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How to get flawless skin for a teenager?


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Q. Okay. So my mom is a makeup artsist, and believe it or not that involves you having to know how to take care of skin. My skin in usually good, with the occasional zit or two. I know for a fact toothpaste and peroxide work well. but how to get perfect buttery skin without much work? Any homemade family secret tricks? Or any things that help make skin look like this

1- http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.ry.com.au/ontrend/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/flawless-skin.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.ry.com.au/ontrend/tag/skin-care/&usg=__Xk26bTyvSpVRkdlAcjxbKqzoboo=&h=259&w=300&sz=78&hl=en&start=0&sig2=zNq_CG8BToQyyFrcX36Yhw&zoom=1&tbnid=AlBETTIH1zyiJM:&tbnh=122&tbnw=141&ei=w7KiTPHFEIKisQPF8LD6Bg&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dflawless%2Bskin%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1232%26bih%3D664%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=119&vpy=205&dur=419&hovh=207&hovw=240&tx=145&ty=106&oei=w7KiTPHFEIKisQPF8LD6Bg&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0

Or 2-http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.bet.com/Assets/BET/Published/image/jpeg/6a439432-4e8d-a943-c094-a06cc17a5a41-life_fb_Ads_Covergirl.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.bet.com/Lifestyle/Photos/lifestylephotoscelebrityads.htm%3Fi%3D1&usg=__esWNHOTjakuTo3Wx71RtBjuokgQ=&h=400&w=536&sz=63&hl=en&start=47&sig2=qpsvuNJY9j6XGx4VB1REvg&zoom=1&tbnid=t56LvPzw5VQkhM:&tbnh=149&tbnw=199&ei=67KiTJ3pMoX0swP86-36Bg&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dflawless%2Bskin%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1232%26bih%3D664%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C1017&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=619&vpy=198&dur=935&hovh=194&hovw=260&tx=148&ty=133&oei=5rKiTILtEJGesQPVhbD6Bg&esq=3&page=3&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:47&biw=1232&bih=664


Neutrogena Deep Clean: Ideal for normal to oily complexions, remove dirt, oil and makeup also removes dead skin cells. do this 3 times in week
look Among the hundreds of ingredients in skincare products Vitamins A, C, E, B3
Vitamin A (retinol, retinoic acid or Retin-A, retinyl propionate, and retinaldehyde)
Vitamin E: DL-alpha-tocopherol
Vitamin C ascorbic acid or Ascorbyl
Vitamin B3 : niacinamide or niacin

FACE WASH :Aveeno Ultra-Calming Moisturizing Cream Cleanser. (reduce redness).
* CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser
* Olay Foaming Wash
* Dove Sensitive Skin Foaming Facial Cleanser
for acne, whitehead and blackhead look ingredients in products
Salicylic Acid: is ideal for unclogging pores and treating blackheads and whiteheads, Bbenzoyl Peroxide: is ideal for acne it kills the bacteria in the pores that cause inflammation and acne.
try products :Nneutrogena Oil-Free AcneWash

Acne treatments such as benzoyl peroxide, topical antibiotics, alpha- and beta-hydroxy acid creams, and tretinoin
For acne-prone skin, try one of these:
* Clinique's Acne Solutions Cleansing Foam
* Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Cleanser
* Topix Benzoyl Peroxide 5% Wash
Nutrients That Save Face
The key nutrients for skin health include antioxidant vitamins C and E, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin D, zinc, protein, healthy fats, and water.

* Vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium may reduce the risk of photoaging and skin cancer.
* Vitamin A (carotenoids) helps protect skin against sun damage.
* Vitamin D helps boost immunity and aids in healing.
* Zinc helps with rapid cell growth, such as during wound repair.
* Protein provides your body with the basic building blocks for collagen, the main structural component of skin.
* Healthy fats (essential fatty acids) help maintain healthy skin cell membranes and reduce inflammation.
* Water helps keep your skin hydrated and plump.
Best Practices
# Wear protective clothing and hats as an additional measure of protection.
# Avoid the sun during peak hours (10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.)
-Apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes BEFORE you go out into the sun
If you go into the sun immediately after applying sunscreen, stay in the shade for the first 30 minutes.
_Reapply your sunscreen about every 2 hours.
_Use an SPF-containing lip balm whenever you are out in the sun.
Tips for Preventing Breakouts

* Choose "noncomedogenic" hair, skin, and makeup products.
* Avoid touching your face with your hands. Hands can spread bacteria to facial pores.
* Rinse off soon after working out to help prevent sweat and skin oils from mixing and clogging pores.
* Avoid overwashing or using harsh scrubs. These can cause excess oil production.
* Keep stress under control. Stress doesn't cause acne, but it may lead to overproduction of skin oils.

What ingredients should I look for in a skin cream?
An effective skin cream will contain ingredients that help minimize your skin's water loss. Look for creams with glycerin moisturizer (glycerin) , silicones, dimethicone and mineral oil. Creams containing synthetic or natural lipids (fat) work to imitate your natural skin and can also be effective

What can my friend do to reduce the size of her pores?


She's tried scrubs for blackheads, three-step skin care (cleanser, toner, oil-free moisturizer) from the department store, extraction, masks, pore strips... nothing seems to help. It's especially noticeable on her nose.

Do see a dermatologist to remove blackheads. They have the tools and the knowâhow to safely remove blackheads without causing scarring or infection. If you have just a few blackheads, use a comedone extractor, available at a beauty supply store. It's best to remove blackheads after a warm shower or bath, when your skin is soft. And always disinfect any tools with rubbing alcohol before you use them on your face.

Don't pick at dark skin. Picking can leave dark spots on the skin that can take a while to fade away. It can also cause keloid scars.

Do wash your pillowcase every night and always use clean face towels if you have acneâprone skin. Dirty towels and pillowcases can harbor bacteria and germs that can make acne worse.

Don't pick, pop, squeeze, or otherwise mess with your skin. Squeezing blemishes or whiteheads can lead to infection or scarring. It almost always makes the acne you have worse. You should never tangle with a whitehead as they'll go away on their own in a few days anyway. If you have a pimple with a yellow, pusâfilled center and you must pop it,
see How to Pop A Pimple â (On the same page)

⢠Gently wash the face twice daily with mild soap and pat dry. Do not scrub.Scrubbing irritates the skin
⢠Use "noncomedogenic" cosmetics and toiletries.
⢠Avoid things that aggravate acne such as grease or oils.
⢠Allow acne products enough time to work. With some treatments, it may take as long as 8 weeks for a show improvement.
⢠Some acne products increase the skinsâ sensitivity to sunlight. Use protective clothing and sunscreen.â

This site goes on to recommend many of the products I have posted further along in the answer.

Large Pores
The first step is to keep the area clean. Daily cleansing and toning are a must. A clay mask once a week will also help to deeply cleanse and tighten the skin (use the time to "think" your pores smaller)!

The good news is skin-care companies are getting the message. http://magazines.ivillage.com/redbook/experts/expert/qas/0,,284485_293192,00.html

There are a few other ways to reduce the appearance of your pores. We recommend that youâ¦
- Eat plenty of fresh fish, vegetables and fruit â especially berries and melon.
- Reduce the amount of processed foods in your diet. Choose âgood fatsâ like avocado over saturated fats.
- Swap your usual moisturiser for one specifically designed for minimising the appearance of pores. Iâve been using Neutrogenaâs Pore Refining Cream for 3 months and the large pores around my nose have definitely become less noticeable.â

Products and Treatments:
Retin-A (tretinoin, a form of vitamin A) or alpha hydroxy acids (glycolic)This helps to unblock pores and decrease the formation of blackheads (comedones) and spots. It may take six to eight weeks before definite beneficial effects on the skin can be seen.â http://www.tiscali.co.uk/lifestyle/healthfitness/health_advice/netdoctor/archive/100002258.html

Glycolic creams are very highly recommended for blackheads removal. It helps in skin peeling, effectively unclogging the pores and smoothening the skin surface.â

When looking for an product containing AHA, keep in mind that it may go by the following names(see the link).

