Survey for VEGANS ( soap, skincare, etc)?
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za skincare

Lily G
I need more ideas since I've been vegan for a few months now. Sorry if the words are a lIttle messed, I'm on an iPod. 1) favorite soap? 2) Deodorant, toothpaste, shaving cream? 3) shampoo and hair?
All toiletries i use are bodyshop products. All their products are vegan.
All toiletries i use are bodyshop products. All their products are vegan.
Where can i buy ZA New York True White? Outside of Asia pls....?
Q. Does anyone know where in the world can i get ZA True White skincare range outside Asia, any place online sell this? TIA. x
You might try and ebay. You might find it there.
You might try and ebay. You might find it there.
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3:40 PM | 0 Comments
Mario Badescu skin care products?
Posted by
skin care database

I am thinking of buying some products from this skin care line . I have some breakouts in my t zone . Does this work? Whats your experience with it ?
It's best to do a Google " Mario Badesco Skin Care : Skin Deep Darabase" the Database conducts extensive tests of skin care products and found in tests of Mario Bedesco products that some have skin and health ingredients that can harm skin and health. The Database identifies other products that only have ingredients that are not skin or health harming.
It's best to do a Google " Mario Badesco Skin Care : Skin Deep Darabase" the Database conducts extensive tests of skin care products and found in tests of Mario Bedesco products that some have skin and health ingredients that can harm skin and health. The Database identifies other products that only have ingredients that are not skin or health harming.
Home tips for skin care and beauty?

What are some good tips?
I am asking Yahoo! Questions as opposed to "Google-ing" it so that I can see what works for people.
Dye lashes rather than use mascara, it's semi-permanent so doesn't smudge, and can be used on bottom lashes too. Use heated eyelash curlers to give a better curl, then put a little oil on them to condition and make them stand out - try sweet almond oil (also great as make up remover), coconut oil (relieves tired eyes) or olive oil (moisturising).
Avoid washes or soaps on your face as these strip away skins oils leaving it dehydrated, this makes skin overproduce oil causing greasy skin, clogged pores and spots, instead use Oil Cleansing Method (OCM). OCM keeps skin very healthy, moisturised, glowing and is the best way to prevent oily skin and spots -
Shampoo strips natural oils from hair so it becomes dry/damaged, it also causes your scalp to overcompensate, producing more oils so hair gets greasy. There's loads of other ways to wash hair, I recommend conditioner-only, use just conditioner as it contains mild surfactants so cleans without stripping your hair of oils, totally amazing results - hair will be healthier, stronger, shiny, easier to manage, grows faster, frizz-free and won't get greasy -
Learn to read ingredients on toiletries, this means you can avoid ingredients harmful to your skin and hair, and you can find what products have the highest amont of active ingredient so you get the best product for your money. You can search for ingredients or specific brands on the cosmetics database -
Check out sites like Make Your Own Cosmetics and Pioneer Thinking full of simple recipes you can make at home and useful information, their face masks are especially handy.
Before washing your hair massage your scalp, this stimulates your scalp keeping hair healthy and improves growth, use rosemarry to stimulate growth in olive oil that will condition your hair.
Sleep on silk or satin pillows, it improves hairs shine by smoothing hair rather than snagging it as you move in your sleep, it also means fewer pillow lines on your face.
For puffy eyes keep two teaspoons in the freezer and pop them onto eyes in the morning, another trick is using witch hazel gel or hemorrhoidoid cream (common model tip) to reduce puffinessess.
Always carry lip balm to prevent lips cracking, if you get cracked lips use a little olive oil on them and then rub gentleley with a wet cloth, also use oil overnight as conditioner. Rather than lipstick try using red food colouring as a lip tint for long-lasting colour.
Use tinted moisturiser rather than foundation, it's better for your skin and looks natural, then use mineral powder foundation to set which looks natural, is really healthy and gives the best coverage.
Use hair conditioner to shave, soap up first then add hair conditioner to the foam, it makes something like shaving foam only gives smoother shave and conditions your skin, so no rash - as long as it's thick just use cheap conditioner.
Use Odaban which is antiperspirantant that stops you from sweating wherever it's used, it actually works, so this means no nasty ugly sweat stains or smelling bad.
Buy vitamin E capsules, take daily to help improve skin and hair, you don't need those overpriced hair & nail vitamins. You can also add vitamin E to your lotions etc.
Don't smoke, it ages you and causes all sorts of other skin problems - if you do smoke the best method to quit is Easyway.
Use olive oil as a moisturiser for your body, it's far more effective than body lotion or baby oil, leaves your skin glowing and is known to help prevent ageing, plus add a little scented oil and you'll smell lovely all day. Another oil you can use is Bio oil for face and body, it absorbs into skin and great for keeping skin healthy and healing scars, but it's expensive, cheaper versions like Rescue Oil work just as well and as they're far cheaper you can use it daily.
Never use vasaline on your skin or hair - it's a mineral oil, a byproduct of crude oil production, it's basically waste material that they package to sell on. All it does is sit on the surface of your skin, collecting dirt and bacteria, clogging up pores and on hair adding to damage that eventually leads to breakage.
Dye lashes rather than use mascara, it's semi-permanent so doesn't smudge, and can be used on bottom lashes too. Use heated eyelash curlers to give a better curl, then put a little oil on them to condition and make them stand out - try sweet almond oil (also great as make up remover), coconut oil (relieves tired eyes) or olive oil (moisturising).
Avoid washes or soaps on your face as these strip away skins oils leaving it dehydrated, this makes skin overproduce oil causing greasy skin, clogged pores and spots, instead use Oil Cleansing Method (OCM). OCM keeps skin very healthy, moisturised, glowing and is the best way to prevent oily skin and spots -
Shampoo strips natural oils from hair so it becomes dry/damaged, it also causes your scalp to overcompensate, producing more oils so hair gets greasy. There's loads of other ways to wash hair, I recommend conditioner-only, use just conditioner as it contains mild surfactants so cleans without stripping your hair of oils, totally amazing results - hair will be healthier, stronger, shiny, easier to manage, grows faster, frizz-free and won't get greasy -
Learn to read ingredients on toiletries, this means you can avoid ingredients harmful to your skin and hair, and you can find what products have the highest amont of active ingredient so you get the best product for your money. You can search for ingredients or specific brands on the cosmetics database -
Check out sites like Make Your Own Cosmetics and Pioneer Thinking full of simple recipes you can make at home and useful information, their face masks are especially handy.
Before washing your hair massage your scalp, this stimulates your scalp keeping hair healthy and improves growth, use rosemarry to stimulate growth in olive oil that will condition your hair.
Sleep on silk or satin pillows, it improves hairs shine by smoothing hair rather than snagging it as you move in your sleep, it also means fewer pillow lines on your face.
For puffy eyes keep two teaspoons in the freezer and pop them onto eyes in the morning, another trick is using witch hazel gel or hemorrhoidoid cream (common model tip) to reduce puffinessess.
Always carry lip balm to prevent lips cracking, if you get cracked lips use a little olive oil on them and then rub gentleley with a wet cloth, also use oil overnight as conditioner. Rather than lipstick try using red food colouring as a lip tint for long-lasting colour.
Use tinted moisturiser rather than foundation, it's better for your skin and looks natural, then use mineral powder foundation to set which looks natural, is really healthy and gives the best coverage.
Use hair conditioner to shave, soap up first then add hair conditioner to the foam, it makes something like shaving foam only gives smoother shave and conditions your skin, so no rash - as long as it's thick just use cheap conditioner.
Use Odaban which is antiperspirantant that stops you from sweating wherever it's used, it actually works, so this means no nasty ugly sweat stains or smelling bad.
Buy vitamin E capsules, take daily to help improve skin and hair, you don't need those overpriced hair & nail vitamins. You can also add vitamin E to your lotions etc.
Don't smoke, it ages you and causes all sorts of other skin problems - if you do smoke the best method to quit is Easyway.
Use olive oil as a moisturiser for your body, it's far more effective than body lotion or baby oil, leaves your skin glowing and is known to help prevent ageing, plus add a little scented oil and you'll smell lovely all day. Another oil you can use is Bio oil for face and body, it absorbs into skin and great for keeping skin healthy and healing scars, but it's expensive, cheaper versions like Rescue Oil work just as well and as they're far cheaper you can use it daily.
Never use vasaline on your skin or hair - it's a mineral oil, a byproduct of crude oil production, it's basically waste material that they package to sell on. All it does is sit on the surface of your skin, collecting dirt and bacteria, clogging up pores and on hair adding to damage that eventually leads to breakage.
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2:40 AM | 0 Comments
question about beauty school plz help me!!!!?
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beauty and health industry

cookies an
so i wanted to go to beauty school and do the esthetician program, but my family does not support me. My godfather kind of looks down on it, and my brother told me that, if i want to go to school that i should go for something that is worth it and is going to give you money. My aunt told me that, that is not a career and her friend said the same thing. Basically they tell me that I will never have money, I will be poor and that is a field for losers and not smart people. I need your help
How much does a esthetician make?
Do they offer health insurance at work?
Is what there telling me true?
If esthetics is your dream do it. You will be happy to know that yahoo rated esthetician as one of the top jobs of 2012. In addition, like most jobs in the beauty industry the amount of money you make is completely up to you. Unlike most jobs, in the beauty industry the harder you work the more you make. If you want to simply do facials part time you will be limited in how much you make but if you work full time or own your own spa your income is limitless. There are plenty of people in the beauty industry who make 6 or 7 figures a year. It can be done and if you want it and work hard you can do it too.
As for your family who say its a field for losers, not smart people and that you will never have any money, all I can say is they are wrong. I know many people who have degrees, are well educated and extremely successful who went into the beauty industry because it was their passion. Do what you love and the money and success will follow. Prove your doubters wrong by being a smart success! Best of luck, I have a feeling you are going to do great.
If esthetics is your dream do it. You will be happy to know that yahoo rated esthetician as one of the top jobs of 2012. In addition, like most jobs in the beauty industry the amount of money you make is completely up to you. Unlike most jobs, in the beauty industry the harder you work the more you make. If you want to simply do facials part time you will be limited in how much you make but if you work full time or own your own spa your income is limitless. There are plenty of people in the beauty industry who make 6 or 7 figures a year. It can be done and if you want it and work hard you can do it too.
As for your family who say its a field for losers, not smart people and that you will never have any money, all I can say is they are wrong. I know many people who have degrees, are well educated and extremely successful who went into the beauty industry because it was their passion. Do what you love and the money and success will follow. Prove your doubters wrong by being a smart success! Best of luck, I have a feeling you are going to do great.
Beauty Sampler/Tester?

does anybody know how to get samples or trials of beauty products? I want to be a tester of different products but I am unsure of how to get started
One way is to go directly to the website of the product you are interested in trying (Example: If you wanna try out the newest Cover Girl lipstick, go to Cover Girl's website). When companies introduce new products, especially companies in the Health and Beauty industry, they will usually offer free samples of the product via their website. They won't advertise about it, so you have to be proactive and look their website up yourself. But it might be worth it for free stuff! Hope this helps!
One way is to go directly to the website of the product you are interested in trying (Example: If you wanna try out the newest Cover Girl lipstick, go to Cover Girl's website). When companies introduce new products, especially companies in the Health and Beauty industry, they will usually offer free samples of the product via their website. They won't advertise about it, so you have to be proactive and look their website up yourself. But it might be worth it for free stuff! Hope this helps!
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11:40 PM | 0 Comments
How much does a skin care specialist earn an hour and for their first year?
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skin care employment

I want to study cosmetology, but I'm more interested in skin care. I know cosmetologists get paid like 6 an hour, but how much does a skin care specialist get paid??
An hourly rate completely depends on who you are working for and what the terms of your employment are. For example, if you rent your own space and are doing simple european facials, you can generally charge between $65 and $150 per hour depending on where you are located (nowhere, Virginia or New York City). If you own the space, this is all yours - do 4 a day and you have yourself a nice $100,000 per year job. If you enter into a "split" agreement with a spa or clinic owner, you may get a 50% split of whatever you do, so the same facial, you will get $35 to $75 for each treatment. The difference here is that you have no expenses or overhead to deal with.
Lastly, if you have specialty equipment like a LipoMax, or DermaPod machine, for example, you can charge a LOT more for each treatment - well into the hundreds. Also- you can set up repeat treatments to get a much higher average customer value.
An hourly rate completely depends on who you are working for and what the terms of your employment are. For example, if you rent your own space and are doing simple european facials, you can generally charge between $65 and $150 per hour depending on where you are located (nowhere, Virginia or New York City). If you own the space, this is all yours - do 4 a day and you have yourself a nice $100,000 per year job. If you enter into a "split" agreement with a spa or clinic owner, you may get a 50% split of whatever you do, so the same facial, you will get $35 to $75 for each treatment. The difference here is that you have no expenses or overhead to deal with.
Lastly, if you have specialty equipment like a LipoMax, or DermaPod machine, for example, you can charge a LOT more for each treatment - well into the hundreds. Also- you can set up repeat treatments to get a much higher average customer value.
Dermatology Skin Care carear help!?

