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Questions about Herbatint hair dye?


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Now my sisters hair is a really dark brown. It looks black and she wants to dye it black, but the hair dyes I looked at all say you have to lighten your hair to darken it, which doesn't make sense to me. So I found Herbatint Permanent Hair Color and I was wondering if she used this product would she have to lighten her hair to turn it black with Herbatint? And if she were to use it would it cause her hair to lighten?

For years, there has been speculation among consumers and health groups that consistent use of hair color can result in an increased risk of certain types of cancer. According to Begoun, this is a real concern, but exhaustive research by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health has yielded no conclusive answers. Begoun says the research has been both confusing and conflicting: "In essence ⦠there is no definitive proof one way or the other." The FDA recommends that consumers weigh the risk for themselves.

Henna, for example, is a natural hair color that is incredibly drying to the hair shaft, Begoun says. And cosmetics scientists at TheBeautyBrains.com say that henna will only temporarily tint your hair. Although most so-called natural hair-color products use fewer chemicals than most drugstore hair colors, experts say that any change to natural hair color causes hair damage. Experts suggest using the gentlest formula that will yield your desired color and using it as infrequently as possible.
Herbatint & Naturetint are two permanent hair colors that use a smaller amount of hair dye chemicals in conjunction with natural ingredients. Both have fairly decent ratings at MakeupAlley.com (though each gets only a handful of reviews).

Here's a new article I found re: henna, which is supposed to be better for you than reg. box dye. It's a good read!
Google: Henna for Hair Warnings.
Google: Warning-- Clairol Natural Instincts dye recall

If youâre using Henna which says itâs going to turn your hair from black to blonde, then it seems like your using compound Henna, which is not 100% natural. Without getting too scientific, compound henna is when you mix the Lawson in with a chemical like, metallic salts. The most commonly used ones are Copper, Lead acetate and Nickel. This can arguably damage your hair, leaving it dry, brittle and coarse.

Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.
> > > Hair dye chemicals linked to cancer
London, Feb 20, 2013 I've been saying that since 2009.
Hair dyes, which include home hair colouring kits and those used at pricey salons, are linked to deadly cancer-causing chemicals, warn scientists. In 2009 the Mail revealed that women who used hair dyes more than nine times a year had a 60% greater risk of contracting blood cancer.
A year later the European Commission banned 36 hair dyes which put long-term users at risk of bladder cancer. < < < <â¨
Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Halloweâen party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11

The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. Itâs made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. Itâs well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time. Skin specialist Najjia Ashraf reveals that there are barely any dyes that donât contain this toxin; even the ones who claim they donât, are not being honest. âBig brands often escape the blame by suggesting they are ammonia-free. However, ammonia and PPD are two very different things and PPD is present in nearly every dye because it is what gives off the colour,â she explains.

Should i take muscle supplements, im 14 ?


When i start 9th grade i want to be big so i decided to take some six star muscle building tablets and my friends say if i take my body will never develop is that true?

This is what i am taking http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://image.become.com/imageserver/s4/1000951684-150-150-5-32/six-star-pro-nutrition-professional-strength-ultra-bcaa-elite-series-60-cplts.jpg&imgrefurl=http://health-and-beauty.become.com/six-star-pro-nutrition-professional-strength-ultra-bcaa-elite-series-60-cplts--compare-prices--sc1257984815&usg=__VhNDsuKqFNh3leg9L0oCN-n4cZk=&h=150&w=150&sz=6&hl=en&start=14&zoom=1&tbnid=PCG0JHH9oIJYeM:&tbnh=117&tbnw=117&ei=24ILTr_8NeKosALeuZG4AQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dsix%2Bstar%2Bpro%2Bnutrition%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1349%26bih%3D559%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=267&vpy=185&dur=188&hovh=120&hovw=120&tx=113&ty=68&page=2&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:14

Dont take it bc you dont know what's in it.

The labels arent required to be accurate.

Eat foods you know for protein, skim milk & egg whites, some fish, etc.

Diet wont do anything w/o a muscle building workout routine.


http://www.presidentschallenge.org/challenge/active/index.shtml Scientifically sound fitness programs


http://health.nih.gov/ National Institue of Healthâs health info page according to body system/location, & population groups: teens, women, seniors, etc.


http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/lpirx2.html Diet & exercise. Linus Pauling Institute






http://hp2010.nhlbihin.net/menuplanner/menu.cgi National Institutes of Health, interactive grid for finding how many calories in user-selected food items, snacks or full meals.

http://books.google.com/ebooks?id=Gb7LAjTrC2kC âThe Volumetrics Eating Plan: Techniques and Recipes for Feeling Full on Fewer Caloriesâ (Google eBook). Reviews. By Barbara Rolls, PhD, Chair of Nutrition @ Penn St U.

http://www.google.com/search?q=eat+more+weigh+less+ornish&tbs=shop%3A1 Book: "Eat More, Weigh Less," by Dean Ornish, MD, Professor of Medicine @ U Cal, S.F. Eat more in volume, less in calories, feel satisfied, lose excess body fat.

And take a good multi mineral-vite like Rite Aid drugstore chainsâs Century-Vite. It's USP certified [United States Pharmacopeia.] Look for those letters on the label of all vits & mins for certification of potency, purity and dissolvability. www.usp.org/USPVerified/dietarySupplements/

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