Some AHA products:

Other products
âBenzoyl Peroxide, Resorcinol, Sulfur, Azelaic Acid, Alcohol, and Acetic acid are some of the treatments discussed on this site. Prescription remedies are covered as well.â

I recommend you visit a good dermatologist who can prescribe the correct therapy for you. Your doctor may recommend oral antibiotics for a time, or even birth control pills, to be taken along with a topical treatment.

âAcne treatments work by reducing oil production, speeding up skin cell turnover, fighting bacterial infection or a combination of all three. http://www.continuingeducation.com/pharmtech/acne/acne.pdf


âHere are ways to loosen the blackheads:
1. Steaming the Pores
Steaming can be done as often as twice a week but for no longer than 10 minutes at a time. This is a great way to clean out pores and loosen blackheads.
2. Combine 1/4 cup boiling water with one teaspoon of Epsom salt and three drops of iodine.
Let mixture cool until it's comfortable to the touch.Saturate a cotton ball with this mixture and dab on blackheads.This will allow them to loosen so they can be easily squeezed with a gauze pad.
3. Combine equal parts baking soda and water in your hand and rub gently on your skin for 2 to 3 minutes. Rinse with warm water.â

Professional Treatments:
âIf the acne does not respond to home and over-the-counter treatments after two months, it is a good idea to see a dermatologist before the condition produces scarring and/or takes an emotional toll.Dermatologists have numerous prescription medications and procedures available.
·Retinoic acids.Available as creams and lotions, these vitamin A acids can help unblock pores and reduce the skin's bacteria.
·Topical antibacterials or antibiotics.These creams and lotions can help reduce acne nflammation and skin bacteria.
·Oral antibiotics.Though not usually the first course of treatment, oral antibiotics such as tetracycline are often used to help reduce the inflammation of acne.
·Birth control pills.Women who use oral contraceptives may notice that their acne improves significantly. In fact, the FDA has approved one birth control pill specifically for acne treatment.
·Isotretinoin.For severe acne that does not respond to other treatments, your dermatologist may prescribe isotretinoin. This medication must be used with care,however, since it can cause birth defects.
·Surgery.It is never a good idea to remove blackheads or whiteheads (both called comedones) or pimples on your own. A dermatologist has the proper equipment to extract them without leaving scars.â

Additional Information:
Here is a home remedy to try:

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What is the best anti-aging skin care product for wrinkles?


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I have tried many skin care lines and products. I am looking for ladies opinions for over 40 skin care to treat wrinkles, age spots and puffy under eyes.

try Ziaja PhytoAktiv creams. I currently use PhytoAktiv Eye Cream for Delicate Skin because I have puffy eyes. It works on me. The site says $17.99 but I got mine for only $3.

try Lancôme Absolue Absolute Replenishing Cream SPF 15. its a bit pricey but it works almost instantly and immediately you'll look younger with a better complexion, also it has SPF. Check out other anti aging products from the site below.

How do you properly care for your skin?


I hear all the time about how important good skin care is but I don't know how to do so. I'm young now and I'd like to properly care for my skin so that I don't end up with horrendous wrinkles and such. Thanks.

The best way to keep your skin healthy is to be careful in the sun.

Limit time in the sun. Try to stay out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. This is when the sunâs rays are strongest. Donât be fooled by cloudy skies. The sunâs rays can pass through clouds. You can also get sunburned if you are in water, so be careful when you are in a pool, lake, or the ocean.

Use sunscreen. Look for a sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) number of 15 or higher. Itâs best to choose sunscreens with âbroad spectrumâ on the label. âWater resistantâ sunscreen stays on your skin even if you get wet or sweat a lot, but it isnât waterproof and needs to be put on about every 2 hours.

Wear protective clothing. A hat with a wide brim can shade your neck, ears, eyes, and head. Look for sunglasses that block 99 to 100 percent of the sunâs rays. If you have to be in the sun, wear loose, lightweight, long-sleeved shirts and long pants or long skirts.

Avoid tanning. Donât use sunlamps or tanning beds. Tanning pills are not approved by the FDA and might not be safe.

Your skin may change with age. But remember, there are things you can do to help. Check your skin often. If you find any changes that worry you, see your doctor.

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How dangerous are the chemicals in hair relaxers?


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I was watching a document and a man left a can in hair relaxer. The can dissolved. Can hair relaxers really do this?

Watch: Good Hair - Documentary by Chris Rock 2009. or Tyra Banks What is Good Hair. Black women spend 80% of all hair products. She's got good advice! There's a reason why that documentary was made, to EDUCATE PEOPLE. A hairstylist in Portland, Or. is blowing a whistle on the treatment.
"A big red flag: About a month after she started using Brazilian Blowout on clients, Scrutton had the first nosebleed of her life." I've been warning people since Dec. 2009.

Canada had issued a public health warning regarding Brazilian Blowout and has stopped the distribution of their salon product; Ireland has also issued a recall. ~ Also published in Vogue Feb. 2011.

Stylists and clients often wear gas masks or other protective equipment and still may feel the ill effects of this potentially fatal gas.

Hair-straightening products are allowed to contain small concentrations of formaldehyde (0.2 percent). But several hair-straightening solutions have been found to contain well above the allowable limit. For example, one popular hair-straightening product that advertised itself as âformaldehyde-freeâ actually contained 6.8 percent to 11.8 percent formaldehyde.
Another example: Fourteen women, including two from North Texas and one from Houston, are suing Unilever, the maker of a product they claim caused permanent damage to their hair.
"It transforms frizzy, unmanageable hair into hair that's sleeker and easier to style," said the commercial for the Suave Professionals Keratin Infusion 30-Day Smoothing Kit, which is no longer being sold
When she began looking online for more information about the product, she said she found some people who said it worked, but more who said it damaged their hair.
She discovered a Facebook page devoted to angry consumers, and there are multiple postings on YouTube. I've been warning people about relaxers since 2009 and people are giving me thumbs down!
BTW: A variety of hair-straightening products used in professional salons can expose both hairdressers and their customers to formaldehyde. The results show that three professional hair-smoothing treatments labeled "formaldehyde free" can produce the cancer-causing chemical at concentrations above the occupational exposure limits set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. They tested four products: Coppola Keratin Complex Blonde Formula, Global Keratin Juvexin Optimized Functional Keratin, La Brasiliana Escluso Keratin Treatment with Collagen, and Brazilian Blowout Acai Professional Smoothing Solution. While ChemRisk tested four popular brands of hair straighteners, THERE ARE HUNDREDS on the market. Nov. 11-11

By contrast, beauty salon owners and stylists generally lack a scientific background and don't have a keen awareness of the danger of working with products that contain formaldehyde, experts say.

Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.
Hair straighteners are known as hair relaxers, keratin treatments and hair-smoothing products. They work by breaking and reforming the chemical bonds in keratin, which is the main protein that gives shape to each hair.

> > > > BRAZILIAN BLOWOUT HAD BEEN BANNED by the Food & Drug Adm. Sept. 12, 2011.

