffee

Specialty Shops
Apple Computer
Bailey Banks & Biddle
Bare Escentuals
Bath & Body Works
Bayside Brush
Build-A-Bear Workshop®
Club Libby Lu
Department 56
European Gallery
Hat Shack
Hot Topic
Kiddie Kandids
M&M's World
Mori Luggage & Gifts
Sharper Image
The Body Shop Skin & Hair
Things Remembered
Yankee Candle
Zounds Hearing Center

Sporting Goods / Activewear
Field of Dreams
Finish Line
Foot Locker
Footaction USA
Team Choice
Ultimate Sports Fan

Toys and Games
Build-A-Bear Workshop®
Disney Store, The
Game Stop
Game Stop
K·B Toys

Women's Fashions
5-7-9 Shop
A|X Armani Exchange
Abercrombie & Fitch
Aerie by American Eagle Outfitters
Anchor Blue
Ann Taylor Loft
Body Central
Charlotte Russe
Forever 21
Frederick's of Hollywood
G + G
Heritage 1981
Hollister Co.
Lucky Brand Jeans
MNG by Mango
Motherhood Maternity
New York & Company
Siboney Bridal Fashions
Swim 'n Sport
The Limited
Victoria's Secret
White House | Black Market

Women's Specialty Fashions
Aerie by American Eagle Outfitters
White House | Black Market
Hope i helped

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Where can I get my 1 month and 3 day old baby circumcised at?


skin care 60 year old woman on Human body - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I have a 1 month and 3 day year old baby and I want to get him circumcised as soon as possible where can I get him circumcised? I live in Hercules but the locations can be in Pinole, Oakland, Berkeley, Albany, Hercules. Please if you have an answer please respond thanks.

Please, don't.

There is no medical reason to justify routine infant circumcision. When you compare the risks versus the supposed benefits, the results are staggeringly in favour of leaving them well alone. These are some of the complications: http://www.circumstitions.com/Complic.html

If he decides on circumcision when he's older, he's:

-Not at risk of fatal haemorrhage
-Not at risk of fatal infection
-Not at risk of glans amputation, degloving or adhesions and skin bridges.

Any surgery is easier on an adult and has fewer complications, and the complications are less serious. The reality is though - in a non-circumcising country, which the USA is fast becoming with a neonatal circumcision rate of 33% (and falling) in 2009, it is incredibly rare for an intact man to want to be without his foreskin.

The reasons circumcision still continues in the USA and not in Europe or Australasia are religion and money. Doctors peer-reviewing studies in the USA have an overwhelming cultural or religious bias. These studies are laughed at, refuted and rejected internationally. The lack of a public health system encourages the practice of unnecessary but lucrative surgery - but increasingly, medical insurance companies are refusing to cover circumcision as not only is it deemed a cosmetic procedure, but they're also paying for the fix-ups - around 9% of circumcised boys have meatal stenosis, a narrowing of the urethral opening requiring surgery, virtually unheard of in intact boys.

Some common myths:

- It's easier to keep clean.

It's NOT. An intact penis should only ever be wiped gently like a finger - http://www.fathermag.com/health/boy-care/boy-care.shtml A circumcised newborn's penis is an open wound sitting in excrement. Often, the glans (which is raw where the adhered foreskin has been torn away) begins to heal onto the skin of the penile shaft, resulting in skin bridges: http://www.noharmm.org/IDcirc.htm This is a comparison between cut and intact newborn boys: http://www.drmomma.org/2010/01/cut-vs-intact-outcome-statistics.html

I'll add to that to say that it's also NOT cleaner in adulthood. Around half my partners have been intact and half circumcised. I've never had a smelly intact partner (except a smoker, who smelled like smoke) but I have had smelly circumcised partners. In intact men, the skin hangs freely over the glans. In circumcised men, it bunches behind the coronal ridge, making sweaty folds. I had a partner who found it very hard to stop these folds from stinking of sweat. Cleaning under the foreskin takes the adult man less time than it does for a woman to keep her vulva clean.

-It reduces his risk of HIV

Highly questionable. The studies in Africa were very poorly conducted and controlled for, only showed any benefit for female-male transmission (most sexual transmission in the USA is homosexual) and one study was abandoned when a similar INCREASE in transmission to women was shown. In any case, 60% was the supposed reduction, when the risk can be virtually eliminated with condom use. Any vaccine trial showing a reduction of 60% would be abandoned. More here: http://www.futuremedicine.com/doi/full/10.2217/17469600.2.3.193

-It reduces his risk of UTIs

False. Circumcision commonly causes meatal stenosis in boys, or narrowing of the urinary tract. It is virtually unheard of in intact boys. For this reason, and because the foreskin is no longer protecting the glans and urethra, it may increase his risk of urinary tract infections. In any case, UTIs are rare in boys - even more so after the first 12 months - and can be treated with antibiotics. More on UTIs: http://www.circumstitions.com/Utis.html

- It reduces his risk of STDs

Highly questionable. Other studies have shown no difference or an increase in STD transmission among circumcised men - who may be less likely to use condoms as they already have reduced sensation. In any case - newborns aren't sexually active! This is one he can decide when he's older. http://www.circumstitions.com/STDs.html

- Most men are circumcised

False. Around 80% of the world is intact: http://www.circumstitions.com/Maps.html

- It's just a snip!