Katie T
I've always wanted a carear in skin care. My dream job would be working for companies such as Dermalogica or Neutrogena.
However, I'm not sure if that is a specific job or carear.
I've thought about becoming a dermatologist but I would just want to focus on acne instead of all skin problems.
Is there any profession that entails researching and coming up with new products?
Research and Development (R&D)
You'd probably need an advanced degree in either Chemical Engineering, Materials (Science) Engineering, Biological or Biomedical Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, or Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Heres a link to the Johnson and Johnson employment website (they own Neutrogena):
Try searching for a job with the description you would want and look at the requirements.
I don't think Dermatology is the best route to go through especially if you don't want to actually practice as a doctor. Dermatology is one of the most competitive residencies in medicine and you should be fine with doing another medical specialty as a back up if you pursue that route.
Research and Development (R&D)
You'd probably need an advanced degree in either Chemical Engineering, Materials (Science) Engineering, Biological or Biomedical Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, or Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Heres a link to the Johnson and Johnson employment website (they own Neutrogena):
Try searching for a job with the description you would want and look at the requirements.
I don't think Dermatology is the best route to go through especially if you don't want to actually practice as a doctor. Dermatology is one of the most competitive residencies in medicine and you should be fine with doing another medical specialty as a back up if you pursue that route.
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8:40 AM | 0 Comments
las vegas skin center????
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skin care las vegas

well me and my family decided i can get laser treetment for my face / back (acne).....i basically have acne on my back and face..more than average people stresses me out and i've tried everything from a special diet to cleanse my body from skin products and hormone ballance pills. Its probably 90% genetics so i want to do the laser treatment, but i dont where you do it ? can people who have experience from this laser treetment give me the number and address in las vegas? im a teenager and ive heard a lot of teens get this procedure done ..HELP! haha
I would like for you to talk to my wife. She is a skin care expert in Las Vegas. She is a Licensed Aesthetician and works at a spa on the west side. You can call her at 702-808-4926
I would like for you to talk to my wife. She is a skin care expert in Las Vegas. She is a Licensed Aesthetician and works at a spa on the west side. You can call her at 702-808-4926
Choosing a Hotel In Las Vegas