Google: keratin treatment warnings. About 2,620,000 results (0.36 seconds) 6-24-12.
 1-23-12. and Google: Lawsuits Brazilian Blowouts. About 1,010,000 results (0.24 seconds) 
In Sept. the federal government put out a hazard alert about the hair-smoothing treatment, Brazilian Blowout etc. warning that it contains liquid formaldehyde that can turn into formaldehyde gas when heated during a treatment. Now, the company's bottles of solution carry a warning label to alert stylists to the potential formaldehyde risk and the need to perform the treatment in a well-ventilated area. The manufacturer said Monday (3-6-12) that it had agreed to settle a class-action lawsuit for about $4.5 million.

The FDA has previously received complaints that the products cause adverse reactions, including nervous system problems such as headaches, respiratory tract problems, nausea, chest pain, vomiting and rashes.

Google FDA.gov & search for Hair Dye & Relaxers.
Google: Hair Dye FAQ's Are Hair Dyes Safe?

Is Lakme products good for hair rebonding?


I am planning to go for hair rebonding and Lakme Salon is the only good one I know near by. I am just doubtful of the Lakme products that they use. Is Lakme a trustworthy brand when comes to hair rebonding? Or should I look for a parlour that uses Loreal products?

Hair straighteners are known as hair relaxers, keratin treatments and hair-smoothing products. They work by breaking and reforming the chemical bonds in keratin, which is the main protein that gives shape to each hair.

The FDA has previously received complaints that the products cause adverse reactions, including nervous system problems such as headaches, respiratory tract problems, nausea, chest pain, vomiting and rashes. 12-12-12

Hair-straightening products are allowed to contain small concentrations of formaldehyde (0.2 percent). But several hair-straightening solutions have been found to contain well above the allowable limit. For example, one popular hair-straightening product that advertised itself as âformaldehyde-freeâ actually contained 6.8 percent to 11.8 percent formaldehyde.
Another example: Fourteen women, including two from North Texas and one from Houston, are suing Unilever, the maker of a product they claim caused permanent damage to their hair.
"It transforms frizzy, unmanageable hair into hair that's sleeker and easier to style," said the commercial for the Suave Professionals Keratin Infusion 30-Day Smoothing Kit, which is no longer being sold
When she began looking online for more information about the product, she said she found some people who said it worked, but more who said it damaged their hair.
She discovered a Facebook page devoted to angry consumers, and there are multiple postings on YouTube. I've been warning people about relaxers since 2009 and people are giving me thumbs down!
BTW: A variety of hair-straightening products used in professional salons can expose both hairdressers and their customers to formaldehyde. The results show that three professional hair-smoothing treatments labeled "formaldehyde free" can produce the cancer-causing chemical at concentrations above the occupational exposure limits set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. They tested four products: Coppola Keratin Complex Blonde Formula, Global Keratin Juvexin Optimized Functional Keratin, La Brasiliana Escluso Keratin Treatment with Collagen, and Brazil

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How to start a home based health & bath soap distribution business in Canada (Toronto)?


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A friend of mine owns a small business in the Philippines manufacturing beaty and bath soap. I am interested to start my own business distributing beauty and health products from the Philippines and thought of starting with the health and bath soap products manufactured by my friends company. Any advice on how to start this type of business from government regulation, importing, steps to set up the business would greatly appreciated. Thanks...

Use this basic checklist to make sure all the important steps are taken before you launch your new venture. This business checklist will make sure that you cross all your t's and dot all your i's before your business launch.

Steps to Starting a Business -

Other sites you might find helpful are:
SBA - http://www.sba.gov/
SCORE - http://www.score.org
Small Business Resource - http://www.small-business-software.net
Business Link - http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/home


How far do you go for your health and aesthetic?


How to structure a Medical Vacation Company

Dear readers,

my name is Giovanna Caprini. Currently, I am taking Business classes and me working on building a Medical Vacation Company. My first goal is taking care of American beauty and health.
I will be so glad if you could help me on this:
- how can I structure this company in the way I can please the Americans?
- What do you think it could be part on this???
-Where would you go for a vacation and medical treatment?
- How comfortable do you feel to be in the exotic beach while you receive aesthetic or medical treatment?
- The best name for the company?

Just tell me what you think about?

Thank you so much,


For a vacation and medical treatment, I would definitely go somewhere exotic and relaxing. Probably Hawaii or the Bahamas.
Call your company Giovanna's Get Better Getaways

Good luck!

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How old should i be to become a beauty guru?


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I want to become a beauty guru but i feel that i'm too young. I'm 13 do you think its to young? If you do then what age do you think i should be come one? Thanks in advance:)

My favorite beauty gurus on Youtube (KandeeJohnson, Rachhloves & DulceCandy87) are the girls who are a bit older, Rachel is 26, Kandee in her 30's and DucleCandy is in her late 20's as well I believe.
I think I like these ones the best because they have more life experience to offer and have more experience with how to do hair and makeup that looks great.
This does not mean that there aren't any good, teenage gurus out there. I love LaVivaBeauty, CityandMakeup and iheartmakeup92.

I think 13 might be a bit too young... You could try, I just think at least 16 is a good age.
You have to remember that yes they get noticed, can become pretty well known and get tons of views, but they also recieve a lot of criticism. People will straight up say you are ugly, or, this looks terrible (I've seen it!) So prepare yourself for that. Immediately delete these comments (maybe set it to where you have to approve a comment before it shows up on the feed) and block them.

Tell people exactly what your mission is with your channel, do you want to focus on one thing more than another like makeup, hair, or fashion? A little of everything? You don't even have to limit yourself to beauty videos, people including me love DIY, fitness/health and inspirational videos!
Having a catchy username helps (one that people will remember), and using a high quality camera makes a huge difference!!! You also need to know how to edit videos.

Good luck with everything, and when and if you do create a channel be it tomorrow or 3 years from now, send me a link to it, I will support you! <3

Would Clear brand shampoo be good for wavyish hair with recent hair loss?


I have wavy-ish hair that tends to get frizzy, so I flatten it 2-3 times a week. I do use protectant, so I don't think of damage as a major issue, but for some reason lately I have been losing a pretty substantial amount of hair. I was watching a video on youtube by one of my favorite beauty guru's and she said she'd been using Clear and loved it. I am debating weather to try it, I have looked at reviews but they are ether "it worked great!" or "it burned my scalp!" so I am really in the middle here. The majority of the reviews I read are good, but I don't know if it's right for my hair type. Help?

I can't say that I know a whole lot about Clear shampoo, but I think my personal experience can help with this nonetheless.

I started losing my hair when I was 17 and it was rough at first, but I essentially got it under control when I was about 22. I'm 24 (almost 25) now and I'm still losing hair, but really slowly due to the hair loss treatments I use.

I like to use Nizoral shampoo every 3 days or so, and it's GREAT for both scalp health and hair loss. At least that's my opinion. I've never had any kind of a negative reaction to it. I buy it on Amazon. However, just shampoo alone is not going to really completely fix a hair loss problem.

So, here's my advice. 3 years ago I started taking HairIntegro, which is a supplement and an FDA approved topical treatment. It's pretty strait forward. The topical minoxidil treatment (the same as rogaine) and improves bloodflow in the scalp. The oral supplement that is designed help correct hormone imbalances, which is BY FAR the leading cause of hair loss in women. HOWEVER, because it's a natural supplement with vitamins, minerals, and herbs, it does not have any negative side effects like stronger drugs might have.