False. In adult males, the foreskin has separated from the glans. In infants, it must be torn away from the glans first - yes, even with the Plastibell procedure, which DOES involve cutting. Circumstraints are bolted to a bench and the infant is firmly strapped in place. You don't have to do this for a heel prick. Videos made by and for medical professionals: Gomco - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXVFFI76ff0&has_verified=1 & Plastibell - http://www.drmomma.org/2009/08/plastibell-infant-circumcision.html

On average how much is it to dye your hair?

Q. I'm a 21 year old male and have long hair. But not too long. I want to dye it black and I have brown hair.

My SIL pays $45 in Oregon.
Permanent black hair dye is linked to causing leukemia and lymphomas.Style meets chemistry meets biology: We're talking hair coloring.

Playing with chemicals is not like playing with clothes, or doing a manicure, there are penalties for playing chemicals in the lab. Even hair color experts at the salon are not rocket scientists, they do a bang up dye jobs to their clients or their own hair.

Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.
> > > Hair dye chemicals linked to cancer
London, Feb 20, 2013 I've been saying that since 2009.
Hair dyes, which include home hair colouring kits and those used at pricey salons, are linked to deadly cancer-causing chemicals, warn scientists. In 2009 the Mail revealed that women who used hair dyes more than nine times a year had a 60% greater risk of contracting blood cancer.
A year later the European Commission banned 22 hair dyes which put long-term users at risk of bladder cancer. < < < <â¨
Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Halloweâen party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11

The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. Itâs made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. Itâs well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time.

Google: A 38-year old mother left in a coma after using hair dye. SHE DYED HER HAIR MANY TIMES BEFORE, USING THE SAME BRAND. The British woman who went into coma after a reaction to hair dye has died after a year. Updated 11-25-12. The woman suffered a heart failure, struggled for breath and became unconsciousness. Her family blamed paraphenylenediamine, a chemical found in hair colour. Her family has now called for paraphenylenediamine to be banned from home dye kits. In 2000, a 38-year-old Indian-origin woman from Birmingham, Narinder Devi, died after an allergic reaction to hair dye.

Google search: Salon hair dye horror stories. About 305,000 results (0.20 seconds) OR Google Salon Hair Dye Lawsuits. About 336,000 results (0.17 seconds) Dec. 2011
When it comes to hair care treatments, product use or visits to a salon or spa, the consumer must take responsibility to do their homework and be aware of all the risks involved.

Google: January Jones: "My Hair Is Falling Out In Clumps" 1-28-13 To quote Joni Mitchell, "you don't know what you got till your thick hair is gone.â¨


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How come old civilizations like the Greek and the Roman were so good in architecture and sculpting ?


beauty and health institute on Institute in TotalBeautyPlus - Philippines Online Directory for Beauty ...
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Math and geometry were at the forefront of developing and that was what was on their minds (actually the Chinese were ahead a couple of centuries before). They were trying to understand the universe by forms and geometry, and applied it to architecture. Art, the statemements of who the people said they were and what they stood for, was part of that architecture. Architecture is where all the energy and collective money and efforts went -- something like our Movie Industry, or National Institutes of Health or NASA. The best and brightest minds and talent went to making living spaces, monuments and government buildings. The general public was not literate, but they could see the grandeur in a building or a sculpture and walk away with a sense of awe,

I was amazed by the beauty and sophistication of ancient Asian archetecture and giant sculptures in SE Asia. The roofs are works of art. At a government palace in Thailand, the gardeners had t-squares and calipers to measure how to clip the shrubs outside. Every inch of the roof, porch, and portico was decorated in gold or some beautiful design. These structures really produced a feeling of awe in me and others who walked through them.

The modernist approach is to throw out the human elements and just be 'functional'. Form defines function was the mantra just after the Art Deco period when buildings started being ugly boxes.

Has anyone attended the Academy of Health and Beauty in Orlando, FL?


I recently came across their site because I am interested in an affordable cosmetology school. Their tuition was $10,000 LESS than most schools in the area. I was wondering if anyone has an experiences or reviews of the school. Thanks!