Hello All,
I am going to Vegas in November (first time) with my boyfriend and I am sooooo over whelmed with how many options I have to choose from as far as the hotels. The main factor for me isâ¦. the hotel has to have NICE SHEETS!!! I don't like the old school Day Inn sheets at all, for exampleâ¦.I like to smooth white sheets that feel good on your skin⦠a nice thread count lol. Yea I know⦠I may be picky but I want to be comfortable, I am staying for a week. From your experience... what is the best hotel to stay in when it comes to Las Vegas? That has nice sheets of course :) I look forward to hearing from you guys!
Also, do you think it's necessary to rent a car to get around? Or are things so close walking/catching a cab is no biggie?
P.S. I donât really care about the priceâ¦. .I just want your opinion
How is the MGM hotel? It looks pretty nice...
When you look for a hotel in Vegas consider this. For the most part all of the big hotels on the Strip are great. The most important things to consider are location, price, and in the summer you want to consider the hotelâs pool area. So, stay on the strip in the center of all of the hotel locations so that you can walk to see all of the hotels and casinos, and all of the free attractions.
( )
The best place to stay to do that is in one of the hotels on or nearest to Flamingo Rd & the Strip. At that corner is Caesars Palace, Bellagio, the Flamingo, Ballys, and the Paris hotels. This link will take you to a map of the strip so you can see ( I am not saying you need to stay in one of these but stay close to them. I do recommend the Flamingo and Monte Carlo hotels if you are looking for a good price, location and pool.
The next thing to consider in picking the BEST place is price. Rates go down in the summer (and again after Thanksgiving, until about mid-January (except new years eve when prices double)). So pick a place that has the best price for you. Caesars, Wynn, The Venetian, and Bellagio will cost top dollar all of the time (like $150 and up) per night during the summer. The Flamingo, Ballys Monte Carlo, and some others you can get into for around $100 (but most times for less) during the low seasons. Its also more expensive in all Vegas hotels on Friday and Saturday nights by $40 to $60 more. So to get a lower rate plan to go to Vegas on Sunday and stay through Thursday night.
I have stayed at Mandalay Bay, Excalibur, Paris, MGM, Monte Carlo, Bellagio, Caesars, the Rio, the Flamingo, Ballys, and Harrahs. But the BEST place for me when I go is who has the best price. Again, all of the Strip hotels are great. So shop the web sites, look at the hotel rate calendars, and go when the price is the lowest. That's the best place to stay on the Strip.
If you want THE BEST hotels on the Strip, stay at Bellagio, The Venetian, Caesars Palace, The Wynn & Palazzio, or Mandalay Bay. They WILL have the nicest digs in Vegas and they also cost the most.
The MGM is also nice, I have stayed there, but make sure that you get one of the Tower rooms and not a West Wing room (they are very small).
People go to Vegas to sightsee as well as gamble. You can see most of the stuff on the Strip by walking, so you don't need a rental car. There is a free monorail between Excalibur, Luxor, and Mandalay Bay. The one on the opposite side of the street which runs from the MGM to the Hilton you have to pay to ride. There is a free bus between Harrahs Hotel to the RIO Hotel that runs every half hour. There is also a free bus that you can get outside the Bills Gambling Hall Hotel (formerly Barbary Coast Casino) that will take you to the Orleans and some other off strip casinos.
Many of the hotels on the Strip are very close together. Many you access by simply walking across an overpass over the Strip or other major streets and walk right into the next hotel. For example, you walk from the Excalibur or MGM across an overpass and walk right into the NY, NY hotel. Further up the Strip you walk from the Paris hotel/Casino through a connecting hallway right into Ballys. Then you can take one of the other overpasses to get directly into the Flamingo, Bellagio, or Caesars. The Paris hotel is right across the street from Bellagio; the Mirage is right across the street from Harrahs; and the Treasure Island and Mirage are right across the street from the Venetian. Besides, there are lots of things to see walking up and down the Strip. If you do get a car, be aware that although all parking at hotels is free (including valet parking) if you park yourself you will also have a long walk to get to the casinos and Strip. That's because the hotel lots and garages are all well behind the hotels. If you do get a car I recommend that you use the hotel's valet parking; just tip the driver when they bring your car when you leave.
Plan which hotels/casinos you want to visit each day so you can make the most of your walking and the free monorails and scuttles. When you get to Vegas you will probably have in your hotel room a free guide to the city called either "What's ON" , âShowbizâor "Las Vegas Today". These are helpful guises as they have a map of the Strip and city with the hotels marked, current hotel shows and prices, plus useful coupons. Some coupons will give you a free souvenir from certain hotels; you just have to take the coupon to the hotel. They also list hotel restaurants and buffets time sand prices.
When you look for a hotel in Vegas consider this. For the most part all of the big hotels on the Strip are great. The most important things to consider are location, price, and in the summer you want to consider the hotelâs pool area. So, stay on the strip in the center of all of the hotel locations so that you can walk to see all of the hotels and casinos, and all of the free attractions.
( )
The best place to stay to do that is in one of the hotels on or nearest to Flamingo Rd & the Strip. At that corner is Caesars Palace, Bellagio, the Flamingo, Ballys, and the Paris hotels. This link will take you to a map of the strip so you can see ( I am not saying you need to stay in one of these but stay close to them. I do recommend the Flamingo and Monte Carlo hotels if you are looking for a good price, location and pool.
The next thing to consider in picking the BEST place is price. Rates go down in the summer (and again after Thanksgiving, until about mid-January (except new years eve when prices double)). So pick a place that has the best price for you. Caesars, Wynn, The Venetian, and Bellagio will cost top dollar all of the time (like $150 and up) per night during the summer. The Flamingo, Ballys Monte Carlo, and some others you can get into for around $100 (but most times for less) during the low seasons. Its also more expensive in all Vegas hotels on Friday and Saturday nights by $40 to $60 more. So to get a lower rate plan to go to Vegas on Sunday and stay through Thursday night.
I have stayed at Mandalay Bay, Excalibur, Paris, MGM, Monte Carlo, Bellagio, Caesars, the Rio, the Flamingo, Ballys, and Harrahs. But the BEST place for me when I go is who has the best price. Again, all of the Strip hotels are great. So shop the web sites, look at the hotel rate calendars, and go when the price is the lowest. That's the best place to stay on the Strip.
If you want THE BEST hotels on the Strip, stay at Bellagio, The Venetian, Caesars Palace, The Wynn & Palazzio, or Mandalay Bay. They WILL have the nicest digs in Vegas and they also cost the most.
The MGM is also nice, I have stayed there, but make sure that you get one of the Tower rooms and not a West Wing room (they are very small).
People go to Vegas to sightsee as well as gamble. You can see most of the stuff on the Strip by walking, so you don't need a rental car. There is a free monorail between Excalibur, Luxor, and Mandalay Bay. The one on the opposite side of the street which runs from the MGM to the Hilton you have to pay to ride. There is a free bus between Harrahs Hotel to the RIO Hotel that runs every half hour. There is also a free bus that you can get outside the Bills Gambling Hall Hotel (formerly Barbary Coast Casino) that will take you to the Orleans and some other off strip casinos.
Many of the hotels on the Strip are very close together. Many you access by simply walking across an overpass over the Strip or other major streets and walk right into the next hotel. For example, you walk from the Excalibur or MGM across an overpass and walk right into the NY, NY hotel. Further up the Strip you walk from the Paris hotel/Casino through a connecting hallway right into Ballys. Then you can take one of the other overpasses to get directly into the Flamingo, Bellagio, or Caesars. The Paris hotel is right across the street from Bellagio; the Mirage is right across the street from Harrahs; and the Treasure Island and Mirage are right across the street from the Venetian. Besides, there are lots of things to see walking up and down the Strip. If you do get a car, be aware that although all parking at hotels is free (including valet parking) if you park yourself you will also have a long walk to get to the casinos and Strip. That's because the hotel lots and garages are all well behind the hotels. If you do get a car I recommend that you use the hotel's valet parking; just tip the driver when they bring your car when you leave.
Plan which hotels/casinos you want to visit each day so you can make the most of your walking and the free monorails and scuttles. When you get to Vegas you will probably have in your hotel room a free guide to the city called either "What's ON" , âShowbizâor "Las Vegas Today". These are helpful guises as they have a map of the Strip and city with the hotels marked, current hotel shows and prices, plus useful coupons. Some coupons will give you a free souvenir from certain hotels; you just have to take the coupon to the hotel. They also list hotel restaurants and buffets time sand prices.
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8:00 AM | 0 Comments
Okay all you make up/skin care gurus! I need your help! @#$#!?
Posted by
skin care guru
Q. I have very oily skin as well as redness and un even skin tone. This makes foundation hard to apply/last through out the day. Also when I feel my face i feel bumps, not pimples but more like dry patches/black/ white heads on my noes and cheeks.(i have alot of black and white heads my nose. They go deep down. I get rid of them for a week and they come back. Poors strips only get a few of them. (i unfortunately inherited this from my mother who has huge pores and alot of black heads. Hers looks more like holes.. some of mine look like holes as well as i feel the grainyness when i run my fingers over my face &some are deep down)
I use to wash my face with clean and clear morning brust scrub, to get rid of the grainy feel/dead skin but found this made my skin way more oily. Which cleared the uneven FEEL of my skin but my oil production sky rocketed especialy around my nose/ cheeks and chin.
I've used Clean and clear cream cleanser (in the yellow/white bottle AS well as the Green and white bottle for redness)
Clean and clear morning burts scrub, St.ives mask (clay mask for oil). Oxy pads.. but found they dried me out.
Any thing i could use to reduce oil production as well as soothe redness/even skin tone(the look of it) as well as evening it out not have rough patches that my makeup doesnt sit well on? I find it makes my make up look gross/cakey and grainy. I use both liquid foundation as well as a setting powder
Any drugstore products to use, or home remidies, BOTH is even better. :)
Looking for actual face washes that can be bought at drug store. Or products. /Routines...
I use to wash my face with clean and clear morning brust scrub, to get rid of the grainy feel/dead skin but found this made my skin way more oily. Which cleared the uneven FEEL of my skin but my oil production sky rocketed especialy around my nose/ cheeks and chin.
I've used Clean and clear cream cleanser (in the yellow/white bottle AS well as the Green and white bottle for redness)
Clean and clear morning burts scrub, St.ives mask (clay mask for oil). Oxy pads.. but found they dried me out.
Any thing i could use to reduce oil production as well as soothe redness/even skin tone(the look of it) as well as evening it out not have rough patches that my makeup doesnt sit well on? I find it makes my make up look gross/cakey and grainy. I use both liquid foundation as well as a setting powder
Any drugstore products to use, or home remidies, BOTH is even better. :)
Looking for actual face washes that can be bought at drug store. Or products. /Routines...
Alba Botanica Pineapple Enzyme cleanser followed by their Pineapple Enzyme scrub (gentle enough for daily use. Every third day or so, switch to the St Ives blemish control scrub (too harsh for everyday). You can purchase this all from the drugstore or target and walmart. Alba is cheapest at walmart. You can get both products for 9 dollars each.
Use witch hazel from the drugstore as toner. It will remove whatever excess oil/bacteria you may have trapped in your pores as well as tighten them. It won't irritate or overdry and is known to aid in treating acne problems.
Last, even oily skin needs to be moisturized. Jojoba oil is the ideal option because it tricks your skin into producing less oil while leaving it appropriately moisturized. It is very balancing and doesn't clog or irritate your pores. It reduces redness, helps treat acne, prevent blackheads, fades scarring over time and can also be used as a makeup remover. You can purchase from Jason Natural at whole foods or trader joes for 6-8 dollars a bottle.
(For night masks, you can use the St Ives Mineral Clay firming mask but don't use it more than 2 nights a week, you don't want to overdry your skin! Also Derma Topix Mint Clay mask is another favorite)
In the morning, after jojoba absorbs, apply one thin layer of PLAIN milk of magnesia from the drugstore as primer. It is a matifying miracle and will keep you matte far longer than most high end ones will. It also tightens pores with everyday use as well as prevents acne without overdrying or harming skin. A bottle of 4 dollars last a very long time.
Just apply it to your face with a sponge, allow it to dry and smooth out whatever white spots you may see. They will disappear and you will be ready for makeup if you wear any.
Next, you don't want to wear a very heavy foundation. You want your skin to breath and look/feel natural. You should stick to light -medium coverage foundations.
My favorites:
Revlon Mineral Mousse. It has spf 20, provides light to medium coverage that looks and feels very natural, breathable. It evens out skintone, minimizes pores, covers redness and minor blemishes. It has a matte finish and is flawless on oily skin. Just apply with a damp makeup sponge.
Also love Almay Smart Shade and Almay Clear Complexion for similar coverage when breaking out.
For concealer, use Hard Candy Glamoflauge. It is long lasting and will cover everything from under eye circles, big blemishes, redness, birthmarks to scarring etc. A tube lasts a very long time and its cheap at walmart.
Last, set everything with Hard Candy Welcome Matte. It is one of the only powders to keep me matte this long, high end or drugstore. On a regular day you will remain matte without touchups if following the routine. On a very hot/humid day, you might need a minor touchup about 8 hours in. For the price its amazing. The only powder to keep me matte no matter how hot/humid is jurlique citrus silk but thats 36 dollars, lol.
Make sure to wash makeup off at night with no exceptions and clean your makeup brushes at least 3 times a week. Don't share makeup/tools, Don't touch your face if your hands haven't been washed, don't reuse makeup sponges (buy bags of 200 for 2 bucks at beauty supply store) they collect bacteria, don't use powder puffs that come with powders (use brush you clean instead) , change your pillow sheets frequently. This is all common sense but many people ignore it and only contribute more problems to their skin.
Also eat a balanced diet of greens, veggies, fruits, legumes, grains, nuts, lean protein, good fats and carbs etc , cut out too much greasy/sugary food if you eat any and drink at least ten glasses of pure water a day. This should also balance your skin.
Anyway this should work for you and good luck!
Alba Botanica Pineapple Enzyme cleanser followed by their Pineapple Enzyme scrub (gentle enough for daily use. Every third day or so, switch to the St Ives blemish control scrub (too harsh for everyday). You can purchase this all from the drugstore or target and walmart. Alba is cheapest at walmart. You can get both products for 9 dollars each.
Use witch hazel from the drugstore as toner. It will remove whatever excess oil/bacteria you may have trapped in your pores as well as tighten them. It won't irritate or overdry and is known to aid in treating acne problems.
Last, even oily skin needs to be moisturized. Jojoba oil is the ideal option because it tricks your skin into producing less oil while leaving it appropriately moisturized. It is very balancing and doesn't clog or irritate your pores. It reduces redness, helps treat acne, prevent blackheads, fades scarring over time and can also be used as a makeup remover. You can purchase from Jason Natural at whole foods or trader joes for 6-8 dollars a bottle.
(For night masks, you can use the St Ives Mineral Clay firming mask but don't use it more than 2 nights a week, you don't want to overdry your skin! Also Derma Topix Mint Clay mask is another favorite)
In the morning, after jojoba absorbs, apply one thin layer of PLAIN milk of magnesia from the drugstore as primer. It is a matifying miracle and will keep you matte far longer than most high end ones will. It also tightens pores with everyday use as well as prevents acne without overdrying or harming skin. A bottle of 4 dollars last a very long time.
Just apply it to your face with a sponge, allow it to dry and smooth out whatever white spots you may see. They will disappear and you will be ready for makeup if you wear any.
Next, you don't want to wear a very heavy foundation. You want your skin to breath and look/feel natural. You should stick to light -medium coverage foundations.
My favorites:
Revlon Mineral Mousse. It has spf 20, provides light to medium coverage that looks and feels very natural, breathable. It evens out skintone, minimizes pores, covers redness and minor blemishes. It has a matte finish and is flawless on oily skin. Just apply with a damp makeup sponge.
Also love Almay Smart Shade and Almay Clear Complexion for similar coverage when breaking out.
For concealer, use Hard Candy Glamoflauge. It is long lasting and will cover everything from under eye circles, big blemishes, redness, birthmarks to scarring etc. A tube lasts a very long time and its cheap at walmart.
Last, set everything with Hard Candy Welcome Matte. It is one of the only powders to keep me matte this long, high end or drugstore. On a regular day you will remain matte without touchups if following the routine. On a very hot/humid day, you might need a minor touchup about 8 hours in. For the price its amazing. The only powder to keep me matte no matter how hot/humid is jurlique citrus silk but thats 36 dollars, lol.
Make sure to wash makeup off at night with no exceptions and clean your makeup brushes at least 3 times a week. Don't share makeup/tools, Don't touch your face if your hands haven't been washed, don't reuse makeup sponges (buy bags of 200 for 2 bucks at beauty supply store) they collect bacteria, don't use powder puffs that come with powders (use brush you clean instead) , change your pillow sheets frequently. This is all common sense but many people ignore it and only contribute more problems to their skin.
Also eat a balanced diet of greens, veggies, fruits, legumes, grains, nuts, lean protein, good fats and carbs etc , cut out too much greasy/sugary food if you eat any and drink at least ten glasses of pure water a day. This should also balance your skin.
Anyway this should work for you and good luck!
Your skin care routine?
Q. I'd love to know what your skin care routine are, i'm always looking for some, because I've just became totally obsessed with skin care, room tours, what's in my bag videos, ever since finding a bunch of beauty guru channels.
at the moment mine is:
tescos facial scrub,
cocoa butter body butter
but i really need to get rid of my blackheads and get a proper skin care routine, hahaa:')
i may try that one, but like, do you have any store bought stuff? :)
at the moment mine is:
tescos facial scrub,
cocoa butter body butter
but i really need to get rid of my blackheads and get a proper skin care routine, hahaa:')
i may try that one, but like, do you have any store bought stuff? :)
If you're obsessed with skin care, mine is probably interesting haha. I recently came up with this one, I've been using it for a week now and its doing a pretty amazing job.
- Wash my face with glycerin face soap w/ tea tree oil and lime (supposedly very healthy for your skin)
the link:
- Then I use lemon juice straight from the fruit as a toner (works really good at keeping my skin clear and it gives it a nice glow)
- And for moisturizer I use a few drops of extra virgin olive oil (which I also heard is extremely beneficial for skin as a moisturizer)
For Night time I do the same thing. Also with the olive oil, I use it during the day only because its summer and I just laze around the house all day. If im going somewhere I use Aveeno's Clear Complexion Moisturizer instead so my face isnt all oily.
the link:
And that's it. Hope I helped<33
If you're obsessed with skin care, mine is probably interesting haha. I recently came up with this one, I've been using it for a week now and its doing a pretty amazing job.
- Wash my face with glycerin face soap w/ tea tree oil and lime (supposedly very healthy for your skin)
the link:
- Then I use lemon juice straight from the fruit as a toner (works really good at keeping my skin clear and it gives it a nice glow)
- And for moisturizer I use a few drops of extra virgin olive oil (which I also heard is extremely beneficial for skin as a moisturizer)
For Night time I do the same thing. Also with the olive oil, I use it during the day only because its summer and I just laze around the house all day. If im going somewhere I use Aveeno's Clear Complexion Moisturizer instead so my face isnt all oily.
the link:
And that's it. Hope I helped<33
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12:40 PM | 0 Comments
skin problemmmm... slight acne :(?
Posted by
skin care kits for women
Q. okay i have veryy moderate acne.. in fact it's hardly acne.
i have little little pimples EVERYWHERE though! and a few blackheads and a few pimples occasionaly.
i use clean an clear, and it really has improved my skin... (from actual spots and acne)
but i hate these little pimples!
any ideas?
and for a better complexion in general? :)
by the way my skin is pretty dry
i have little little pimples EVERYWHERE though! and a few blackheads and a few pimples occasionaly.
i use clean an clear, and it really has improved my skin... (from actual spots and acne)
but i hate these little pimples!
any ideas?
and for a better complexion in general? :)
by the way my skin is pretty dry
RECOMMENDED SKIN CAREâ¦I use clean and clear cream wash (good for sensitive skin or those that dry to easy) or Neutrogena clear skin make up remover wash. Both contain salicylic acid which prevents breakouts and gradually evens the skin tone out too. This is the most important thing you can do. Iâve tried various âoil freeâ/âsalicylic acidâ moisturisers but the best Iâve found is the clean and clear onâ¦I found the Neutrogena one actually seemed to aggravate my skin.
EMERGENCY SPOT TREATMENT!...The toothpaste things works! Put on a blob at night and put a bit of tissue over it so it doesn't make a mess. It cools the area down and reduces the inflammation. I also recommend the clean and clear advantage spot treatment gel.
HORMONAL SPOTSâ¦Any female with spots I'd recommend trying dianette or yasmine contraceptive pills because if it's hormonal that can sort everything out within weeksâ¦though it can take a couple of months to get used to the pill.
FACIAL ACNE: AVOIDâ¦Don't use harsh scrubs and peroxide products daily like some people do; that can dry your skin and make produce MORE oil...just exacerbating the problem. Many face packs Iâve tried and those blackhead removal strips too seem to have caused problems.
Iâve also had problems with those âfacial wipesâ made by clean and clear and Neutrogena because theyâre too drying and when the top layerâs too dry, the oil gets stuck underneath and causes more problems!
Some say chocolate doesnât affect itâ¦it does for me and I donât know how or why that should be but certain foods do seem to affect break out. Coffee is one of those things that seems to aggravate my skin too. So look out for anything you eat that might be making it worse.
HAIR PRODUCTSâ¦Be careful what products you use in your hair if it's long - certain conditioners have causes me to break out at times. Also be careful of hair gels, hair sprays and serums.
INGROWING HAIRSâ¦For men or womenâ¦if you have oily skin, these are more likely. For menâ¦use a facial scrub and avoid moisturisers that donât have salicylic acid in them if you use a moisturiser. Some hair conditioners are much better lubricants than shaving cream too â so you might want to try that, and then was afterwards with a clean and clear was etc. Also I recommend the microdermabrasion kit mentioned later.
For womenâ¦waxing seems to cause the main problem â we pay most attention to our faces. Waxing seems to be the main culprit as opposed to shaving or hair removal creamsâ¦to avoid in-growing hairs, make sure to exfoliate. I recommend using those exfoliating gloves â that way, you can use any kind of shower gel.
NUTRITIONâ¦I recommend taking a 100% multi vitamin/mineral complex â those little spots you get around your mouth can be due to a vitamin b deficiency for example. Also I recommend Omega 369 oils every day because they improve blood flow.
OLD WIVES TALE??...It's an 'old wives tale' type remedy - but a spoonful of cider vinegar and honey in hot water 3 times a day is meant to help EVERYTHING. It tastes nice too...kinda like honey and lemon X
HYDRATIONâ¦.Keep your hydration right by drinking plenty of water, avoiding caffeine and alcohol and too much salt!
DEALING WITH SCARRINGâ¦thereâs an excellent micro-dermabrasion scrub called âre-finishâ by L'oreal. You only use it a couple of times a week (and use at night because it makes your face red!). It really works not just with the colouring but also the texture - smoothes it back out. It comes with it's own moisturiser which I don't use but I use the scrub at night a couple of times a week and put bio oil on which it supposed to help clear scarring and even skin tone.
If you get your skin relatively under control, try using '21 days Fade Cream' (which I get from eBay) because it quickly clears up any scarring. Itâs a skin lightening cream and is very effective as long as your skin type agrees with it. Bio oil is a good alternative!
Also, to detract from the colour variations in your skin tone, I recommend using Benefitâs Posie Tint or Benetint lipstain â this can be put on your cheeks and lips (which also makes your teeth look whiter as an added bonus). Lipstain is better than lipstick because it doesnât smudge and it stays on; you can put lip balm or lip gloss on over it. Also, if you use it (SPARINGLY) on your cheeks, it is just like putting water on there; it doesnât aggravate the skin or cause breakouts.
RECOMMENDED SKIN CAREâ¦I use clean and clear cream wash (good for sensitive skin or those that dry to easy) or Neutrogena clear skin make up remover wash. Both contain salicylic acid which prevents breakouts and gradually evens the skin tone out too. This is the most important thing you can do. Iâve tried various âoil freeâ/âsalicylic acidâ moisturisers but the best Iâve found is the clean and clear onâ¦I found the Neutrogena one actually seemed to aggravate my skin.
EMERGENCY SPOT TREATMENT!...The toothpaste things works! Put on a blob at night and put a bit of tissue over it so it doesn't make a mess. It cools the area down and reduces the inflammation. I also recommend the clean and clear advantage spot treatment gel.
HORMONAL SPOTSâ¦Any female with spots I'd recommend trying dianette or yasmine contraceptive pills because if it's hormonal that can sort everything out within weeksâ¦though it can take a couple of months to get used to the pill.
FACIAL ACNE: AVOIDâ¦Don't use harsh scrubs and peroxide products daily like some people do; that can dry your skin and make produce MORE oil...just exacerbating the problem. Many face packs Iâve tried and those blackhead removal strips too seem to have caused problems.
Iâve also had problems with those âfacial wipesâ made by clean and clear and Neutrogena because theyâre too drying and when the top layerâs too dry, the oil gets stuck underneath and causes more problems!
Some say chocolate doesnât affect itâ¦it does for me and I donât know how or why that should be but certain foods do seem to affect break out. Coffee is one of those things that seems to aggravate my skin too. So look out for anything you eat that might be making it worse.
HAIR PRODUCTSâ¦Be careful what products you use in your hair if it's long - certain conditioners have causes me to break out at times. Also be careful of hair gels, hair sprays and serums.
INGROWING HAIRSâ¦For men or womenâ¦if you have oily skin, these are more likely. For menâ¦use a facial scrub and avoid moisturisers that donât have salicylic acid in them if you use a moisturiser. Some hair conditioners are much better lubricants than shaving cream too â so you might want to try that, and then was afterwards with a clean and clear was etc. Also I recommend the microdermabrasion kit mentioned later.
For womenâ¦waxing seems to cause the main problem â we pay most attention to our faces. Waxing seems to be the main culprit as opposed to shaving or hair removal creamsâ¦to avoid in-growing hairs, make sure to exfoliate. I recommend using those exfoliating gloves â that way, you can use any kind of shower gel.
NUTRITIONâ¦I recommend taking a 100% multi vitamin/mineral complex â those little spots you get around your mouth can be due to a vitamin b deficiency for example. Also I recommend Omega 369 oils every day because they improve blood flow.
OLD WIVES TALE??...It's an 'old wives tale' type remedy - but a spoonful of cider vinegar and honey in hot water 3 times a day is meant to help EVERYTHING. It tastes nice too...kinda like honey and lemon X
HYDRATIONâ¦.Keep your hydration right by drinking plenty of water, avoiding caffeine and alcohol and too much salt!
DEALING WITH SCARRINGâ¦thereâs an excellent micro-dermabrasion scrub called âre-finishâ by L'oreal. You only use it a couple of times a week (and use at night because it makes your face red!). It really works not just with the colouring but also the texture - smoothes it back out. It comes with it's own moisturiser which I don't use but I use the scrub at night a couple of times a week and put bio oil on which it supposed to help clear scarring and even skin tone.
If you get your skin relatively under control, try using '21 days Fade Cream' (which I get from eBay) because it quickly clears up any scarring. Itâs a skin lightening cream and is very effective as long as your skin type agrees with it. Bio oil is a good alternative!
Also, to detract from the colour variations in your skin tone, I recommend using Benefitâs Posie Tint or Benetint lipstain â this can be put on your cheeks and lips (which also makes your teeth look whiter as an added bonus). Lipstain is better than lipstick because it doesnât smudge and it stays on; you can put lip balm or lip gloss on over it. Also, if you use it (SPARINGLY) on your cheeks, it is just like putting water on there; it doesnât aggravate the skin or cause breakouts.
Need help with skin!?