Now, i can't say it would work perfectly for you or anyone else, but I know that it worked for me and my sister who used it after having 3 babies. They have a men's an a womens formula, luckily. Honestly, I wouldn't have used it if not for the return policy they have, because I'm always a skeptic of stuff I find online.

Minoxidil by itself is said to work on 85% of men, and HairIntegro apparently works on 93% of men and women. I am not a doctor (unfortunately) but hopefully this info helps you out a little. They're not too expensive to start off. I started with the 2 month package. Just google HairIntegro and you should be able to find their site. actually just go to http://HairIntegro.com. I just saved you a step in case you're interested :)

I really do help this info works, cuz I know how much hair loss sucks. Good luck!

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how do you live life to the fullest and what do you do to feel alive?


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Mad Lu

I love life and i love to feel like i'm alive and kicking! I have 4 things that i do to maintain this aspect on life they are:
1. setting goals
2. educated risk
3. stepping out of comfort zone
4. being a kid again!

Other then these 4 already listed items - What are some of the things you do to feel alive or that your living life to the fullest!

if you don't know just tell me what your last educated risk was!
Thanks in advance!

Living the life the best you can be without any regrets.
Learning from your past mistakes and gained maturity from that experience.
Hold unto your precious memories.
Family and friends are the most important ones.
Materialism doesnât bring you happiness.

Treat others with respect and kindness that is the golden rule.

Something we Learn

Arne Garbog

I've learnt that you cannot make someone love you,
All you can do is be someone who can be loved.
The rest is up to them.

I've learnt that no matter how much I care,
Some people just don't care too much about it.
I've learnt that it takes years to build up trust,
And only seconds to destroy it.

I've learnt that it's not what you have in your life,
But who you have in your life that counts.

I've learnt that you can do something in an instant,
That will give you a heartache for life.

I've learnt that no matter how thin you slice it,
There are always two sides.

I've learnt that you should always leave loved ones with
loving words. It may be the last time you see them.

I've learnt that we are responsible for what we do,
No matter how we feel.

I've learnt that there are people who love you dearly,
But just don't know how to show it.

I've learnt that true friendship continues to grow,
Even over the longest distance.
And the same goes very much for true love as well.

I've learnt that just because someone doesn't love you
the way you want them to,
Doesn't mean they don't love you at all.

I've learnt that maturity has more to do with what
types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them,
And less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.

I've learnt that no matter how good a friend someone is,
They're going to hurt you every once in a while
And you must forgive them for that.

I've learnt that no matter how bad your heart is broken
The world doesn't stop for your grief.

I've learnt that just because two people argue,
It doesn't mean they don't love each other.
Similarly, just because they don't argue,
It doesn't mean they do.

I've learnt that we don't have to change friends
If we understand that friends change.

I've learnt that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a
secret. For it could change your life forever.

I've learnt that no matter how many friends you have,
If you are their pillar,
You will feel lonely
And lost at the times you need them most.

I've learnt that the people you care most about in life
Are taken from you too soon.

"I love you" can have many different meanings,
It loses value when overly used.

I've learnt that love is not for me to keep,
But to pass on to the next person I see.
I've learnt that even when I have pains,
I don't have to be one.

It is said that for money you can have everything, but you

You can buy food, but not appetite;
Medicine, but not health;
Knowledge, but not wisdom;
Glitter, but not beauty;
Fun, but not joy;
Acquaintances, but not friends;
Servants, but not faithfulness;
Leisure, but not peace.

How to reduce blackheads on cheeks?


My cheeks were very dry at first, so I used Shiseido's moisturizer on them after I wash my face every time. My T zone is usually oily. I wash my face twice a day. Soon, my cheeks has blackheads and the cheek area was of a different shade of colour than the rest of my face. What am I to do?

Mix oatmeal with egg white and apply it on the affected area twice a week. Wash it off when it is dry. Check out http://beauty-health-tips.com/blackheads-removal-tips/

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How do you clear up back acne?


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I have a wedding to go to on new years eve and I have back acne(not bad but it is embarrassing) and I may wear a strapless dress so I want to clear it up a little. Any tips?

If you want to clear it up fairly quickly, I would suggest using a topical benzoyl peroxide cream. BP is very effective in clearing up acne but the only problem with using it on your body is that it will bleach fabric...so clothes and possibly your sheets will get ruined. So, either wear something that you don't care if it gets ruined or wear white (i.e. an old white t-shirt) and make sure it covers up your entire back so it doesn't touch anything else.

For future breakouts and to keep the back acne at bay, do the following:
First, make sure you cleanse at least once a day. Don't overdo it here (sometimes people shower more often thinking they'll get rid of the acne by washing it away - you can actually make things worse if you strip away too much of your natural oils because your skin will respond with making more oil - causing more acne.) If, however, you sweat a lot, you may want to wash your skin again (even it it's just with a wash cloth) - for instance, after playing sports, etc. Wash with a cleanser that YOUR skin responds to. But, do not choose a cleanser that has alcohol in it (as this also causes your skin to dry out and cause more acne). Also, skip anything with fragrance as this can irritate acne prone skin.

Second, I also use this method on a daily basis or 2-3 times per week (depending on your skin):
a water / vinegar solution 1:1 ratio Apple cider vinegar is good but I've also used regular vinegar. I use a 1:1 ratio but you can use less vinegar if you'd like (you may want to start off with 90% water, 10% vinegar to see how your skin reacts - work your way up, if needed). Put it in a spray bottle and spray the problem areas at night before you go to bed then shower in the morning. If you normally shower at night, go ahead and still spray it. The "vinegary" smell should dissipate but you may still want to wash off with a wash cloth in the morning. This can be very helpful for your back.

I would also exfoliate on a regular basis. Exfoliating your skin will help remove dead skin cells that get trapped because of too much sebum (oil) on your skin - causing pores to get clogged...thus forming acne. With oily skin, you should exfoliate 3-5 per week. (If you have dry or sensitive skin, only once per week; Normal skin would be everyday.)

Everyone's skin is different and everyone responds differently to different treatments. As long as you stay consistent with your skin care regimen and listen to your skin while using the tips above, you will find what works for you. It wasn't until after I really started to see how my skin responded to my habits that I figured out how to manage the acne. I hope this helps you!! Good luck to you!! I hope your acne clears up so you can wear that dress!!

Any tips for looking the best for my wedding?


I am getting married next May, so I have 6 months to be in tip-top shape for my wedding. I am going to the gym and TRYING to diet. It is not easy. I am not fat, however id like to tone my tummy and get rid of the extra flub thats on my sides. I also want to try to get my hair to grow longer and make my skin more clear. Any tips? Is there a "super food" i should be eating? An exercise I should try doing?

you should definitely try to drink lots of water. this will keep your skin hydrated and make it look more healthy. try carrying a water bottle in your hand bag, that's what i do to ensure i drink lots.

i also suggest you use tea tree oil, it's cheap but it really works, it's just amazing. you should have a skin care routine where you wash your face, dry it and then put some tea tree oil on a cotton ball and wipe it over your face. it can sometimes hurt so maybe add a bit of water to it to start, but when it hurts that means it's working. it's an antibacterial so it cleans all the bacteria in your pores that produce pimples and black heads and basically just cleans your skin really well. once it's dried you use a good vitamin E moisturiser. if you've got the money i even suggest you go and get a few facials. if you get one now, one in 2 months then again 6 weeks before the wedding and 1 week before the wedding your skin will be amazing and it's very relaxing.

i also suggest you ask your hairdresser about growing your hair long and keeping it in good health, no one will know your hair as well as he/she does and they will be able to suggest products for you to use.

as for exercise, running and swimming are great ways to tone up. both of them build muscles all over your body, swimming in particular works your tummy and arms. good luck

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Looking for a good skin care place in Vancouver?