The name of the school sounds like one of those private overpriced for-profit beauty/tech schools. Please consider the more affordable county vo-tech school (or community college) as long as the program is accredited within the industry. It can take the graduate a couple of years to 'get a book' of regular customers before possibly making decent money.

This consumer website has posts about the 'aveda institute' (one of those private for-profit schools) and 'empire beauty': http://www.ripoffreport.com and can search.

This site has posts about 'paul mitchell school': http://www.pissedconsumer.com and can search.

General career info: http://www.bls.gov/oco and can search.

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How much would you charge to take still pictures of skin care products for website? 30 products,3 shots each?


skin care questions on Source: Adapted from Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research ...
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I need to know how much it would be for someone to take photos of my skin care line and post them online, it is so the public sees a picture of the product they can buy. I would appreciate your help.

This question all depends on the photographer, and the quality that you are willing to spend to get (let's face it, quality costs some money).
I'd probably charge $1500 and that would include all the photos, with post-processing/editing so that they look their best, and you would get all the images as 8x10 print quality, with rights to use the images for promotional websites and print info.

Who would like to know more about Mary Kay cosmetics and skin care?


I am a senior consultant with Mary Kay and I am always looking for the oppertunity to share the greatest skin care in the land. If you need a consultant I would be happy to help you. And also if anyone has any questions about skin care I would be happy to help.

Try the Mary Kay skin care line with customized skin care products for acne etc. The best thing to with your skin is always to keep it clean as well as treating breakouts. This helps prevent breakouts and other issues.

There are five steps to basic skin care:
1. Cleanse
2. Exfoliate
3. Tone/Freshen
4. Moisturize
5. Protect

The Mary Kay 3 in 1 cleanser can do the first three steps in one. The fifth step is protect. You want to use an oil free foundation which our formulas for dry normal combo and oily skin are all oil free. When your skin is protected with foundation you can wash off the impurities that your skin catches in the air. The foundation catches the irritants and impurities instead of them getting into your pores causing further breakouts. Mary Kay is satisfaction guaranteed. So if you try it and it doesnt work for you you can get different products or your money back.

Also it is so important that when you are using skin care you use one line be it Mary Kay or Avon or a Walmart brand. They are formulated to work with one another. Mixing products not designed to work together can cause reactions in some people. ;)

To even out skin tone you of course need to keep your skin exfoliated but also use a solution like our day and night solution. The day solution has SPF 25 in it and the Night Solution has Vitamin A and E and more in them. These collagen inducing products help to tighten and firm the skin as well as even out tone. You can add in our Microdermabrasion once or twice a week to totally exfoliate and remove dead skin. The second step of our microderm set will return your skin to its proper PH balance so you will not be rough or dry afterwards.

I reccomend using products as follows but all skin care must be customized for an individual.

Timewise 3 in 1 Cleanser (customized for skin type)
Timewise Day Solution (at night use Night Solution)
Timewise Moisturizer (customized for skin type)
Timewise Firming Eye cream
Additional moisturizers if needed(intense for dry spots etc)
Foundation (customized for skin type and shade)
Color products (use all oil free and non-comedogenic)

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I need YouTube username ideas for Beauty/Makeup/Girly videos?


skin care guru on Natural Skin Care Recipes II | Natural Body Guru
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I want to make a YouTube account with videos beauty related. The videos will probably include makeup tutorials, makeup collections, hair care, skin care, hair tutorials, beauty supply hauls, beauty supply orginaztional tips, etc. (Basically EVERYTHING girly, beauty, makeup related) ! Any username ideas that have to do with these video ideas ? Thanks in advance !

Well, I wouldn't do anything with "07" at the end, because everyone is doing that and just copying juicystar07...I'd say just do your name and your favorite makeup brand, that's pretty much the generic beauty guru's name on Youtube.

Any tips on how to look pretty for most of the time, like YouTube beauty gurus?

Q. Have you seen YouTube beauty gurus in Twitpics and everything? Even if they're joking around, they look gorgeous. And I know that they wear makeup, and they do their hear and everything, and there's also the camera (but they usually have super good quality cameras so I don't think it hides much), but still!
Any tips?

Take good care of your skin, drink plenty of water, you know the drill. ;) You'll notice that a lot of the gurus work out, eat healthy, have dermatologists, and/or have some sort of unique diet (such as vegetarianism). Now, I'm not saying become a vegetarian or only eat organic foods, but take care of your body. It will pay you back. :)

Oh, and don't wear makeup often. If you must wear makeup, wear light makeup. The gurus put on full makeup for fun, they don't rely on it for everyday use (or so I assume). If they did, their skin would look far worse.

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