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Protein in diet

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Proteins are complex organic compounds. The basic structure of protein is a chain of amino acids

Protein is the main component of muscles, organs, and glands. Every living cell and all body fluids, except bile and urine, contain protein. The cells of muscles, tendons, and ligaments are maintained with protein. Children and adolescents require protein for growth and development.

Food Sources
Proteins are described as essential and nonessential proteins or amino acids. The human body requires approximately 20 amino acids for the synthesis of its proteins.
The body can make only 13 of the amino acids -- these are known as the nonessential amino acids. They are called non-essential because the body can make them and does not need to get them from the diet. There are 9 essential amino acids that are obtained only from food, and not made in the body.
If the protein in a food supplies enough of the essential amino acids, it is called a complete protein. If the protein of a food does not supply all the essential amino acids, it is called an incomplete protein.
All meat and other animal products are sources of complete proteins. These include beef, lamb, pork, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, milk, and milk products.

Protein in foods (such as grains, fruits, and vegetables) are either low, incomplete protein or lack one of the essential amino acids. These food sources are considered incomplete proteins.
Plant proteins can be combined to include all of the essential amino acids and form a complete protein. Examples of combined, complete plant proteins are rice and beans, milk and wheat cereal, and corn and beans.

Side Effects
A diet high in meat could lead to high cholesterol or other diseases, such as gout. Another potential problem is that a high-protein diet may put a strain on the kidneys. Extra waste matter, which is the end product of protein metabolism, is excreted in the urine.

A nutritionally balanced diet provides adequate protein. Vegetarians are able to get enough protein if they eat the proper combination of plant proteins.
The amount of recommended daily protein depends upon age, medical conditions, and the type of diet one is following. Two to three servings of protein-rich food will meet the daily needs of most adults.

The following are the recommended serving sizes for protein:
For recommended serving sizes of protein for children and adolescents, see age appropriate diet for children
2 to 3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry, and fish (a portion about the size of a deck of playing cards)
1/2 cup of cooked dry beans, lentils, or legumes
1 egg or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, which count as 1 ounce of lean meat
Select lean meat, poultry without skin, fish, and dry beans, lentils, and legumes often. These are the protein choices that are the lowest in fat. For more information, see the food guide pyramid.

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Natural Anti-Aging Skin Care

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Our skin is of vital importance to our health. Our skin is responsible for providing protection from environment, providing us with an emotional sense of boundary, creating sensual awareness to communication with the "outside" world e.g. feeling pleasure or pain signals that are vital to our survival and well being.. How our skin feels physically often determines the way we feel emotionally.

Our skin is one way that we communicate information about ourselves to others. We blush, turn pale, signal "worry" or "stress"with wrinkles in our forehead or around our eyes and mouth. Our skin often is used by others to form an impression of our age, how much we are indoors or outdoors and our activity, through scars, wrinkles, colors, and texture of our skin. Our skin is a signal to ourselves and others about our overall health internally, externally, physically and emotionally. "How do I look?" i.e. "What are others seeing and, perhaps, thinking about me?", is a question about the appearance of our skin. This information comes from the tone, texture, firmness, and aroma of our skin.

Our skin is one of the largest "organs" of our body composing about 10% of our body weight. Our skin entirely replaces it's surface about every 60 to 90 days. Our skin eliminates waste, toxins, sends signals to our internal bodies, and actually breathes. Disturbances in our skin, e.g. eruptions, dryness, oil, rash, "age spots" wrinkles, blotches, etc are often an indication of our internal health

Many of us have used synthetic prescription drugs, lotions, or creams, to care for our skin. Often these synthetic substances are accompanied by undesired and sometimes harmful "side effects". Our bodies are designed by nature to absorb and use substances that are natural. When an "unnatural", i.e. synthetic substance, is introduced into or on our body, it "interprets" that synthetic, unnatural substance as "foreign"or as an "invader".Our body protects itself either through the production of antibodies from our immune system or does not absorb these synthetic substances.

In contrast, our body readily recognizes, absorbs and uses natural substances as the appropriate material to use to build, repair and sustain itself. Our skin operates in the same way as the rest of our body in terms of what it will or will not absorb and use. Natural substances are recognized by our skin, internally and externally, as "welcome" ingredients for use in building, repairing, and sustaining itself.