I'm 14 and I gotta not bad skin, but it never gets any better. I break out often just from having little things like carbonated drinks, or a slice of pizza. I have used Oxy, Clearisil, Clean and Clear, Cetaphil, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and none of them seem to permanently work. If you have any info that could possibly be of any help it would be greatly appreciated, as I'm rather desperate. Thanks alot
RECOMMENDED SKIN CAREâ¦I use clean and clear cream wash (good for sensitive skin or those that dry to easy) or Neutrogena clear skin make up remover wash. Both contain salicylic acid which prevents breakouts and gradually evens the skin tone out too. This is the most important thing you can do. Iâve tried various âoil freeâ/âsalicylic acidâ moisturisers but the best Iâve found is the clean and clear onâ¦I found the Neutrogena one actually seemed to aggravate my skin.
EMERGENCY SPOT TREATMENT!...The toothpaste things works! Put on a blob at night and put a bit of tissue over it so it doesn't make a mess. It cools the area down and reduces the inflammation. I also recommend the clean and clear advantage spot treatment gel.
HORMONAL SPOTSâ¦Any female with spots I'd recommend trying dianette or yasmine contraceptive pills because if it's hormonal that can sort everything out within weeksâ¦though it can take a couple of months to get used to the pill.
FACIAL ACNE: AVOIDâ¦Don't use harsh scrubs and peroxide products daily like some people do; that can dry your skin and make produce MORE oil...just exacerbating the problem. Many face packs Iâve tried and those blackhead removal strips too seem to have caused problems.
Iâve also had problems with those âfacial wipesâ made by clean and clear and Neutrogena because theyâre too drying and when the top layerâs too dry, the oil gets stuck underneath and causes more problems!
Some say chocolate doesnât affect itâ¦it does for me and I donât know how or why that should be but certain foods do seem to affect break out. Coffee is one of those things that seems to aggravate my skin too. So look out for anything you eat that might be making it worse.
HAIR PRODUCTSâ¦Be careful what products you use in your hair if it's long - certain conditioners have causes me to break out at times. Also be careful of hair gels, hair sprays and serums.
INGROWING HAIRSâ¦For men or womenâ¦if you have oily skin, these are more likely. For menâ¦use a facial scrub and avoid moisturisers that donât have salicylic acid in them if you use a moisturiser. Some hair conditioners are much better lubricants than shaving cream too â so you might want to try that, and then was afterwards with a clean and clear was etc. Also I recommend the microdermabrasion kit mentioned later.
For womenâ¦waxing seems to cause the main problem â we pay most attention to our faces. Waxing seems to be the main culprit as opposed to shaving or hair removal creamsâ¦to avoid in-growing hairs, make sure to exfoliate. I recommend using those exfoliating gloves â that way, you can use any kind of shower gel.
NUTRITIONâ¦I recommend taking a 100% multi vitamin/mineral complex â those little spots you get around your mouth can be due to a vitamin b deficiency for example. Also I recommend Omega 369 oils every day because they improve blood flow.
OLD WIVES TALE??...It's an 'old wives tale' type remedy - but a spoonful of cider vinegar and honey in hot water 3 times a day is meant to help EVERYTHING. It tastes nice too...kinda like honey and lemon X
HYDRATIONâ¦.Keep your hydration right by drinking plenty of water, avoiding caffeine and alcohol and too much salt!
DEALING WITH SCARRINGâ¦thereâs an excellent micro-dermabrasion scrub called âre-finishâ by L'oreal. You only use it a couple of times a week (and use at night because it makes your face red!). It really works not just with the colouring but also the texture - smoothes it back out. It comes with it's own moisturiser which I don't use but I use the scrub at night a couple of times a week and put bio oil on which it supposed to help clear scarring and even skin tone.
If you get your skin relatively under control, try using '21 days Fade Cream' (which I get from eBay) because it quickly clears up any scarring. Itâs a skin lightening cream and is very effective as long as your skin type agrees with it. Bio oil is a good alternative!
Also, to detract from the colour variations in your skin tone, I recommend using Benefitâs Posie Tint or Benetint lipstain â this can be put on your cheeks and lips (which also makes your teeth look whiter as an added bonus). Lipstain is better than lipstick because it doesnât smudge and it stays on; you can put lip balm or lip gloss on over it. Also, if you use it (SPARINGLY) on your cheeks, it is just like putting water on there; it doesnât aggravate the skin or cause breakouts.
RECOMMENDED SKIN CAREâ¦I use clean and clear cream wash (good for sensitive skin or those that dry to easy) or Neutrogena clear skin make up remover wash. Both contain salicylic acid which prevents breakouts and gradually evens the skin tone out too. This is the most important thing you can do. Iâve tried various âoil freeâ/âsalicylic acidâ moisturisers but the best Iâve found is the clean and clear onâ¦I found the Neutrogena one actually seemed to aggravate my skin.
EMERGENCY SPOT TREATMENT!...The toothpaste things works! Put on a blob at night and put a bit of tissue over it so it doesn't make a mess. It cools the area down and reduces the inflammation. I also recommend the clean and clear advantage spot treatment gel.
HORMONAL SPOTSâ¦Any female with spots I'd recommend trying dianette or yasmine contraceptive pills because if it's hormonal that can sort everything out within weeksâ¦though it can take a couple of months to get used to the pill.
FACIAL ACNE: AVOIDâ¦Don't use harsh scrubs and peroxide products daily like some people do; that can dry your skin and make produce MORE oil...just exacerbating the problem. Many face packs Iâve tried and those blackhead removal strips too seem to have caused problems.
Iâve also had problems with those âfacial wipesâ made by clean and clear and Neutrogena because theyâre too drying and when the top layerâs too dry, the oil gets stuck underneath and causes more problems!
Some say chocolate doesnât affect itâ¦it does for me and I donât know how or why that should be but certain foods do seem to affect break out. Coffee is one of those things that seems to aggravate my skin too. So look out for anything you eat that might be making it worse.
HAIR PRODUCTSâ¦Be careful what products you use in your hair if it's long - certain conditioners have causes me to break out at times. Also be careful of hair gels, hair sprays and serums.
INGROWING HAIRSâ¦For men or womenâ¦if you have oily skin, these are more likely. For menâ¦use a facial scrub and avoid moisturisers that donât have salicylic acid in them if you use a moisturiser. Some hair conditioners are much better lubricants than shaving cream too â so you might want to try that, and then was afterwards with a clean and clear was etc. Also I recommend the microdermabrasion kit mentioned later.
For womenâ¦waxing seems to cause the main problem â we pay most attention to our faces. Waxing seems to be the main culprit as opposed to shaving or hair removal creamsâ¦to avoid in-growing hairs, make sure to exfoliate. I recommend using those exfoliating gloves â that way, you can use any kind of shower gel.
NUTRITIONâ¦I recommend taking a 100% multi vitamin/mineral complex â those little spots you get around your mouth can be due to a vitamin b deficiency for example. Also I recommend Omega 369 oils every day because they improve blood flow.
OLD WIVES TALE??...It's an 'old wives tale' type remedy - but a spoonful of cider vinegar and honey in hot water 3 times a day is meant to help EVERYTHING. It tastes nice too...kinda like honey and lemon X
HYDRATIONâ¦.Keep your hydration right by drinking plenty of water, avoiding caffeine and alcohol and too much salt!
DEALING WITH SCARRINGâ¦thereâs an excellent micro-dermabrasion scrub called âre-finishâ by L'oreal. You only use it a couple of times a week (and use at night because it makes your face red!). It really works not just with the colouring but also the texture - smoothes it back out. It comes with it's own moisturiser which I don't use but I use the scrub at night a couple of times a week and put bio oil on which it supposed to help clear scarring and even skin tone.
If you get your skin relatively under control, try using '21 days Fade Cream' (which I get from eBay) because it quickly clears up any scarring. Itâs a skin lightening cream and is very effective as long as your skin type agrees with it. Bio oil is a good alternative!
Also, to detract from the colour variations in your skin tone, I recommend using Benefitâs Posie Tint or Benetint lipstain â this can be put on your cheeks and lips (which also makes your teeth look whiter as an added bonus). Lipstain is better than lipstick because it doesnât smudge and it stays on; you can put lip balm or lip gloss on over it. Also, if you use it (SPARINGLY) on your cheeks, it is just like putting water on there; it doesnât aggravate the skin or cause breakouts.
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9:40 AM | 0 Comments
What is ivillage live?
Posted by
beauty and health quizzes

whats it about
Ivillage, is a website that talks about Health, beauty and pregnancy...
women stuff, gives you tips and quizzes and stuff.. Good Luck!
Ivillage, is a website that talks about Health, beauty and pregnancy...
women stuff, gives you tips and quizzes and stuff.. Good Luck!
I just decided... I want to start a Magazine. What should it be about? :p?

So yeah, I'm bored so I just decided I want to try and start my own magazine...
What should it be "about" (fashion, culture, music, books, etc)
And any tips? :)
I'm really just looking for some inspiration.
And no, I don't have ANY previous experience in the field.
Sorry, Briget, but I kind of really hate the J-bros
Hmm, guys, I don't think I could compete with playboy and such, lol
Hamandi, music would be good, but I'm not into hiphop... It'd probably be goth-rock type music. :p
OMFG, ":)" you just gave me a GREAT idea...
There IS a goth magazine out there (gothicbeauty) but there aren't any TEEN-goth magazines... I could do a "non-conforming-teen" type one... But one that the "preppy" folks would enjoy too... (Especially since, thanks to twilight, 'goth' seems to be 'in' right now, lol)
Lightbulbsmile... I'd rather combat those effects than just nag about them... :)
Rosalia, I know that not everone likes "goth stuff" but there are almost no goth-friendly mags out there... it doesn't have to be directly geared towards goths, but I don't want it to be a "oh-mi-gawd" type mag either.
i would say start a teen magazine such a cosmogirl!
it just got discontinued, and i am very sad because it was awesome
i bet you would have many subscribers if you started one just like it
it has a combination of fashion, beauty, quizzes, health, love etc
in my opinion go for it!
i wish you good luck:)
i would say start a teen magazine such a cosmogirl!
it just got discontinued, and i am very sad because it was awesome
i bet you would have many subscribers if you started one just like it
it has a combination of fashion, beauty, quizzes, health, love etc
in my opinion go for it!
i wish you good luck:)
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3:40 AM | 0 Comments
skin care treatment?
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skin care treatments

rohina k
Hello everyone,
I am on a roll with YA tonight. :P
I was wondering if anyone had some G-R-E-A-T skin care tips. I have LIGHT skin and I really want to get darker WITHOUT looking orange, OR getting burnt. How can you get raid of that annoying dry skin??? and breakoutz? What are some good skin care lines I could buy??? and is it true that if you take a bath in milk it's good for u???
P.S I am a teen so good skin is everything
Here are some good examples of companies companies that specialize in skin care products:
This Skin Care Store is physician founded and directed and specializes in skin care products for medical conditions such as Anti-Aging, Acne, Scars, Sun Damage, Lip Enhancers, Hyper Pigmentation, Psoriasis, Eczema and Rosacea.
SpaLook offers licensed spa therapists who will help you to find the best skin care products for your skin type.
Clarisonic features many products formulated by dermatologists that work with skin not against it.
StrawberryNET may be the world's largest retailer of natural skin care products.
Here are some good examples of companies companies that specialize in skin care products:
This Skin Care Store is physician founded and directed and specializes in skin care products for medical conditions such as Anti-Aging, Acne, Scars, Sun Damage, Lip Enhancers, Hyper Pigmentation, Psoriasis, Eczema and Rosacea.
SpaLook offers licensed spa therapists who will help you to find the best skin care products for your skin type.
Clarisonic features many products formulated by dermatologists that work with skin not against it.
StrawberryNET may be the world's largest retailer of natural skin care products.
Skin care?