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Hi Hi

I have very very bad acnes and I need to get rid of them. :(
I searched for skin care clinic but there's a bunch of them. I have no idea which one to go.
Any recommendations?

Also any suggestions to make my skin better? :'(
I've tried Proactive but it didn't work... My skin was horribly dry and red+swollen+painful...

Now I'm 21, thought this is the time my skin gets better from those adolescent skin problems, but getting worse in reality...

Thank you!

I go to the vancouver skin care centre. It is a really good place. I had horrible acne and a forehead rash and when we moved to vancouver I went there and now i am acne free! It got a lot better in about two months, but took a year to clear up completely. I say stp using proactive and those, and see a dermetologist. They will give you what you really need for your skin.

heres a link to their website.


What can I do about the scar from my corticosteroid injection?


Last summer, I had a terrible case of poison ivy. I went to a prompt care center for treatment whereupon the doctor gave me a corticosteroid shot in the buttocks. Now, I have a depression in the skin about the size of a quarter in diameter and approximately 1/2" deep. My internet research tells me it is "subcutaneous atrophy." It is making me feel very self-conscious when I am with my husband. Is there anything I can do about it? I read something about saline injections clearing it up, but I'm not sure if that applies to this situation. Is it something that will go away with time? Any advice from doctors or others with this experience is appreciated.

If you're really worried go see a plastic surgeon. perhaps colloid injections might help.

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How can someone sell new branded plasma tv or any consumer electronics for less than half of market price?


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I have been dealing with a trader in Hong Kong, and he has quoted to me prices for mobiles, plasma tv's i enquired. The prices are less than half of market price. I asked how he sells so cheap, he answered that he has contact with factories etc. I am interested in buying from him, but I am worried if he is not giving a quality product, and am worried if he is going to give a fake guarantee card. Anyone one has similar experience in buying from these kind of traders?

hi ,why not take a look at this webpage http://www.sourcingmap.com/
it is world's first factory-direct wholesale online superstore. Sourcingmap wholesale inventory categories include MP3 and MP4 players, Computer Accessories, Digital Cameras, Cell Phone Accessories, Bluetooth Electronics, iPod Accessories, Radio Control Toys, Costume Jewelry, Health and Beauty Products, Digital photo frames and various gadgets and electronics.
maybe this webpage is exactly one you are looking for,any further question you may resort to this link

Is there a safe and cheap wholesale drop ship company that works?

Wayne P

i would like to start a small website and I need a cheap, safe and reliable drop shipper to help me with items to sell. I have a very small amount of money. Can anyone help me?

Hi Buddy,
I'm involved in drop shipping, it is a reliable drop shipping company which sells beauty and health care products. they take care of refunds which rarely take place.


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Why should anyone care whether two other people are allowed to marry one another?


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Is it really any skin off of straight people's noses if gays are allowed to marry?
If two consenting adults marry one another, how is it anyone else's business?
Actually, I'm straight myself, but I believe that consenting adults should be able to do what they damned well please.
Also, you can tell your kids that homosexuality is wrong all you want to, but that won't drive the fact of homosexuality out of existence.

I agree with you. I'm lucky enough that I didn't need the approval of a majority of voters in my state to marry the partner of my choice,and think it's pretty messed up that other people need the approval of courts or the voters of a state simply because their choice was different.
I feel terrible simply because there are people who had to have the entire state vote on whether they had the right to get married to the person they loved, and especially bad because the majority of voters in that state took it upon themselves to say to their neighbors "I get to decide whom you can marry, not you."
The silver lining in this is that I'm certain this is a temporary setback. The dominant course of our history is that people's rights increase over time. It may not happen as fast as I would like, and there are reversals, but the trend is always towards more freedom, not less. In 30 years not only will it not be an issue, but young people will be shocked that it was ever an issue.

What's the best way to take care of your skin if you are a guy?


Hey guys

Lately i've been using a mens moisturizer.. usually after showering or shaving.. but every time I use it i usually get a small acne breakout a couple days later which is a pain. My skin is usually very good, and this only happens when i use the moisturizer. I tried a less oil based one but same result. Anyone else have this happen? Ideas?

There was a time when skin care for men meant worrying about their zits, combing their hair, and splashing on some musky aftershave lotion. A guy might sneak a look at himself in a store window if he thought no one was looking, but anything more than that was a sign of excessive vanity.

The good news for guys is that they are now much freer to pay attention to their skin and its appearance, and that gives them a better chance to keep their skin healthy. It also allows them to join women in an obsessive, even masochistic pursuit of physical perfection -- and to spend thousands of dollars on Botox treatments, hair removal (or transplantation), and facials in the process. Skin treatments, cosmetic products, and even cosmetic surgery are now, for better or worse, a man's domain too.

"Men are now getting facials. Men get their backs waxed. We see plenty of men doing laser hair removal on their backs," says David Green, MD, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Howard University Hospital in Washington, DC. "Men are getting Botox treatments at a much higher rate than you imagine."

Vested interests aside, dermatologists see the overall trend as positive. "The health of [men's] skin matters," Green says. "Taking care of one's skin will reduce the incidence of skin problems."

Too much ultraviolet exposure from the sun, for example, can result in premature wrinkles, broken blood vessels, permanent ruddiness, and rough, scaly skin, Green warns, and can eventually lead to skin cancer. Poor skin care can also produce or exacerbate acne, which can be disfiguring. So here's what you can do to make the most out of what you've got.

Safeguard your skin from the sun

Whether you're male or female, young or old, Public Enemy Number One of skin is the sun. The symptoms of aging skin -- wrinkles and brown spots, sagging and splotches -- all are caused or aggravated by solar exposure. "If no one was ever exposed to the sun, we wouldn't have these problems," says Arielle Kauvar, MD, founding director of New York Laser & Skin Care and a clinical associate professor of dermatology at New York University School of Medicine.

Her observation also holds true for serious problems like skin cancer in its most dire form, melanoma. For various reasons, possibly including the thinning of the ozone layer, the incidence of melanoma has increased six-fold since 1950.

So what's a guy to do for protection? Wear sunglasses and keep your skin covered during the heat of the day. Wear a hat when you're at the beach or in the sun for long periods off time. And, above all, slather on the sunscreen. Kauvar recommends choosing a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) rating of at least 20 that has broad spectrum UVB and UVA coverage. "Men of Celtic extraction -- red hair, green eyes, very little melanin in skin -- have to be even more vigilant about sun exposure, because they have a greater risk of sun damage, skin cancer, and melanoma," says Green.

And when should you wear sunscreen? "Every day of the year," Kauvar says.

Be kind to your face and skin

Although men generally pay less attention to their skin than women do, they actually have some advantages in the healthy skin department. Male skin tends to be thicker, oilier, with larger pores and less tendency to wrinkle until late in life than women's skin. That's partly because men have more testosterone circulating in their bodies, says Green. Facial hair also helps the male face resist some of the ravages of aging, because the hair follicles and oil glands make it more resilient and self-lubricating, Kauvar points out.

But these advantages can be offset in men who have a tendency toward facial abuse: Some put sunscreen on their bodies but not their faces. They use harsh detergent soap that dries out their skin. They shave in the wrong direction. If they get a little acne, they squeeze and pop. So be gentle, guys.