There are many natural anti-aging skin care products we can use topically on the outer surface of our skin. All natural anti-aging skin care products contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and aromas from nature that our skin readily recognizes as appropriate for use. All natural lotions and ointments, help our skin to maintain it's healthy tone, texture, elasticity, aroma and to repair injury, discard waste, breathe properly, sense appropriately, release used skin cells, build new skin cells, protect us, and improve our appearance.. These all natural products contain amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, herbs, enzymes, aromatherapy oils, and other natural substances that support our skin health.

Remember that the most important factor in the health of our skin is our internal physical health. An important aspect of anti-aging skin care is healthy digestion and elimination. Our intestinal system is responsible for absorbing food, nutrients, and water and for eliminating waste and toxins from our bodies. When our intestinal digestive system is overwhelmed, it places an extra burden on our skin to increase it's waste disposal function. When our skin's waste disposal function becomes overwhelmed, we develop skin disorders. This is particularly true when we are tying to digest processed foods, dairy products, or other foods lacking fiber. Food becomes putrefied and toxic because it cannot be processed or eliminated properly. Our skin then attempts to remove these toxins. Pores may become clogged, inflamed, discolored, dry, or oily. If we want healthy anti-aging skin, we need to keep our intestinal digestive system functioning properly. We can help our digestive system with all natural enzymes, essential fatty acids, probiotics and fiber.

Digestive enzymes reduce large food particles so that the body can absorb nutrients and the entire body, skin included, benefits. Discolored skin, wrinkles, or blemishes, can be signs of enzyme deficiency and the loss of collagen that accompanies it. Digestive enzymes reduce free radical damage, help us remove toxins and maintain a healthy balance of beneficial intestinal microflora. Probiotics provide and maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora, vital to our intestinal digestive health and, in turn, the health of our skin. Beneficial flora promotes the health bacteria we need and destroys harmful bacteria that can lead to illness and infection. Unfortunately, synthetic prescription antibiotics destroy the good bacteria along with the harmful bacteria. Probiotics help restore the healthy microflora and bacteria after synthetic antibiotic use. Probiotics also help the skin to have healthy bacteria it needs and eliminate the growth of harmful bacteria.

All natural vitamins such as Vitamins A, C, and E are essential for anti-aging skin care. Vitamin A is needed for skin cell growth and renewal. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that fights free radicals, provides nourishment for the fat layer under the skin. Vitamin A deficiency results in dry, rough skin, eruptions, wrinkles, poor texture and tone. Vitamin C helps repair skin by building collagen and fighting infection. Vitamin C deficiency is connected to aging and ultra violet ray damage. Vitamin E also protects our skin from UV damage, reduces free radicals on our skin surface, and helps prevent the peroxidation of fats which results in skin cell damage.

All natural herbs improve complexion, help remove heat, toxins and swelling from our skin. Herbs can help lighten skin and maintain natural skin moisture..Herbs help prevent scar formation and facilitate new healthy skin growth.

Amino Acids fight harmful bacteria and viruses. Amino acids help carry vital oxygen throughout the body helping our skin breathe. Amino acids are part of facilitating enzyme efficiency and hormonal balance which is a major aspect of anti-aging skin care. Amino acids help stimulate collagen production. Collagen is the tissue that determines skin firmness. By increasing the production of collagen, amino acids can help our skin retain it's firmness, therefore reducing lines and wrinkles.

Essential fatty acids, EFAs, help our skin to become softer, smoother, and retain proper moisture content. Essential fatty acids have a very beneficial effect an the synthesis of prostaglandin hormones in our skin cells. Omega 3, an essential fatty acid, greatly benefits skin texture and may also help prevent the development of skin cancer and aging of our skin.

Our bodies produce Hyaluronic acid which is found to be abundant in young skin. The affects of aging and environment gradually reduces the amount of hyaluronic acid our bodies produce and maintain. Hyaluronic acid is important for our body's connective tissue, especially in our skin. Hyaluronic acid also helps to cushion, lubricate and provide needed flexibility for our skin.

Alpha Lipoic Acid is becoming well known for it's anti-aging effects and is a potent antioxidant that combats skin damage and helps repair past skin damage. Alpha lipoic acid provides great free radical defense especially when combined with other anti-aging antioxidants.Alpha lipoic acid is soluble in both oil and water. Alpha lipoic acid enhances the benefits of vitamins C and E and Coenzyme Q 10.