Ok should i get a 3 step skin care "system". Or just a good cleanser and something to use as spot treatment. And Which stuff? What should i use???
I highly suggest three step systems.
cleansers are often very drying to the skin and remove natural oils your skin needs.
toners remove excess cleanser residue, left over dirt in the pores and restores the pH balance in the skin instantly (it takes about 30 minutes without a toner.)
moisturizers are essential. don't ever skip this step. .. EVER.
Pimples can form if your skin is dehydrated (which also can be why your skin is oily). If your skin is dehydrated it will overproduce oil and clog the pores. The best regimen for healthy and hopefully clear skin:
1. Wash with a gentle cleanser (don't overwash though)
2. Tone with a moisturizing and alcohol free toner.
3. Moisturize with a product that is either oil free or non-cosmodegenic with a SPF.
4. Exfoliate 2 or so times a week.
My regimen:
1. Proactiv solution in the evening when my breakouts are more intense. (but doesn't work very well on small whiteheads or blackheads)
1. Origins Get Down Deep Pore Clay Cleanser (really good for white heads! got rid of the small bumps on my face in about a week. clay cleansers or masks are really good for the skin, but can be slightly drying if it's a cleanser)
2. Origins A Perfect World Toner. this is an alcohol free toner that has white tea in it which is great for hydrating the skin and preventing environmental damage.
3. Clinique dramatically different moisturizing GEL. I use the gel even though I have dry skin because it is oil free.
4. 10% Benzoyl Peroxide as a spot treatment. This you can get from target but it might be more expensive. I get mine from Kaiser Permanente for about 5 dollars, and it's not a prescription. It's very drying so use it in small amounts or just continuously moisturize when it's flakey. I apply this three times a day on the problem area, my acne goes away in a couple days.
Recommended Drug Store Products:
1. St. Ives Apricot Scrub (I use gentle)
2. Nivea Moisturizing Toner
3. Oil free or Non-cosmodegenic moisturizer with SPF. (Neutrogena / Dove / Cetaphil / Garnier )
Exfoliate with an electric toothbrush (like a crest one -- even if that sounds weird) VERY GENTLY across your face with an exfoliating scrub. I do this with L'Oreal Men's expert anti-roughness scrub.
Everyone's skin is different. Whatever you do, don't freak out and rotate your products like crazy. I've done that and it damaged my skin.
I highly suggest three step systems.
cleansers are often very drying to the skin and remove natural oils your skin needs.
toners remove excess cleanser residue, left over dirt in the pores and restores the pH balance in the skin instantly (it takes about 30 minutes without a toner.)
moisturizers are essential. don't ever skip this step. .. EVER.
Pimples can form if your skin is dehydrated (which also can be why your skin is oily). If your skin is dehydrated it will overproduce oil and clog the pores. The best regimen for healthy and hopefully clear skin:
1. Wash with a gentle cleanser (don't overwash though)
2. Tone with a moisturizing and alcohol free toner.
3. Moisturize with a product that is either oil free or non-cosmodegenic with a SPF.
4. Exfoliate 2 or so times a week.
My regimen:
1. Proactiv solution in the evening when my breakouts are more intense. (but doesn't work very well on small whiteheads or blackheads)
1. Origins Get Down Deep Pore Clay Cleanser (really good for white heads! got rid of the small bumps on my face in about a week. clay cleansers or masks are really good for the skin, but can be slightly drying if it's a cleanser)
2. Origins A Perfect World Toner. this is an alcohol free toner that has white tea in it which is great for hydrating the skin and preventing environmental damage.
3. Clinique dramatically different moisturizing GEL. I use the gel even though I have dry skin because it is oil free.
4. 10% Benzoyl Peroxide as a spot treatment. This you can get from target but it might be more expensive. I get mine from Kaiser Permanente for about 5 dollars, and it's not a prescription. It's very drying so use it in small amounts or just continuously moisturize when it's flakey. I apply this three times a day on the problem area, my acne goes away in a couple days.
Recommended Drug Store Products:
1. St. Ives Apricot Scrub (I use gentle)
2. Nivea Moisturizing Toner
3. Oil free or Non-cosmodegenic moisturizer with SPF. (Neutrogena / Dove / Cetaphil / Garnier )
Exfoliate with an electric toothbrush (like a crest one -- even if that sounds weird) VERY GENTLY across your face with an exfoliating scrub. I do this with L'Oreal Men's expert anti-roughness scrub.
Everyone's skin is different. Whatever you do, don't freak out and rotate your products like crazy. I've done that and it damaged my skin.
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3:00 AM | 0 Comments
Teen Skin Care Products?
Posted by
skin care kiosk

I've been looking for makeup removers, cleansers, masks, face wash, and daily moisturizers for my Oily Skin type.
Still, I'm a little hesitant because I'm scared that the brand I'm looking at (Neutrogena) might not be for teens? I read in an article that Neutrogena is some sort of top of the line for Teen skin care, but is it really? It doesn't say so on their website.
I'm also worried because I'm afraid that the four things I plan on getting (makeup removers, cleansers, masks, face wash, and daily moisturizers) might be too much for my skin? Also, how do I know what amount of SPF is just right?
I live in Hawaii, and the Neutrogena products I chose so far are hard to find (in-state and online), not to mention their site doesn't ship here, so I am DEFINITELY open to other brands of (makeup removers, cleansers, masks, face wash, and daily moisturizers) that are great for teens.
*I already know from much research that for the Oily Skin type, it's best to use things that are Oil-Free.
Neutrogena is good, but certainly not top of the line. I highly recommend Clinique. Clinique products will be slightly more expensive, but all of their skin care products are fragrance free and allergy tested (Neutrogena products are not) so they won't be harsh on your skin. As for the products, you should need a make up remover, a cleanser, a toner, a moisturizer, an SPF sunscreen (minimum SPF 15) and optinally a mask (Clinique sell all of these). Head over to a department store and they should have a Clinique kiosk in the cosmetics area, talk to the workers there and they'll ask you some questions about your skin to see what type of skin you have. Clinique have whats called a '3-step skin care system' and there are different products for different skin types. Ask them to recommend products for you, it's always a better idea to get advice from someone who knows what their talking about.
Neutrogena is good, but certainly not top of the line. I highly recommend Clinique. Clinique products will be slightly more expensive, but all of their skin care products are fragrance free and allergy tested (Neutrogena products are not) so they won't be harsh on your skin. As for the products, you should need a make up remover, a cleanser, a toner, a moisturizer, an SPF sunscreen (minimum SPF 15) and optinally a mask (Clinique sell all of these). Head over to a department store and they should have a Clinique kiosk in the cosmetics area, talk to the workers there and they'll ask you some questions about your skin to see what type of skin you have. Clinique have whats called a '3-step skin care system' and there are different products for different skin types. Ask them to recommend products for you, it's always a better idea to get advice from someone who knows what their talking about.
what is the best skin care line?

Goddess of
i'm 21 years old, with dry to combination skin (although it's going to be more combination since summer is coming). i need to look up cleanser, scrub, toner, and lotion (with spf since i'm very light skinned). i've tried clinique and didn't like it all that much. i'm thinking about trying alba or ABH, something like that. i really love organic products too. something light, that gives really good, radiant skin. if you could just give me some names and why the company is so great. thank you!
i tried this new stuff at a mall kiosk, its called was seriously the best thing ive ever used.
its like this gel stuff that you rub into your face and then left it dry and then rub in again and keep doing that for a few minutes and then you start to pick up all the dry skin and dirt off your skin, you can actually see it and feel the dirt being picked up. it leaves your skin sooooo smooth and it looks so healthy and perfect. its like from japan or something, its kinda expensive but soooo worth it!
its the face peel part of the c's the day line.
i tried this new stuff at a mall kiosk, its called was seriously the best thing ive ever used.
its like this gel stuff that you rub into your face and then left it dry and then rub in again and keep doing that for a few minutes and then you start to pick up all the dry skin and dirt off your skin, you can actually see it and feel the dirt being picked up. it leaves your skin sooooo smooth and it looks so healthy and perfect. its like from japan or something, its kinda expensive but soooo worth it!
its the face peel part of the c's the day line.
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1:40 AM | 0 Comments
Facial skin question.?
Posted by
skin care zia
Q. I had a zit on my nose that I popped and now their is an open pore fairly good size. It's not noticable but it bothers me because I can see it well, it's been 6 months now is their anything I could to permantley to shrink it. I've tried using cream mask's and it dosen't work well.
It should heal after a year... but until then
Buy Pore-Refining Products. Beauty 4 Ashes® and Zia® (wwwdrugstorecom) are two great all-natural skin care products who make acne and pore refining products.
And also learn from ur mistake....
Da same thing happened 2 me...
It should heal after a year... but until then
Buy Pore-Refining Products. Beauty 4 Ashes® and Zia® (wwwdrugstorecom) are two great all-natural skin care products who make acne and pore refining products.
And also learn from ur mistake....
Da same thing happened 2 me...
How good are these natural skin care products?

I am most curious about Burts Bees, Alba (the seaweed line, not the hawaiian line), Vitamin C, and zia. I would most likely just get the gel-based cleanser, but am also looking for a new moisturizer. I break out very easily, and I find that fragrences and sunscreens aggravate my acne.
How good are those lines of products? Are they worth the money I would spend?
I tried the vitamin C line about a month ago and LOVE it. Right now I'm using there mosturizing cream. Burts Bess is okay, but I really only like there lip stuff. Alba is also okay, but not as good as vitamin C. I've never heard of zia....Another natural line u should try is Jason I use there tea tree body wash as a facial cleanser because it helps calm my acne prone red skin and get rid of my black heads. Overall, vitamin C and Jason are the two lines I use and love. I'd reccomend Jason more because it helped my skin faster, but if u can't get their products Vitamin C is good. Something similar to Vitamin C that I heard good stuff about for break outs is say yes to tomatos
I tried the vitamin C line about a month ago and LOVE it. Right now I'm using there mosturizing cream. Burts Bess is okay, but I really only like there lip stuff. Alba is also okay, but not as good as vitamin C. I've never heard of zia....Another natural line u should try is Jason I use there tea tree body wash as a facial cleanser because it helps calm my acne prone red skin and get rid of my black heads. Overall, vitamin C and Jason are the two lines I use and love. I'd reccomend Jason more because it helped my skin faster, but if u can't get their products Vitamin C is good. Something similar to Vitamin C that I heard good stuff about for break outs is say yes to tomatos
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10:40 PM | 0 Comments
Skin care advice needed?
Posted by
03+ skin care

I'm seventeen and have been struggling with acne since I was thirteen. Since then i have been constantly using acne medicine on my face and now my face has darkened with the prolonged use of the chemicals. I want to stop it but if I do, the acne will come back worse. After two days I end up with a break out and I go back to the creams and soaps.
Try ordering Proactiv Solution. Thats the most popular and most effective brand for most people.
Hope I helped, good luck.
Try ordering Proactiv Solution. Thats the most popular and most effective brand for most people.
Hope I helped, good luck.
Looking for customer reviews for NeoStrata Exuviance Skin Caring Foundation SPF 15?

Where can I find reviews and opinions online for NeoStrata Exuviance Skin Caring Foundation SPF 15
Looked Fake - Posted By: Anonymous 2008-12-06
I bought this at the same time that I began us ing Nucelle skin care treatment products for my skin. I tried wearing this product with and without Nucelle under it. Each time, this make-up looked fake and pigmented. It was easy to apply and very silky but didn't look very natural on me.
Customer Rating
Better than it looks - Posted By: C. Tran 2008-09-04
I love this product! It doesn't make me breakout like most other foundations. It is the only liquid foundation I can use now. It also has an SPF, which is a big plus!
Customer Rating
Long-wearing - Posted By: D. Miner 2008-09-04
This foundation is very nice, it looks natural and wears all day. Does not rub off on clothing. It's great for summer since it has an SPF.
Customer Rating
Lots of Moisture - Posted By: Julie 2008-07-10
This product provides a smooth, silky moisture to the skin without feeling greasy. I love that it is fragrance free!
Customer Rating
Perfect Lightweight Foundation! - Posted By: Jacqueline 2008-06-03
Goes on smooth, blends really well, easy to match your skin tone, plus it covers large pores and acne scars. I think I've found the perfect foundation.
Customer Rating
smooth - Posted By: Anonymous 2008-04-25
The colour is really lovely. It looks natural, complements your actual skin tone, and doesn't clog your pores. It looks like you, only better!
Looked Fake - Posted By: Anonymous 2008-12-06
I bought this at the same time that I began us ing Nucelle skin care treatment products for my skin. I tried wearing this product with and without Nucelle under it. Each time, this make-up looked fake and pigmented. It was easy to apply and very silky but didn't look very natural on me.
Customer Rating
Better than it looks - Posted By: C. Tran 2008-09-04
I love this product! It doesn't make me breakout like most other foundations. It is the only liquid foundation I can use now. It also has an SPF, which is a big plus!
Customer Rating
Long-wearing - Posted By: D. Miner 2008-09-04
This foundation is very nice, it looks natural and wears all day. Does not rub off on clothing. It's great for summer since it has an SPF.
Customer Rating
Lots of Moisture - Posted By: Julie 2008-07-10
This product provides a smooth, silky moisture to the skin without feeling greasy. I love that it is fragrance free!
Customer Rating
Perfect Lightweight Foundation! - Posted By: Jacqueline 2008-06-03
Goes on smooth, blends really well, easy to match your skin tone, plus it covers large pores and acne scars. I think I've found the perfect foundation.
Customer Rating
smooth - Posted By: Anonymous 2008-04-25
The colour is really lovely. It looks natural, complements your actual skin tone, and doesn't clog your pores. It looks like you, only better!
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1:00 PM | 0 Comments
Skin care at 26 years of age?
Posted by
skin care at 30