Go with the grain -- and other fine points of shaving

Experts agree: Shaving against the grain is a bad idea. It can rough up your face and increase the chances of ingrown hair, especially for African American men and others whose facial hair is curly. Do your shaving after you shower, when your skin is really moist. Lather up well; don't shave dry. Rinse out the razor frequently to dislodge the bits of whisker that get lodged between blades -- this will help prevent nicking your face. And did we mention going with the grain? (OK, if you're really obsessive and there's a special occasion and you just HAVE to get a super-close shave, you can minimize the risks of shaving against the grain by first shaving with it. That way you reduce the density of the hair you're trying to cut before you go back against the grain and lop off those last bits of stubble. But don't make this a habit.)

Please don't squeeze the pimples

Yeah, we know, pimples look, well, dorky, and have a way of making grown men (and women) feel like they're in high school again. But squeezing or popping them is a bad idea. Here's what the American Academy of Dermatology has to say on the subject: "Do not pick, scratch, pop, or squeeze pimples yourself. When pimples are squeezed, more redness, swelling, inflammation, and scarring may result."

Contrary to popular opinion, pimples are not directly caused by a bad diet or by dirty skin, although they can be aggravated by humid weather and how you wash your face. The widely cited culprits include hormonal changes and certain medications like antidepressants and hormones. But washing too often or too vigorously can make things worse. Best advice: Ride out the occasional pimple and remember it will be gone soon. If you get them often, consult your family doctor or a dermatologist. Skin conditions such as acne or rosacea are relatively common in adults, and your doctors can often suggest or prescribe medications that can help.

Try a little tenderness

Healthy skin is moist, not dry. Yet many guys choose soaps that suck moisture from the skin like a desert sun at high noon. "Men want to be manly and use Irish Spring soap everywhere," says Kauvar. But it and most other bar soaps -- such as Dial, Lever, and even Ivory -- are really detergents and are "terrible for the skin," she says.

Green is a bit more tolerant: he says most guys can get away with using soap -- unless they have sensitive skin. If they do, he warns, a mild non-soap cleanser is just what the doctors ordered. (Some dermatologists advise men to use soap only to wash the groin and armpits.)

As we age, our skin is slower to slough off old, dead skin cells and tends to become dull and less luminous. Exfoliating the skin -- removing the old layers of dead skin cells -- can help maintain a youthful glow.

Chemical exfoliants are lotions or creams that contain ingredients like alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) or vitamin A products. These work well for some people, though they can be very irritating for those with sensitive skin. You can also use a physical exfoliant, a scrub that contains tiny bits of gritty material such as ground-up almond shells or tiny synthetic grains. Abrasive sponges like loofahs may also help smooth the skin.

Last, but not least: Pay attention to changes in your skin

Unfortunately, a lot of men don't tend to pay close attention to their skin, notes Kauvar. That means they can miss important changes such as an oddly shaped mole that might be a sign of skin cancer. Her advice: "If you have a new mole, a changing mole, or a new growth, have it checked if it lasts longer than a month -- especially if it's bleeding or sore."

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Why are Asian people always selling black people's hair?


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For me as a black lady I never understood why Asian people are always selling our hair extensions, hair products (like perm, thread & needles) and also our skin care products. I see a place called Ebony Hair Store and I walk in and I see a chinese or Japenese lady selling my hair. Or I walk in another hair place and I see a indian women selling black hair products. I mean I know these asian people have alot of businesses but can't black people sell their own hair! I don't get it, African Americans been in this country more than Asian people (they are foreigners) and we can't open up a business for ourselves like making a business for our hair or making a business called soul food instead of always eating chinese food? I seriously don't get it!

Because we as black people are afraid of success. We are reluntant to place our business in the black community. We don't even support our own. We would ride clear across town to the posh side to purchase stuff we could have from the black businesses that are in the community.

Also in reference to your question, why don't we have African based restaurants in our own community. Although I brought this up I don't know if I'm even ready for goat's brain or foo-foo. You can always find a Chinese Restaurant in the 'hood. And it's always a buffet available. And let's not forget the NAIL shops. Yahoo did a news article on Chinese food, but I did not read it. Something about how unhealthy it is.

Another factor they are considered a minority and get more grants to open businesses.

What are the best skin care products for African American skin?


I am a 40+ AA woman with fairly good skin but I do have a few problems every now and then. I would like to find a skincare regimen (cleanser, toner, moisturizer and sunblock) for my skin type. I have looked at them all and I don't want....no scratch that! I refuse to pay an arm and a leg for a bunch of crap that's going to take up counter space in my bathroom. Keeping it simple is what I need.

I seen this commercial for this product called AMBI for African Americans. This is the website.

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What is the reason for white discrimination?


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I went to a wedding of my friend's a couple of weeks ago. She and the groom are both black, and I am white. I was the only white person at the wedding (except for my two little girls in tow), and I have never felt so hated. She is a friend from work, so I had never met her family before. When we arrived at the ceremony, the ushers never greeted us or offered us a leaflet, nor did they show us where the guest book was. They were very friendly to everyone else. Also, before the service started my child had to use the restroom and get a drink and came back nearly in tears because she had been yelled at by a lady for 'spalshing her' when my little girl got a drink.
I grew up in Denver and had friends of all colors, and was one of the few white people living at my dorms in college. Prior to this wedding I have never been openly hated or discriminated against. It is just so upsetting, because I am trying to raise my children to be loving and accepting of everyone and even they noticed how uncomfortable it was at the wedding.
The thing that really gets me that no one in my or my children's family (on either side) was even white in America during slavery, so why hate us? My husband's family came from from Germany in the 50's and my family and my family is Apache and Irish .
Oh, and the reason I am thinking of this particular event today is because I was at the library with my kids and was reading books to them about MLK and explaining why they had the day off school today, so I was just sitting here thinking about things...
Lol! I do not have a political agenda! Ha ha ha! God forbid I actually try to expand my ability to be able to see from others' points of view. Thanks to you all with valid answers.

They hate you because they're racist. They don't care to know your history. They only care about your skin color, these particular people. @ Guy who says I have 2 accounts. No I don't. ~_~

@ Guy who says I do - Yes I changed it to something you can google, so you can see I DONT have 2 accounts. Thanks :)

has anyone tried the mittin hair remolval buffer product?

Lauren p

The product is like a sandpaper hand bufffer you rub on your legs and it is supposed to make them smooth. there is also a smooth away brand. If you have tried it does it work? and how long does the hair have to be?

Don't get me wrong...I'm definitely not suggesting people use this the way I've used it, but I do want to say that I have used it for more than just hair removal...

Which it does just great. I've used it on my arms and legs with success, but it could be because my hair is so babyfine that it's the reason it works well.

But I've also used it on my upper lip and chin hair - VERY gently!

AND...(drum roll please) I've used it to slowly sand down the layers of skin on top of those annoying "milia" I was getting on my face before finding out that salicylic acid will take care of them. And I've also used it to sand down a few very tiny skin tags that were just beginning in the area of my underarm.

The key to using it is not to be impatient. Gentle circular motions done for five minutes on any particular area are way better than frantic scrubbing for two minutes.

I've gotten a lot of use from mine!