Coenzyme Q 10 helps decrease cellular oxidation in skin that accompanies aging. CoQ10 enters the layers of the epidermis and reduces the level of oxidation.. CoQ10 helps protect against UV light. CoQ10 activates phosphotyrosine kinases which prevents oxidation damage. CoQ10 is a very important natural nutrient for anti-aging skin care.

Our natural skin requires natural anti-aging skin care. Many all natural anti-aging skin care nutrients are available for us. They include amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins, anti-aging antioxidants and anti-aging skin care formulas. We can help our skin externally through the use of topical all natural lotions, ointments, creams and solutions. We can keep our skin healthy internally through the use of all natural supplements, vitamins and formulas. Our skin keeps our internal system in place and protects our internal structure. Our skin provides valuable information about our overall health. Our skin is important not only for our appearance, but more vitally, for our complete well being.

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Skin Care For Men- Top Tips

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Men can seldom relate to a skin care regime for themselves dismissing it as a women thing altogether. Men's skin is inherently different from that of women and not as delicate too. However, that cannot be a reason to negate the necessity of a good skin care regimen.

A good skin care regimen is essential to maintain a healthy skin and prevent undue skin diseases, irrespective of gender based differences. And because of this, men are as prone to skin adversities as the women. Moreover, with age the skin tends to loose its elasticity as collagen fibers break down thus resulting in the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. Therefore it is as important for men as well to take good and proper care of their skin.

A skin care regimen does not involve any complications. Rather it is a simple process to follow and takes only few minutes a day. Here are some great tips for men to care about their skin more efficiently:

Face washing
Use a face-wash or a mild soap to wash your face instead of regular body soaps that are relatively stronger on the skin. Harsh chemicals in the soap can damage the skin and disrupt its natural texture Avoid using hot water on your face no matter how tempting it might be in cooler times. Always stick to cold or at the most lukewarm water to rinse your face.

Make sure you exfoliate your skin regularly, ideally twice a week. Exfoliation scrapes off the dead cells from the skin surface and promotes new and smooth layer from within. Regular exfoliation smoothens the skin texture and lends it a natural glow.

To keep the skin healthy, it is very important that you shave correctly and don't end up damaging your skin. Before you start shaving wet your face with a layer of streaming hot water so that your skin absorbs steam and gets moisturized beforehand. After that apply shaving cream on your face and shave it off very carefully taking care to avoid any cuts and wounds.

For people with dry skin types, moisturizers are the sole recluse. Dry skin lacks moisture and has low hydration levels. This makes them appear flaky and acts as a good ground for premature wrinkles and fine lines to appear. Moisturizers maintain the water level in the skin and prevent facial lines from showing. Do make sure to apply a good moisturizer after each time you shave so as to close down any open pores and reduce any signs of dryness. Also try and avoid products with heavy fragrances as they tend to contain drying agents.

Avoid excessive exposure of your face to direct sunlight. The sun emits harmful ultraviolet radiations that penetrate the skin layers and damage the cells within and disrupts the skin texture. Use a good quality sunscreen that contains an SPF of about 15 or more. Make sure you apply it before 15 to 20 minutes before going outdoors and reapply after every two to three hours.

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Lime can do wonders

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Lime is the best physician at all times. It relieves many symptoms which no doctor could do. Lime is very effective in coughs, cold and influenza. A big glass of warm water, one table spoon honey, half a lemon works wonders. Those who drink one lemon drink every day hardly have to visit a doctor.

Lime destroys the toxins in the body. Typhoid and other diseases die within no time. It is very effective in destroying the uric acid. It is very effective in destroying bacteria from intestinal tract. I t cures constipation, loss of appetite, arthritis, skin diseases, heart diseases. The high potassium content in them makes the lime very useful for preventing and curing heart diseases. It strengthens the teeth and gums. It freshens the breath. It purifies blood and liver.

It stimulates the functions of the kidney, liver and sweat glands. A ripe lime is a good appetizer. It destroys intestinal worms and expels the excessive gases formed in the digestive tract. Regular exercies and the juice helps excreting waste toxins innyour body. It purifies blood. Each and every cell of the body is rejuvenated by taking lime.

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Natural Skin Care – Brighten Your Skin With Facials

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In facial skin care, you need to pay attention to the cleansing part. It's important because you have to worry about the facemask, which you can only put on deeply cleansed skin. If you want to do your own facial at home, it's advised to use natural skin care products like cleansing milk or cream.