I'm 26 years old and I'm looking to start a long term skin regimen. What are some options that aren't too extreme yet? Should I start a wrinkle cream or wait until I'm 30? Obviously I know that wrinkles will happen eventually but would like to do what I can to keep my skin looking great. What products have you used?
Skin care regimines are important, but there are nessicary steps to take to make sure your skin will respond properly.
First things first, take a look at the products your using now. If your cleansers, moisturizers, or treatments are working, why throw them out? At you age, no wrinkles are not a big concern but you may, if desired add a wrikle reducer.
If you c hoose to swich out all the products in your current regimine here is how you do so.
First, throw everything away, or give it to a friend who may be able to utilize what's left. Next go to the store, of your choosing, and purchase a sensetive skin or gentle cleanser and an oil free, non codmegenic, fragrance free, light moisturizer. These will be your new best friends for the next 2 weeks.
It is very important to give your skin resting periods to properly adjust from one product to the next. Hence the sensetive skin cleanser and moisturizer.
After a week with just your new cleanser and moisturizer replace one of them with your new, and personally chosen skin care product. After another week, replace the other. After each following week add what ever other products you may be using, serums, lotions, sprays etc...
It is also suggested you only use your new products once a day or every other day. You dont want to over work your skin while its adjusting to your new products. Slowly over time you should be able to use them as directed.
Next, the following is suggestion for a basic, but safe, skin care regimine for your age group, and concern.
1) exfoliate. Exfoliation should only be done 2 to 4 times a week. Exfoliating will help remove built up dead skin cells, make up, oils, and dirt that can clog pores or addvstress to the skin causing wrinkles. My two favorite exoliating 'friends' if you will are, A) clarisonic mia, available at sephora, it is the perfect automatic facial scrubber. 2) mineralize volcanic ash exfoliator by mac, made with minerials volcanic ash and sugar crystals this will clense the face with out over drying, leaving your face smooth with a healthy glow.
2) Cleanse. This should be done daily, or even twice a day if needed, once you have fully adjusted in to your new routine. There are a myriad of cleansers on the market targeted at various skin care concerns. AHA/BHA are common in cleansers for reducing fine lines and wrinkles. I would suggest Murad or peter thomas roth brands for your cleanser. They are both amazing and most important, effective.
Step 3 is conplicated as your treatment serums lotions spray etc... should used in order of thickness. For the sake of keeping some order to this list, lets pretend your treatments are lighter(more liquid like) than your lotion.
3) Treatments. After cleansing you made add what ever treatments you have chosen for your self. DO NOT OVER DO IT!!! One or two treatments is acceptable, anymore and your face is a chemical war path. I am quite fond of a couple different anti aging products a) mineralize charged water eye cream by mac, soaks right in to the skin and reduces fine lines, wrinkles, puffiness, and even dark circles over time. B) ole henricksen truth serum. Best anti aging gel I have ever tried. Perfect for every day use. This can be added all over your face, or to just the areas you feel it would be needed, like marionette lines or over your forehead.
4) Lotion. Hydrated skin is key to keeping your skin healthy young and glowing. Even if you dont have blemish prone skin, I would suggest going with an oil free lotion, as this will soak in to the skin faster and easier. Again I would go with murad, ole henricksen, or peter thomas roth.
Next! Healthy younger skin isnt all about the products you use on the outside, it also come fron the way you treat yourself.
1) eat right! Im jot saying become a health nut, as I myself enjoy taco bell, but treat your body every once in awhile to a treat, something with everything you really need, like protien, vitamins, minerals, carbs (the good kind). Believe it or not but even treating your body to something good once a week can make all the differance.
2) WATER!!!!!! Our bodies are 70-80% water, and yes I am guilty myself of not drinking enough, but your body craves it. Keep your skin hydrated from the inside, itll start looking better on the out side. Hate the taste of plain water? Yea me too, try adding some fresh lemon or lime for a little tasty zip.
3) Sleep. In todays fast paced world sleep, and I mean good sleep, is hard to come by. Dont be afraid to catch a cat nap, or go to bed alittle early some nights. Our bodies do most of the healing and rejuvenating while we are in REM(Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. More sleep allows your body to fix what's wrong, including your skin.
Skin care regimines are important, but there are nessicary steps to take to make sure your skin will respond properly.
First things first, take a look at the products your using now. If your cleansers, moisturizers, or treatments are working, why throw them out? At you age, no wrinkles are not a big concern but you may, if desired add a wrikle reducer.
If you c hoose to swich out all the products in your current regimine here is how you do so.
First, throw everything away, or give it to a friend who may be able to utilize what's left. Next go to the store, of your choosing, and purchase a sensetive skin or gentle cleanser and an oil free, non codmegenic, fragrance free, light moisturizer. These will be your new best friends for the next 2 weeks.
It is very important to give your skin resting periods to properly adjust from one product to the next. Hence the sensetive skin cleanser and moisturizer.
After a week with just your new cleanser and moisturizer replace one of them with your new, and personally chosen skin care product. After another week, replace the other. After each following week add what ever other products you may be using, serums, lotions, sprays etc...
It is also suggested you only use your new products once a day or every other day. You dont want to over work your skin while its adjusting to your new products. Slowly over time you should be able to use them as directed.
Next, the following is suggestion for a basic, but safe, skin care regimine for your age group, and concern.
1) exfoliate. Exfoliation should only be done 2 to 4 times a week. Exfoliating will help remove built up dead skin cells, make up, oils, and dirt that can clog pores or addvstress to the skin causing wrinkles. My two favorite exoliating 'friends' if you will are, A) clarisonic mia, available at sephora, it is the perfect automatic facial scrubber. 2) mineralize volcanic ash exfoliator by mac, made with minerials volcanic ash and sugar crystals this will clense the face with out over drying, leaving your face smooth with a healthy glow.
2) Cleanse. This should be done daily, or even twice a day if needed, once you have fully adjusted in to your new routine. There are a myriad of cleansers on the market targeted at various skin care concerns. AHA/BHA are common in cleansers for reducing fine lines and wrinkles. I would suggest Murad or peter thomas roth brands for your cleanser. They are both amazing and most important, effective.
Step 3 is conplicated as your treatment serums lotions spray etc... should used in order of thickness. For the sake of keeping some order to this list, lets pretend your treatments are lighter(more liquid like) than your lotion.
3) Treatments. After cleansing you made add what ever treatments you have chosen for your self. DO NOT OVER DO IT!!! One or two treatments is acceptable, anymore and your face is a chemical war path. I am quite fond of a couple different anti aging products a) mineralize charged water eye cream by mac, soaks right in to the skin and reduces fine lines, wrinkles, puffiness, and even dark circles over time. B) ole henricksen truth serum. Best anti aging gel I have ever tried. Perfect for every day use. This can be added all over your face, or to just the areas you feel it would be needed, like marionette lines or over your forehead.
4) Lotion. Hydrated skin is key to keeping your skin healthy young and glowing. Even if you dont have blemish prone skin, I would suggest going with an oil free lotion, as this will soak in to the skin faster and easier. Again I would go with murad, ole henricksen, or peter thomas roth.
Next! Healthy younger skin isnt all about the products you use on the outside, it also come fron the way you treat yourself.
1) eat right! Im jot saying become a health nut, as I myself enjoy taco bell, but treat your body every once in awhile to a treat, something with everything you really need, like protien, vitamins, minerals, carbs (the good kind). Believe it or not but even treating your body to something good once a week can make all the differance.
2) WATER!!!!!! Our bodies are 70-80% water, and yes I am guilty myself of not drinking enough, but your body craves it. Keep your skin hydrated from the inside, itll start looking better on the out side. Hate the taste of plain water? Yea me too, try adding some fresh lemon or lime for a little tasty zip.
3) Sleep. In todays fast paced world sleep, and I mean good sleep, is hard to come by. Dont be afraid to catch a cat nap, or go to bed alittle early some nights. Our bodies do most of the healing and rejuvenating while we are in REM(Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. More sleep allows your body to fix what's wrong, including your skin.
Skin care and vitamins?

Sarah S
What skin care and vitamins should I be using? I'm a 30 yr old woman. Should I be using anti wrinkle creams and things for prevention?
It is never too early to start taking care of your skin.
First, you should get proper sleep every night, and try to sleep on your back.
Second, you should eat more fish, along with more vegetables and fruits. Nothing is worst for skin than greasy, fatty foods.
Third, keep your skin clean, but don't over wash it. Especially avoid tap water.
Finally, consider adding a few topical items to your skin care line. a good collaen cream, while not permanently getting rid of wrinkles, can smooth out your skin and prevent the wrinkles from forming deep creases. A good Vitamin C serum can als do wonders for the skin.
Here are a few good ones.
It is never too early to start taking care of your skin.
First, you should get proper sleep every night, and try to sleep on your back.
Second, you should eat more fish, along with more vegetables and fruits. Nothing is worst for skin than greasy, fatty foods.
Third, keep your skin clean, but don't over wash it. Especially avoid tap water.
Finally, consider adding a few topical items to your skin care line. a good collaen cream, while not permanently getting rid of wrinkles, can smooth out your skin and prevent the wrinkles from forming deep creases. A good Vitamin C serum can als do wonders for the skin.
Here are a few good ones.
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2:40 AM | 0 Comments
Does anybody know of Paula's Choice Skin Care?
Posted by
skin care database

Kay Lovely
What did you think of it? Do you like it? Would you recommend it to others?
Do a Google "Paula's Choice Skin Care: Skin Deep Cosmetic Database" and you will see that the products contain ingredients that are seriously skin and possibly health harming. you can search for other products on the Database that are safe and non harmful.
Do a Google "Paula's Choice Skin Care: Skin Deep Cosmetic Database" and you will see that the products contain ingredients that are seriously skin and possibly health harming. you can search for other products on the Database that are safe and non harmful.
skin troubles... help!!!! :o?

Lilly Ann
kay, well im 15 and i eat healthy and everything and exercise and stuff but the thing is i have these REALLY noticeable blue veins underneath my eyes. my friend says i look like a vampire. :o :(. i really hate them, and im staring to get some on the side of my chin. and i HATE it. :'( i feel disgusting. and i dont want laser or anything like that, nor makeup. I'm just wondering is there some kind of cream that would make it go away? or am i screwed. :'( thanks.
There is an epidemic of under eye bags and circles and pronounced veins and many are reported by those in teens or early twenties. The main reason is reaction to skin sickening toxins in skin care, cosmetic and skin medicating products. Many teenage girls use 20 or more products daily and an alarming number of products contain skin(and health) harming toxins. See this site Skin Deep Cosmetic Database. A Feelgood Resource. The Database tested many thousands of products and identifies which ones are the most harming and those which are non or only minimally harming. So first thing to do is select the none or less harming products.
Then try these safe, natural, tried and tasted treatments that can quickly get rid of them. They really work and have helped many on Answers
This is a response I received from wannabeblue28:
âHi Mukunda M. I have just been rubbing my face with oil using my fingers and hands and It has made a HUGE difference in my complexion after just one night. â¦â¦ My skin looks so much tighter everywhere and i no longer have bags under my eyes! Thank you so much for your post, I have been suffering with acne and under-eye circles since i was young.â
She had seen an answer I gave about how vigorous face massaging with pure natural oils had permanently rid my face of acne AND removed under eye problems. Massage greatly tightens skin under and around the eye area and they go away. Find Answer with a search "Mukunda M vigorous massage to remove eye bags/circles under eye problems
The most helpful ones are:
(Using both hands together) massage with palms and front of fingers held together
(1) Do long up and down sweeps close to nose from chin area up to near eyes.
(2) Do another up and back at an angle from chin point to cheek bone.
(3) Do fast up and down massage close to eye from cheek bones at an angle of 45 degrees (on your crows feet).
Best if do for several minutes daily â will markedly tighten skin in eye area and diminish the circles in the first two or three days. Use any oil. Olive is good.
IMPORTANT: To avoid skin pulling first make facial skin taught by partially opening mouth and pulling lips firmly back against teeth (tightens most of face)
Use any natural oil. Extra virgin olive oil works well for many.
Additionally facial yoga exercises help a great deal. Find on You Tube. Do the âThe lion faceâ and try to hold for 30 seconds. A variation of that is protruding the tongue as if trying to touch tip of nose with tip of tongue.
YOGA MEDITATION is a great help and is easy to do. It enables you to completely relax and gives you deep, restful sleep. 6 or 7 hours of restful sleep is considerably more beneficial than 8 or 9 more hours of non restful sleep. I found Siddha Yoga meditation was the most beneficial.
SOURCE(S): Consultant with many years research into safe, natural cures/treatments - skin conditions, skin enhancement, anti aging and rejuvenation treatments
There is an epidemic of under eye bags and circles and pronounced veins and many are reported by those in teens or early twenties. The main reason is reaction to skin sickening toxins in skin care, cosmetic and skin medicating products. Many teenage girls use 20 or more products daily and an alarming number of products contain skin(and health) harming toxins. See this site Skin Deep Cosmetic Database. A Feelgood Resource. The Database tested many thousands of products and identifies which ones are the most harming and those which are non or only minimally harming. So first thing to do is select the none or less harming products.
Then try these safe, natural, tried and tasted treatments that can quickly get rid of them. They really work and have helped many on Answers
This is a response I received from wannabeblue28:
âHi Mukunda M. I have just been rubbing my face with oil using my fingers and hands and It has made a HUGE difference in my complexion after just one night. â¦â¦ My skin looks so much tighter everywhere and i no longer have bags under my eyes! Thank you so much for your post, I have been suffering with acne and under-eye circles since i was young.â
She had seen an answer I gave about how vigorous face massaging with pure natural oils had permanently rid my face of acne AND removed under eye problems. Massage greatly tightens skin under and around the eye area and they go away. Find Answer with a search "Mukunda M vigorous massage to remove eye bags/circles under eye problems
The most helpful ones are:
(Using both hands together) massage with palms and front of fingers held together
(1) Do long up and down sweeps close to nose from chin area up to near eyes.
(2) Do another up and back at an angle from chin point to cheek bone.
(3) Do fast up and down massage close to eye from cheek bones at an angle of 45 degrees (on your crows feet).
Best if do for several minutes daily â will markedly tighten skin in eye area and diminish the circles in the first two or three days. Use any oil. Olive is good.
IMPORTANT: To avoid skin pulling first make facial skin taught by partially opening mouth and pulling lips firmly back against teeth (tightens most of face)
Use any natural oil. Extra virgin olive oil works well for many.
Additionally facial yoga exercises help a great deal. Find on You Tube. Do the âThe lion faceâ and try to hold for 30 seconds. A variation of that is protruding the tongue as if trying to touch tip of nose with tip of tongue.
YOGA MEDITATION is a great help and is easy to do. It enables you to completely relax and gives you deep, restful sleep. 6 or 7 hours of restful sleep is considerably more beneficial than 8 or 9 more hours of non restful sleep. I found Siddha Yoga meditation was the most beneficial.
SOURCE(S): Consultant with many years research into safe, natural cures/treatments - skin conditions, skin enhancement, anti aging and rejuvenation treatments
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5:40 PM | 0 Comments
simple yoga/pilates poses
Posted by
yoga for beauty and health

hi! i was wondering if there were any websites that had pictures of as well as names for really simple but effective yoga and pilates poses. thanks so much!!!! <333333333
This free yoga e-course will give you all the effective yogic asanas, as well as great yogi breathing exercises...much more
All the best
This free yoga e-course will give you all the effective yogic asanas, as well as great yogi breathing exercises...much more
All the best
what is better pilates or yoga?

what is better pilates or yoga for getting a toned body.
Yoga is better for you to tone your body and gain a beautiful body shape.
Check this free yoga e-course to discover more benefits:
Yoga is better for you to tone your body and gain a beautiful body shape.
Check this free yoga e-course to discover more benefits:
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2:40 PM | 0 Comments
People who need affordable health or dental benefits?
Posted by
beauty and health specialist

I work as a health benefits specialist and we offer extremely affordable rates on health and dental plans. Anyone have any good ideas on where I can leave flyers or business cards of this type to let people know I have this available?
I dont understand why it is spam to ask a question on where a good place would be. But you obviously do not know what you are talking about!
Small business' such as beauty salons, mom and pop stores, real estate agents, then also you can hang them on all doors of residents. Even if people have jobs, they may not offer health insurance for their employees. I think any non corporate business, liquor stores, small restaurants, etc. could be advantageous. You may also want to join your local Chamber of Commerce too. They off great networking resources and it's all fee after the membership dues. Good luck!~~
Small business' such as beauty salons, mom and pop stores, real estate agents, then also you can hang them on all doors of residents. Even if people have jobs, they may not offer health insurance for their employees. I think any non corporate business, liquor stores, small restaurants, etc. could be advantageous. You may also want to join your local Chamber of Commerce too. They off great networking resources and it's all fee after the membership dues. Good luck!~~
Skin care specialist career or me decide?

