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What is a really good skin care product for dry skin and blackheads?


skin care for dry skin on Dry skin can be itchy and uncomfortable.
skin care for dry skin image


My skin is pretty dry and I get zits often and mostly blackheads. I have tried Clean & Clear and St. Ives which doesn't seem to work and Oxy and Clearisil which dried out my skin. What is a really effective skin care product that will not dry out my skin and get rid of my blackheads and other types of pimples? Thanks!

oh gosh I have used it all...proactiv, beauticontrol, clean & clear...all of it!
I am a senior independent beauty consultant with mary kay now & i can finally say my skin is at it's best! I had to use the classic basic skincare line #3 which means it's for acne-prone/blackhead-prone skin. As long as you get this you WILL NOT BE SORRY! It's great & comes with everything you need to take care of your skin on a daily basis! cleanser, toner, revitalizing mask, & moisurizer! email me at jamiemiller85@marykay.com or go to my website & check out the great products I have to offer you! www.marykay.com/jamiemiller85. You will get a free gift with your first online purchase hun!
Are you at least 18 because if you would like to get your skincare & makeup & fragrances at a discount I have just the way to do it for you---email me for further details!

What daily routine should I start to help very dry skin?

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I have very dry skin and a lot of skin care products dry out my skin. What products could I use for a cleanse, tone and moisturize routine that doesn't dry out my skin?

Try a cleansing cream or lotion. Vanicream has one. Or you could try a simple bar soap from dove or olay that says moisturizing or sensitive skin on the front. In the morning apply a moisturizer with sunscreen in it. Again Olay is good for this and they have a dry skin formula. At night apply a rich moisture cream...if you want you can get one that says anti aging too. If your eye area is dry apply an eye cream Morning and night.

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