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3 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
Fine grade sandpaper!, April 10, 2006
By BookNerd "S." (Denver, CO USA) - See all my reviews

I bought these mitts for the usual reason-easy hair removal. When you open the box, the 'mitts' look and feel like fine grade sandpaper that you could find in a hardware store! I followed the directions by rubbing my leg gently with the mitt, and it didn't remove the hair. You can't rub too hard or too much, because it does start to burn. Plus, you end up with alot of white powder on your legs that prevents you from seeing what actually came off. I wouldn't recommend this product to anyone. It didn't do what it was supposed to do, and not worth the money. It would sand some wood nicely though...... Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Hair Off Mittens are GREAT!!, January 18, 2007
By A. M. Hamblin (MA USA) - See all my reviews

I have been using Hair Off Mittens for several years now. I always purchased them at our local drug store or discount stores. For the past 6-12 months they are no longer available in stores so when I found them on Amazon I was so excited. These mittens are so easy to use - no cuts or knicks - just rub the hair away. The results are amazing! Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
I love these!, August 9, 2006
By Connie Nelson "Luv2ReadBooks" (Arkansas, USA) - See all my reviews

I used to buy the Hair Off Mittens at Walmart and love them! My skin has never been so soft and smooth and hairless, and they have never hurt me, guess it just depends on the person like most everything else. I haven't shaved my legs in several years since discovering this product and won't. I just wish Walmart was still selling them, but thank goodness I can still find them online. Heck, I even use them on my elbows to remove the rough spots. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Its Better than anything else in this price range, August 15, 2006
By Jessie New "J-True" (Jacksonville) - See all my reviews

Ok, as far as price Amazon is pushing it a little here it should never cost more than $5. But the product is awesome. I used it years ago until it wasnt sold in stores any longer and I actually have some hair folicles that no longer grow back. And I am a hairy beast. It is alot faster than shaving or nair on extra hairy legs. Anyone complaining about pain was just startled by the looks of it. It seems like it would hurt because it looks like sand paper. But After Nair's chemical burns, riping the hair off with wax, and cuts from shaving I have never removed my hair in a more painless fashion. Its reusable for a couple of times and as long as you can take a little heat you will be ok. I have sensitive skin and it worked great for me. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
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3 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
Hair off Mitten pad is the worst product i have ever used.., March 25, 2006
By nesrin (Boston, MA) - See all my reviews

I bought it on line and I wish I had never bought it. Although it removes the hair, but it is extremely painful. it leaves red spots on the legs. (My skin is not sensitive). It burns the skin as if I am burning my legs with fire. Unfortunately I bought 5 and I thought it is as good as the Sally Hansen Pad removal (I don't know why they stopped selling the Sally Hansen ones). Now I can't return

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can you use bed bath and beyond gift cards at buy buy baby?


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we were overloaded with gift cards from our wedding and we're expecting our 2nd child. just wanted to know if anyone has ever used a bed bath & beyond gc at buy buy baby

I just called them and you can use it at a Buy Buy Baby. They are also affiliated with Harmon's Discount health and beauty fyi.


Estee Lauder Eye cream - Need a "generic" of this !?

Q. I love Estee Lauders eyecream, it comes in a little pink tub, but it's sooo expensive. But nothing feels as good as this stuff. Anyone know of a less expensive one that works as well? Thanks.

Go to the nearest discount health and beauty aids store(i.e. Harmon Discount) with the jar that you want to replace and match the ingredients. I bet you find one that will work just as good and be much cheaper.

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cosmetics packaging locate in Miami area please help?


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Hello everyone I was wondering if someone could help me out I'm looking for a company that sells cosmetics packaging for a skin care line I'm looking for jars and pumps etc in 2oz, .5oz etc if someone know something about this please let me know thanks a bunch

I knew about Tropical Paper Box but when I checked they were out of business. Web Site had a link to the full service printer below. The other is Gift Box Corporation of America. They had a showroom in the Miami Merchandise Mart but it appears no longer.
The Mart at 777 NW 72 Avenue could have a tenant you need.

How to use OB Tampons?


Um so this question is a little bit awkward..But basically I'm 16 and still haven't started using tampons, mostly because of my fear of TSS. Anyways, I decided to get over my fear and start using tampons. Well all I have is this box of OB regular tampons, and they looked really small so I figured I wouldn't have a problem.Yesterday my flow was light and I tried a couple of times but there wasn't enough blood (sorry for the tmi) so I stopped because I'm a virgin and I didn't want to hurt myself. Then today my flow was way heavier so I tried again. And it worked..kind of. Well as you know OB tampons don't have applicators. I managed to get it in to the point where I couldn't see it anymore except for the bottom and the string, but I could still feel it so I kept pushing but it wouldn't go any further! I was scared that something was blocking it. At first I thought it was my hymen but uh isn't that at the very entrance? Anyways I kept trying eventually I took it out and the damn thing had already expanded to the size of like two thumbs pressed together! I was like no wonder I couldn't get it in any further! Well then I took a shower and then tried again and this time it was drier because the other tampon had already absorbed like everything, and it went in okay but I didn't push it all the way because it really hurt and felt like it was rubbing against dry skin. It was already expanding too! I've stopped trying for today because I'm obviously not getting these tampons in and I'm sore now. Can someone help me? How do you get it in without it expanding all the way?? These are the only tampons I have. :( Should I buy the types with plastic applicators so that its impossible for it to expand before I get it fully in? Please help me, I really want to use tampons.

Non-applicator are best - they're simpler, have rounder tips, give better control by allowing you to feel for resistance to guide into place, and applicators often don't insert high enough - applicators are made purely to limit genital contact, not for ease of use. It's good to use non-applicator too because it means less bulk for you to carry around and less plastic to add to landfills.

Use cotton tampons like Cottons, Natracare, Maxim, and Seventh Generation - avoid rayon tampons like O.B, Tampax, Playtex, and Kotex as they're rougher and more drying so can cause more irritation plus pose higher TSS risk, also they're bleached and chemically treated that can cause allergic reaction plus they contain dioxin. Higher absorbency also means more dryness and irritation.

You need to insert the tampon higher.
You shouldn't be able to see the bottom of the tampon or feel it as you move about, chances are either you were inserting at the wrong angle or not relaxed enough. If inserting at the wrong angle you would essentially be pushing the tampon into the back vaginal wall so it would go no further and potentially hurt you - insert towards the small of your back and feel for resistance, if the tampon won't go any further try taking a deep relaxing breath and try a slightly different angle. Relaxing is important as your vagina is a muscular tube so when you're tense your vaginal muscles tense causing walls to clench together - think of it like a tightly gripped fist verses a relaxed fist.

- Use non-applicator cotton tampons.
- Use lowest absorbency during heaviest flow.
- Check instructions, even if you think you know it already.
- Lubricate your vagina and tampon with KY jelly or olive oil.
- Masturbate; when aroused vagina relaxes, lubricates, and opens.
- Feel for resistance so you can guide the tampon past vaginal walls.
- Try inserting your finger to get used to the sensation of penetration.
- Try laying down and looking at your vulva with a mirror while inserting.
- Try different positions to find one more comfortable for you.
- Aim towards the small of your back, not straight up.
- Practice relaxing and tensing your PC muscles.

Remember to follow precautions;
- Change every 4-6 hours.
- Avoid rayon tampons.
- Always use lowest absorbency.
- Don't use before your period
- Don't use with light flow.
- Don't use overnight.
- Don't use with an infection.
- Alternate with pads whenever possible.
- Wash hands before use.
- Keep tampons clean and dry.
- Learn about TSS, infections and dioxin.

You ARE Loved (TSS information) - http://www.you-are-loved.org
Cumulative Exposure And Feminine Care Products - http://safecosmetics.org/article.php?id=777

Consider menstrual cups or softcups.
Cups are internal like tampons but safer and more hygienic so pose no health risks - no TSS, vaginal infections, increased bleeding, increased cramps, irritation, allergic reaction or dioxin. As cups are safer they can be worn for 12 hours, with any flow, overnight, before your period, and no need to alternate with pads - thus no need to use pads at all. Menstrual cups also don't leak like tampons.