I I have read up on both. Both are good money, both sort of combine health and beauty, anyone have any advice?
Skin care specialist..pays better,sounds better!
Skin care specialist..pays better,sounds better!
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6:40 AM | 0 Comments
How do I fix my moses in the cradle (oyster) Rhoeo, plant?
Posted by
bamboo beauty and health

Janis S
It does not look like it is supposed to, it resembles a bamboo plant if anything. How do I get it back to it having those thick, purplish- green leaves?
More sun, warmth and a little fertilizer will get it back to health but it still might not win a beauty contest. Cut the leggiest parts off and root in water. Then you can repot them or add them back the the 'mother plant' pot to fill her out. RScott
More sun, warmth and a little fertilizer will get it back to health but it still might not win a beauty contest. Cut the leggiest parts off and root in water. Then you can repot them or add them back the the 'mother plant' pot to fill her out. RScott
My skin has pimples, blemishes, how to get rid of it....I heard of honey and lemon it really works?

King Moham
And also skin covered by doesnt look jains are looking beautiful...what is theie secret of beauty???,
They can help.
Genetic and Stress can affect hormones and can theoretically promote acne.
Here are some home remedies that can help but do not mix them together.
1) Tea Tree Oil- An essential oil is diluted and applied topically to acne lesions.
2) Lemon oil or juice - Applied lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to face or you can drink it through using it in water a few drops a day. You can leave overnight don't expose yourself to sunlight. Will help with both acne, and scars as well.
3) Mandarin oil
4) Cedar wood â good for eczema
5) Lavender
6) Apple cider vinegar
7) Bamboo extract or Sarna lotion â good for rosacea, psoriasis, eczema
8) Bio Oil or BB cream for dark spots or scars
9) Toothpaste is very effective for acne leave on face for about 20 to 30 minutes then wash.
10) Zinc really works on acne
11) 2% Erythromycin
12) Benzoin Peroxide
13) Neem oil- good for acne, psoriasis, eczema, skin ulcers (taken either orally or externally)
14) Hydrogen Peroxide 3% - It can help to dry out acne by killing bacteria on the skin.Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and apply it either to the acne breakouts on your face. You also may opt to apply hydrogen peroxide to your entire face to help prevent future breakouts. Allow the hydrogen peroxide to do its job -- wait until the bubbling stops in approximately a minute or two. Rinse your face with water. Apply an oil-free moisturizer to prevent skin from drying out.
15) Vitamin B3- also known as niacin. It promotes healthy skin, can be utilized as an acne treatment.
16) Retinoid- increase collagen production and plump fine lines, making it a good choice if youâre dealing with acne and wrinkles.
17) Sulfur- dries up pimples and keeps sebum production in check, helping to prevent future blemishes. Sulfur has a distinct smell think rotten eggs.
This is something I use every day and I got rid of my cystic acne and my eczema. I really recommend this.
Neem oil: It is powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties, beneficial to those who suffer from various skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema, skin ulcers, helps one treat hair related problems like dandruff and itchy scalp. Dental care products like toothpaste, mouth washes and rinses all use the neem oil's antiseptic properties to keep teeth health and gums free of infection. Other benefits also include its use in household items like mosquito repellents, disinfectants and personal hygiene products. If you like you can purchase at Lucy Vitamin or in health food stores. It is the same price as some of the acne medications, either prescribe or over-the-counter.
They can help.
Genetic and Stress can affect hormones and can theoretically promote acne.
Here are some home remedies that can help but do not mix them together.
1) Tea Tree Oil- An essential oil is diluted and applied topically to acne lesions.
2) Lemon oil or juice - Applied lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to face or you can drink it through using it in water a few drops a day. You can leave overnight don't expose yourself to sunlight. Will help with both acne, and scars as well.
3) Mandarin oil
4) Cedar wood â good for eczema
5) Lavender
6) Apple cider vinegar
7) Bamboo extract or Sarna lotion â good for rosacea, psoriasis, eczema
8) Bio Oil or BB cream for dark spots or scars
9) Toothpaste is very effective for acne leave on face for about 20 to 30 minutes then wash.
10) Zinc really works on acne
11) 2% Erythromycin
12) Benzoin Peroxide
13) Neem oil- good for acne, psoriasis, eczema, skin ulcers (taken either orally or externally)
14) Hydrogen Peroxide 3% - It can help to dry out acne by killing bacteria on the skin.Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and apply it either to the acne breakouts on your face. You also may opt to apply hydrogen peroxide to your entire face to help prevent future breakouts. Allow the hydrogen peroxide to do its job -- wait until the bubbling stops in approximately a minute or two. Rinse your face with water. Apply an oil-free moisturizer to prevent skin from drying out.
15) Vitamin B3- also known as niacin. It promotes healthy skin, can be utilized as an acne treatment.
16) Retinoid- increase collagen production and plump fine lines, making it a good choice if youâre dealing with acne and wrinkles.
17) Sulfur- dries up pimples and keeps sebum production in check, helping to prevent future blemishes. Sulfur has a distinct smell think rotten eggs.
This is something I use every day and I got rid of my cystic acne and my eczema. I really recommend this.
Neem oil: It is powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties, beneficial to those who suffer from various skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema, skin ulcers, helps one treat hair related problems like dandruff and itchy scalp. Dental care products like toothpaste, mouth washes and rinses all use the neem oil's antiseptic properties to keep teeth health and gums free of infection. Other benefits also include its use in household items like mosquito repellents, disinfectants and personal hygiene products. If you like you can purchase at Lucy Vitamin or in health food stores. It is the same price as some of the acne medications, either prescribe or over-the-counter.
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3:40 AM | 0 Comments
Guys: Long hair vs short hair?
Posted by
beauty vs health

warda s
MEN,GUYS,MALES...hint females!!!
what do u as a man generally prefer?
Long exotic feminine hair...or the choppy trendy "hip" bobs?
**lets say if they were both healthy.
short hair
Try These Bob Styles in These Pics, You can see many on These Pics in this Yahoo Group
Here are some samples of the Pics in this Group.
Also, another Yahoo Group is for women who like the
wet look, this Group is
If You Like Silky Long Hair Styles, This Yahoo Group
has Picâs and Links to Sites for that look
If You Like to See Hairstyle of Ultra Short and short
Bob Styles this Yahoo Group may be for you.
Women with ultra short hairstyles or bob cuts.
Also Here is a Link to a web sites that has the many kinds of hairstyles Long and Short
Also This Web Site has just about any style you want along with tools and styling tips.
If You Like Strange alternative Hairstyles This Yahoo Group may prove interesting.
Now if you are Looking for a certain Celebrity Hairstyle ? Ok, This site has that.
This Particular Yahoo Group is for Women This is for womens head hairstyles only, with short being above the ears, but not totally bald.
Short hair can also be slicked down or Buzzed really short - like a Butch, Crew cut, Brush cut or Flattop.
If You are an admirer of really Long Hairstyles, You might like this Yahoo Group
Now, Going back to Bob's If You Like Inverted Bob styles, This Yahoo Group Has Links and Pics for that
Try These Bob Styles in These Pics, You can see many on These Pics in this Yahoo Group
Here are some samples of the Pics in this Group.
Also, another Yahoo Group is for women who like the
wet look, this Group is
If You Like Silky Long Hair Styles, This Yahoo Group
has Picâs and Links to Sites for that look
If You Like to See Hairstyle of Ultra Short and short
Bob Styles this Yahoo Group may be for you.
Women with ultra short hairstyles or bob cuts.
Also Here is a Link to a web sites that has the many kinds of hairstyles Long and Short
Also This Web Site has just about any style you want along with tools and styling tips.
If You Like Strange alternative Hairstyles This Yahoo Group may prove interesting.
Now if you are Looking for a certain Celebrity Hairstyle ? Ok, This site has that.
This Particular Yahoo Group is for Women This is for womens head hairstyles only, with short being above the ears, but not totally bald.
Short hair can also be slicked down or Buzzed really short - like a Butch, Crew cut, Brush cut or Flattop.
If You are an admirer of really Long Hairstyles, You might like this Yahoo Group
Now, Going back to Bob's If You Like Inverted Bob styles, This Yahoo Group Has Links and Pics for that
Looks vs Personality?
Q. Recently studies have stated that men are attracted to good looking women regardless of personality. (DUH!)
Women studied are also attracted to good looking men and notice good looking women as the competition. The same can be said for men (Another DUH)
Humans inantely look for signs of good health in the opposite sex. We've been conditioned by society to be attracted to the "ideal" in Euro-American society is the Aryan stereotype. Most have variations on what they consider attractive; the common thread is symetry of facial and bodily features.
So why do men think they can "talk" a woman into being attracted to them sexually by using "game" and/or bragging about one's possessions.
Why do women insist on the idea that a man's personality is MORE important that her primal instinct to find an attractive male. Furthermore why don't F admit a man's personality is goal seeking and subjective when it comes to pursing women.
Why would you want to give personality beauty? Perhaps to change or control the other person? My whole point was men don't care about "beauty's personality".
Women have been brainwashed to favour personality by a patriarchal system that seeks to ensure that all men have a chance to procreate.
In the history of the world ugly men died out- Survival of the Fittest doesn't just apply to intelligence
Women studied are also attracted to good looking men and notice good looking women as the competition. The same can be said for men (Another DUH)
Humans inantely look for signs of good health in the opposite sex. We've been conditioned by society to be attracted to the "ideal" in Euro-American society is the Aryan stereotype. Most have variations on what they consider attractive; the common thread is symetry of facial and bodily features.
So why do men think they can "talk" a woman into being attracted to them sexually by using "game" and/or bragging about one's possessions.
Why do women insist on the idea that a man's personality is MORE important that her primal instinct to find an attractive male. Furthermore why don't F admit a man's personality is goal seeking and subjective when it comes to pursing women.
Why would you want to give personality beauty? Perhaps to change or control the other person? My whole point was men don't care about "beauty's personality".
Women have been brainwashed to favour personality by a patriarchal system that seeks to ensure that all men have a chance to procreate.
In the history of the world ugly men died out- Survival of the Fittest doesn't just apply to intelligence
Fact from fiction, truth from diction. The folly of personality trumping beauty is a concoction of polite society or a pipe dream created thereof. People no not wish to seem shallow. And to base who a person is or if you would want to have any involvement of them purely off looks is suppose to be shallow; not judging the book by the cover. Yet since we were old enough to know anything that is what we what we were taught to do. Get the shiniest bike, the newest toy, and the softest chair. If we were on a business trip and vehicles were provided, everyone would get the newest, brightest one even if it were said not to have as good of a ride or be as mechanically sound as an older less attractive vehicle available.
But studies show that money and or power can trump even looks. If a mud duck man made more money, tens of thousands more than the hunk, he can even the playing field or even win the game.
Guys use all that drag on a girl to get her interested because though gals, like everyone else, goes 1st for looks. If you can engage them most yarn to hear those 4 magic words, âI love youâ. It has been the password to the sugar cave of many women through out the ages. The less attractive the man, the less chance of it working unless he has cash out the wahzoo.
No matter what, everyone is pre-judged by looks. We avoid sitting by people who look a certain way on the commute train or the subway. If they look like street people others would cross the street before having to pass them or chose another entrance into the building to avoid passing them.
Guys are less preoccupied with personality than females, I believe. Most guys I knew could care less if she was college grad, had an executive position, or if she worked as a fry cook. When she is naked on her back none of that mattered. And that was the main goal most of the time. And since you did not plan to see her more then 5 times maybe, who she really is was not important as tapping that honey cave right now.
Fact from fiction, truth from diction. The folly of personality trumping beauty is a concoction of polite society or a pipe dream created thereof. People no not wish to seem shallow. And to base who a person is or if you would want to have any involvement of them purely off looks is suppose to be shallow; not judging the book by the cover. Yet since we were old enough to know anything that is what we what we were taught to do. Get the shiniest bike, the newest toy, and the softest chair. If we were on a business trip and vehicles were provided, everyone would get the newest, brightest one even if it were said not to have as good of a ride or be as mechanically sound as an older less attractive vehicle available.
But studies show that money and or power can trump even looks. If a mud duck man made more money, tens of thousands more than the hunk, he can even the playing field or even win the game.
Guys use all that drag on a girl to get her interested because though gals, like everyone else, goes 1st for looks. If you can engage them most yarn to hear those 4 magic words, âI love youâ. It has been the password to the sugar cave of many women through out the ages. The less attractive the man, the less chance of it working unless he has cash out the wahzoo.
No matter what, everyone is pre-judged by looks. We avoid sitting by people who look a certain way on the commute train or the subway. If they look like street people others would cross the street before having to pass them or chose another entrance into the building to avoid passing them.
Guys are less preoccupied with personality than females, I believe. Most guys I knew could care less if she was college grad, had an executive position, or if she worked as a fry cook. When she is naked on her back none of that mattered. And that was the main goal most of the time. And since you did not plan to see her more then 5 times maybe, who she really is was not important as tapping that honey cave right now.
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10:40 PM | 0 Comments
Does Any one know any alternative for beauty or skin care products ?
Posted by
health and beauty 101

I have entered this contest going on, and well they are asking for alternatives for products ( beauty and health mostly) such as fo exemple
Bath Bombs, they are usually used for you to drop in your bathtub and relax but another way can also
To put it into a vaporizer and it will just make the room smell good..
I have thought about this for almost 2 weeks now and nothing has come to my mind
So i was wondering if anyone can help me
I have like 101 uses for AVON's Skin So Soft. Email me if you want the list.
I have like 101 uses for AVON's Skin So Soft. Email me if you want the list.
What will be my hair look like for the prom with this dress?