If your skin is oily, try a mild soap with water that's lukewarm; these will remove the oily layer on your skin. For dry skin, put some facial cream on a cotton swab and wipe your face.

Facial Massage

What melts away your tension, soothes, and unclenches your tense muscles, is the facial massage. When massaging, use oils or some talcum powder and do not massage inflamed skin or bruised areas. Before choosing a natural skin care massage cream, you need to know your skin type and whether it’s dry, oily, or combination.

Use an upward motion when you massage, from the inner side into the outer side, with little pressure when massaging around your eyes. For maximum results, keep massaging for 15 minutes and, afterwards, wipe the cream off with a cotton swab.


Steaming opens up your skin's pores, which allows it to benefit from the face mask. Boil some water in a wide-mouth pot; put a towel over your head and let your own skin soak up the steam from the pot. Be sure to add in the pot some rose-petals, peppermint, and marigold. Cover the edges of the pot with your towel, so your face gets all the steam; pat dry after 5 minutes.

Applying Face Mask

The last step in a facial is applying the facemask. You can make your own facemask or buy it from a store. A facemask often includes natural skin care ingredients such as lemon juice, orange peel, cucumber, and curds. If you wish to use a commercial facemask, make sure to follow the instructions.
When applying the mask, avoid the area around your eyes, just let the mask
touch your neck and face. On your eyes, place cotton swabs previously dipped in some rose water; this will feel refreshing.

Lie down or sit in a comfortable position and relax. After the mask has dried, wash your face with lukewarm water, peel the mask off, and apply moisturizer or cream to your face.

Always remember that the crucial part of a facial is the facemask. The facemask reinvigorates your skin, takes out dead skin cells, loosens blackheads, takes away dirt and allows your pores to breath. So go ahead and make facials a part of your natural skin care routine.

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5 Basic Steps to Keep Healthy Skin with Organic Skin Care Products

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While a lot of new products are introduced, professionals recommend still highly organic skin care products. Not only do these help the skin the natural way, they are also a lot less harmful. Combined with organic skin care, your epidermis can remain beautiful and more resistant to damage.
Below are five basic steps in keeping skin healthy, along with the use of organic skin care products.
Eat and maintain a balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that help you maintain a healthy skin the natural way. Avoid processed and greasy foods. Familiarize yourself with healthy food that you can enjoy having and at the same time will not cause you any health problem. Supplements will also provide assistance in keeping your whole body healthy. Keeping the entire body healthy is the primary key for healthy cells. This is the most important organic skin care tip as it can suffer from an unhealthy diet.
1. Drink plenty of water. A huge percentage of the body is composed of water. Water intake will help you clean the body. Water also hydrates the body and helps prevent dry skin. Well hydrated cells function well, cells that can function well can help maintain youth. The more active a person is, the more water he needs. Eight glasses of water a day is the recommended amount of water intake, however, as for athletes and energetic people, more is needed to replace the fluid they excrete through perspiration. There is no replacement to drinking plenty of water and this is not only a great organic skin care rule but a great habit to adopt.
2. Exercise. Aside from boost in energy, moderate work outs help in keeping the blood circulation better. They also increase oxygen in the blood stream. Both help in maintaining the youth of your skin.
3. Always wash face with mild cleansing products. Cleansing products with strong substances can harm cells. Ensure that you use clean water in washing the cleansing products off from the skin, don't rub it with the towel. It irritates the skin. Wipe gently with soft cloth. Organic skin care products are milder than those with synthesized or processed ingredients.
4. Look for organic skin care products. Products with natural contents do not force their way in helping you clean your skin. The nearer these contents are in nature, they work better since they somehow understand the body's natural process in fighting harmful elements and potential diseases. Make sure you use these products according to the instructions.
5. Moisturizers are recommended for all skin types. Even oily dermis loses its natural moisture after using cleansing products. If your epidermis is not properly moisturized causes it to age faster. Toners help in cleaning traces of dirt and cosmetics not easily removed even with the use of cleansers. Sunblock creams and lotions are also considered a must nowadays since ultraviolet rays have become a threat to skin.
Organic skin care gives you the opportunity to have a healthy skin, without, or at least with less worries in using harmful ingredients. The appearance of your epidermis indicates the state of your health. Healthy looking skin implies that you are a healthy person. It is also your main protection from outer sources of harm. Keeping it clean will keep you many steps away from common diseases; it will also keep it strong enough to resist or lessen the impact of damages from our surroundings.

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