Kindly be specific on your answers please. And kindly add some photos also so I can get the picture of what you're recommending me. Thanks in advance..
This will be my dress...
The theme of our prom is Hollywood Red Carpet...
another info: i have a round face..
First of all THAT DRESS IS GORGEOUS!!!,,20006775_20006985_5,00.html,,20166496_20381919,00.html,,20166496_20381910,00.html
First of all THAT DRESS IS GORGEOUS!!!,,20006775_20006985_5,00.html,,20166496_20381919,00.html,,20166496_20381910,00.html
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8:00 PM | 0 Comments
Skin Care Routine For Oily Skin?
Posted by
skin care talk

Hi guys! so i actually have combo skin [oily on my forehead and nose dry som other places] and i was just looking for a good skin care routine for this skin type. if you could let me know everything to use and like maybe a certain brand that would be great thanks!!
Combination skin is very common. It doesn't sound like you have any other issues going on like Acne or sensitive skin. Cetaphil makes a cleanser for combination skin that can be purchased at the drug store. It's a good basic cleanser. Eucerin makes a light moisturizer that has SPF 20. I also like SkinCeuticals Simply Clean Cleanser, it works really well on combo skin and won't cause dryness in other areas of the face. Just make sure to use an oil free sunscreen with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Colorescience makes a great one in a powder. I've heard Cameron Diaz talk about it in magazines. She loves it because her skin is oily in some areas and it doesn't make her shiny.
Combination skin is very common. It doesn't sound like you have any other issues going on like Acne or sensitive skin. Cetaphil makes a cleanser for combination skin that can be purchased at the drug store. It's a good basic cleanser. Eucerin makes a light moisturizer that has SPF 20. I also like SkinCeuticals Simply Clean Cleanser, it works really well on combo skin and won't cause dryness in other areas of the face. Just make sure to use an oil free sunscreen with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Colorescience makes a great one in a powder. I've heard Cameron Diaz talk about it in magazines. She loves it because her skin is oily in some areas and it doesn't make her shiny.
skin care advice anyone?!?

i have acne and i`m only 14 years old, yeah.. i know your supposed to have it in your adolescence years, but it seems like i have a lot for my age. and i've tried everything.
it's only on the cheek area though, close to the nose.
is there any skin care product that may help?
most of it is scarring, is there anything that can get rid of acne scars?
and i also have to wear foundation to cover it, but i get very insecure about my skin when i go into the sun and you can see the foundation TRYING to cover it but i get embarrassed by it
is there a way i can try to get over my embarrassedness?
Try not to wear makeup and foundation if you can help it: sometimes it makes it seem more obvious that you are trying to cover it up, plus it clogs more pores and causes more acne. I would talk to your mum about getting a facial, and then use MD Forte. MD Forte basically consists of three parts:
1. A cleanser
2. "Crystals" you mix into the cleanser so it's like a scrub (it clears out all your pores SO well)
3. A slightly acidic moisturizer for after washing.
I swear by the moisturizer, but the cleanser can be replaced with something like Cetaphil (found at your local Walgreens or drugstore). I don't know of any other product that has crystals, but they are inexpensive. The moisturizer and cleanser tend to be pricey, but, like I said, the cleanser can be substituted.
So I suggest looking up a site you can order these from and getting the crystals and cleanser, then picking up some Cetaphil locally. Remember: it ALWAYS helps when a professional aesthetician goes in and gives you a good facial first. They know how to get all that junk out of your skin without damaging it :]
A few other basic tips:
-Use products that are fragrance-free
-Use products that are marked "daily" (they tend to help avoid product build up)
-Try not to wear too much makeup.
-Wash your face every morning and every night. In the morning, you actually have oils built up from your skin and face that accumulate as you sleep. At night, you wash away the daily dirt and grime, so both are really important.
-Look for products marked for "sensitive skin" to avoid anything too harsh, if that has been a problem in the past.
Hope that all helps! Good luck!
Try not to wear makeup and foundation if you can help it: sometimes it makes it seem more obvious that you are trying to cover it up, plus it clogs more pores and causes more acne. I would talk to your mum about getting a facial, and then use MD Forte. MD Forte basically consists of three parts:
1. A cleanser
2. "Crystals" you mix into the cleanser so it's like a scrub (it clears out all your pores SO well)
3. A slightly acidic moisturizer for after washing.
I swear by the moisturizer, but the cleanser can be replaced with something like Cetaphil (found at your local Walgreens or drugstore). I don't know of any other product that has crystals, but they are inexpensive. The moisturizer and cleanser tend to be pricey, but, like I said, the cleanser can be substituted.
So I suggest looking up a site you can order these from and getting the crystals and cleanser, then picking up some Cetaphil locally. Remember: it ALWAYS helps when a professional aesthetician goes in and gives you a good facial first. They know how to get all that junk out of your skin without damaging it :]
A few other basic tips:
-Use products that are fragrance-free
-Use products that are marked "daily" (they tend to help avoid product build up)
-Try not to wear too much makeup.
-Wash your face every morning and every night. In the morning, you actually have oils built up from your skin and face that accumulate as you sleep. At night, you wash away the daily dirt and grime, so both are really important.
-Look for products marked for "sensitive skin" to avoid anything too harsh, if that has been a problem in the past.
Hope that all helps! Good luck!
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2:40 PM | 0 Comments
Skin Care Routine For Oily Skin?
Posted by
skin care oily skin

Hi guys! so i actually have combo skin [oily on my forehead and nose dry som other places] and i was just looking for a good skin care routine for this skin type. if you could let me know everything to use and like maybe a certain brand that would be great thanks!!
Combination skin is very common. It doesn't sound like you have any other issues going on like Acne or sensitive skin. Cetaphil makes a cleanser for combination skin that can be purchased at the drug store. It's a good basic cleanser. Eucerin makes a light moisturizer that has SPF 20. I also like SkinCeuticals Simply Clean Cleanser, it works really well on combo skin and won't cause dryness in other areas of the face. Just make sure to use an oil free sunscreen with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Colorescience makes a great one in a powder. I've heard Cameron Diaz talk about it in magazines. She loves it because her skin is oily in some areas and it doesn't make her shiny.
Combination skin is very common. It doesn't sound like you have any other issues going on like Acne or sensitive skin. Cetaphil makes a cleanser for combination skin that can be purchased at the drug store. It's a good basic cleanser. Eucerin makes a light moisturizer that has SPF 20. I also like SkinCeuticals Simply Clean Cleanser, it works really well on combo skin and won't cause dryness in other areas of the face. Just make sure to use an oil free sunscreen with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Colorescience makes a great one in a powder. I've heard Cameron Diaz talk about it in magazines. She loves it because her skin is oily in some areas and it doesn't make her shiny.
What is the best skin care product for oily skin?

i really want to find a skin care product that works, i dont have an intense amount of acne but it would definitely improve my confidence if my skin cleared up before school. so please help! <3
I have oily skin that is prone to breakouts too, so I completely get where you are coming from! I've just recently started washing my face using the oil cleansing method, and I can't believe how much it has helped my skin! I know, I know. It does sound a bit odd applying oil to oily skin, but it has actually made my skin LESS oily.
This is what has worked for me.
All you need is extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) and castor oil.
Next you will add 3 parts Castor oil to 1 part EVOO. (ex: 3 tablespoons of Castor oil to 1 tablespoon EVOO), and combine the oils in a small bottle and shake to mix.
Now it's time to purge those pores with these simple steps:
1. Start with a dry face.
2. Pour a quarter sized amount into your palm and rub your hands together.
3. Apply the oil mixture to your skin.
4. Slowly and gently massage your skin with your finger tips.
5. Wet a washcloth with hot water, and put it on your face letting it cool to room temperature.
6. Remove the wash cloth and gently wipe off the oil.
7. Tone and moistuize skin with your favorite natural toner ( I use apple cider vinegar mixed with equal parts of water- this is good for oil and acne too!) and moisturizer.
You'll only need to do this once per day. I do it right before bedtime. In the morning I just use a witch hazel toner (good for acne and oily skin) or the apple cider vinegar mixture to refresh my skin and remove any oil that might have popped up overnight.
This has also done a really good job at drying up any breakouts I had. If you have any stubborn breakouts, consider trying Burt's Bee's Herbal Blemish Stick. I've had really good results with that product for breakouts in the past. Good luck! I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me!
I have oily skin that is prone to breakouts too, so I completely get where you are coming from! I've just recently started washing my face using the oil cleansing method, and I can't believe how much it has helped my skin! I know, I know. It does sound a bit odd applying oil to oily skin, but it has actually made my skin LESS oily.
This is what has worked for me.
All you need is extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) and castor oil.
Next you will add 3 parts Castor oil to 1 part EVOO. (ex: 3 tablespoons of Castor oil to 1 tablespoon EVOO), and combine the oils in a small bottle and shake to mix.
Now it's time to purge those pores with these simple steps:
1. Start with a dry face.
2. Pour a quarter sized amount into your palm and rub your hands together.
3. Apply the oil mixture to your skin.
4. Slowly and gently massage your skin with your finger tips.
5. Wet a washcloth with hot water, and put it on your face letting it cool to room temperature.
6. Remove the wash cloth and gently wipe off the oil.
7. Tone and moistuize skin with your favorite natural toner ( I use apple cider vinegar mixed with equal parts of water- this is good for oil and acne too!) and moisturizer.
You'll only need to do this once per day. I do it right before bedtime. In the morning I just use a witch hazel toner (good for acne and oily skin) or the apple cider vinegar mixture to refresh my skin and remove any oil that might have popped up overnight.
This has also done a really good job at drying up any breakouts I had. If you have any stubborn breakouts, consider trying Burt's Bee's Herbal Blemish Stick. I've had really good results with that product for breakouts in the past. Good luck! I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me!
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10:40 PM | 0 Comments
Where can I buy acne cream called prascion or avar-e green without prescription?
Posted by
skin care articles 2013

olive gree
I have bad acne and ran out of refills.I have been using this cream for 5 years and always worked for me. I have no insurance to go see a doctor to get the refill. Where can I go online to buy Prascion, Avar-e Green, Suphera (all same cream) without prescription.
Acne is understood to be a unhealthy skin condition that concerns your hair and also oil glands. It is portrayed by means of acne breakouts, black/white brain, reddishness in addition to nodules. Confront zits can indulge the way you look towards a large degree and the entire body pimples can actually damage your worktime by causing anyone really irritating. Taking into consideration pimple being a minimal difficulty, some people usually entirely throw out the topic of âAcne skin careâ. Even so, the necessity of âAcne dermis careâ should not be weakened in any way.
Use this article, it might be helpfull :
Acne is understood to be a unhealthy skin condition that concerns your hair and also oil glands. It is portrayed by means of acne breakouts, black/white brain, reddishness in addition to nodules. Confront zits can indulge the way you look towards a large degree and the entire body pimples can actually damage your worktime by causing anyone really irritating. Taking into consideration pimple being a minimal difficulty, some people usually entirely throw out the topic of âAcne skin careâ. Even so, the necessity of âAcne dermis careâ should not be weakened in any way.
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how long does the quickest way to remove back acne take?

I have acne on my back up at the top on my shoulder blades and i would like to wear a strapless dress but it would be very embarassing with what my back looks like right now.
Acne cases are thought of as a unhealthy condition of the skin that concerns the head of hair and also oil glands. It truly is portrayed by simply pimples, black/white heads, red skin in addition to cysts. Deal with pimple can certainly spoil your physical appearance with a degree and the pimple can really spoil every day by making you actually really miserable. Thinking about pimple to be a slight difficulty, lots of people tend to entirely get rid of the main topics of âAcne skin careâ. On the other hand, the necessity of âAcne epidermis careâ can not be undermined in any way.
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Acne cases are thought of as a unhealthy condition of the skin that concerns the head of hair and also oil glands. It truly is portrayed by simply pimples, black/white heads, red skin in addition to cysts. Deal with pimple can certainly spoil your physical appearance with a degree and the pimple can really spoil every day by making you actually really miserable. Thinking about pimple to be a slight difficulty, lots of people tend to entirely get rid of the main topics of âAcne skin careâ. On the other hand, the necessity of âAcne epidermis careâ can not be undermined in any way.
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