What Are Menstrual Cups? - http://www.scarleteen.com/article/body/what_are_menstrual_cups

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Fastest way to get skin pigmentation back to normal?


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I had recently found out that I had Tinea Versicolor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinea_versicolor) and those white blotches of skin are said to be skin cells that have lost its pigmentation. I want to know the best way to get my "affected" skin back to its normal skin color. Any natural ways to get it back to normal?
To see the pictures the site is:

My skin color matches the guy on the 3rd row from the top, right section.

I need a way to get my patches of skin to match and blend with the color of my natural skin.
Thank You for lots of details and the different medications.

I've had tinea versicolor for little over a year. I first got it in the Spring of 09. I went to the dermatologist and she prescribed a ketoconazole 2% shampoo that cleared it up quite a bit but it didnt fully go away. In about a month I used up the whole bottle and didnt want to pay to go to the dermatologist just to get prescribed some more shampoo.

Summer ended and in the cooler months I wasnt shirtless so I stopped caring about it however when spring came about, it started coming back more so I decided to make a second go at getting rid of it. Knowing tinea versicolor is a fungal infection I looked up other treatments. Anti-fungal creams like those used for athlete's foot are also good at killing tinea versicolor.

First, I bought Lotrimin Ultra which is a "full prescription strength" Butenafine 1%. It worked decently but probably not as good as the shampoo I was prescribed. Next, I tried Lotrimin powder spray (I figured since I have it on my back a spray was easier to apply if I didnt have anyone to assist me). It is Miconazole 2% and for me a complete waste of money. It didnt help at all. Lastly,I decided to switch brands(hearing that Lamisil is a better brand). I picked up the Lamisil gel (Terbinafine 1%) and it works by far the best. I bought it a week ago and applied it once a day right before I went to bed and after about four days my versicolor is almost completely gone. Right now you can only see it if you look really hard at it. So in a few more days(by the time I finish the tube) it will probably be completely gone.

I cannot say enough go things about Lamisil because I was about to give up and say I will never get rid of my versicolor. Luckily I found that gel. And it was just in time because I leave for the Bahamas in two days.

A side note. Try not to use too many antifungal products and do not exceed the recommended dose. Also give your body some time to heal when switching between products or using a product over a week or two because antifungal products can be hard on your liver.

How long should I wait to re-color my hair?

Q. Ok so on monday (10-05-09) I colored my hair from light light blond to ash brown. Well i thought it looked to ashy so I put loving care in it to take the silverish look out of it. This worked for a few days and now it just keeps getting lighter and lighter. I REALLY dont like how it looks. Its almost got a olive tint to it. I want to color it asap. Any tips?

ahhh yes, that's the problem with going from light blonde to brown and using an ash tone!

you picked a green based brown, which is why you're seeing olive. other ash tones are purple and blue, and had you picked one of those you'd be seeing those colors instead!

the problem with jumping so many levels of color is that blonde hair has almost none (if at all) melanin, which means there's nothing IN the hair that contributes to the color.

what you should have done is used a filler, or not gone so many levels in one step.

what color are you trying to achieve? that depends on your next step.

typically, the way to neutralize green is to use a red based dye. however, this can result in color that is too reddish/orangey/"brassy" and being that you're a natural blonde, that is the incorrect color tone for your skin.

i agree that you should stick with an ashy color. i advise you to go to sally beauty supply and have them pick you out a level 6 or 7 blondeish/brownish cool-toned hair color and use a 20 developer peroxide and follow the application instructions. if you decide you want to go darker still, then get another application of ONLY ONE SHADE darker than you picked. go ONE shade at a time.

sally also carries the filler/toner i was talking about.

if you're careful, and you don't leave the color on for too long, you are safe to color a few more times until you get what you want. you have got to condition condition condition when you get done though!!!

the reason i recommend sally instead of store bought kits is that the peroxide in store kits is a 40 volume, which basically is 2x stronger than the 20 volume that you should use. 40 volume is really only necessary when you're going lighter (like super bleached) and will do a LOT of damage if you use it repeatedly. but using a 20 (or even a 10) will save you a LOT of hair!!

email me if you have any questions!!!

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What is EVERYTHING I should have on my back-to-school shopping list?


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Q. Hey Everyone :]

I was just wondering what I should have on my back-to-school shopping list. I really want a list of everything, Skin Care, Hair Stuff, Clothing, Office Supplies.... The Whole Thing :-) I don't need any makeup because I don't wear any.

Thank you <3
If it matters I'm going into grade 11. :]

For clothes you should have:
5 to 7 pairs of jeans. Try to buy them in all different washes, cuts, and styles. You can get them from the same store, just be sure there is something noticeably different between each pair.
1 or 2 pairs of sweatpants. Get one pair in a soft, light heather-grey shade, and one in another color that flatters your skin tone and eye/hair color. These are great for lazy or sick days, when you're running late, just want to be comfortable, or cold days when you're not in the mood for jeans. BUT make sure they fit nicely. Tight around the butt, but not too tight. Get pairs with drawstrings to adjust the waist size.
2 to 3 skirts, depending on how often you wear them. But, every girl should have at least one denim skirt in their closet!
3 to 5 pairs of shorts. This depends on how often you wear shorts, or if your school allows them.
10 to 15 fitted tees. try Hollister, American Eagle, Aeropostale, Abercrombie, Wetseal, etc.
3 to 5 plain, solid colored layering tees. These are just those plain-colored, but still fitted and cute. They can also be accessorized as much as you like. Try to find 1 or 2 bright ones, and the rest soft and/or neutral shades.
4 or 5 hoodies are a good idea. These are the most common way to stay warm and cute in the winter time.
1 pair of good-quality tennis shoes for gym class. If you don't have good quality shoes, you'll get blisters and be very uncomfortable. My tennis shoes are all dirty, but they are comfortable. It's gym and fashion is not imperative.
4 to 10 pairs of other shoes to wear outside of gym class. Try to mix it up with heels, flip flops, flats, wedges, tennis shoes (such as Converse, Nike or VANS) and boots.
1 pair of Ugg boots and 1 pair of Ugg slippers should be good in the winter. If you don't like Uggs, find another pair of cute, furry boots that are warm and cozy; every girl needs at least one pair.
Accessorizing depends on how often you like to accessorize. So, if you rarely add anything to outfits, start! But stick with 1 or 2 pieces in each category. If you love accessorizing, embrace it, but don't go crazy!
Necklaces are important. If no other jewelry, a girl should always have her signature necklace. That one you wear no matter if you're shopping or playing a sport.
Bracelets. Unless if you're wearing bangles, the rule is to only wear one bracelet total. Not one on each wrist! Try to find a charm bracelet or tennis bracelet to wear when you dress up or as a statement piece. The maximum you should go with your bracelets is 2, but on the same wrist and make sure they go together!
Earrings. If you have more than 4 pairings an ear, it looks totally tacky! Only have the 2 pairings on your lobes, and either get your second holes (also on your lobes), OR get one cartilage piercing.
For bags, this can vary a lot. You can get a big tote or a regular backpack, or both! Depending on your outfit, you may want something more casual or something more classy.

For supplies you should have:
12 #2 Pencils
2 Glue Sticks
1 White Eraser
1 Pkg. Washable Felt Markers
1 Pair of Scissors
1 Pencil Case
10 Pocket Folders
2 Pkg. Lined Paper
1 Pkg. Plain Paper
10 Blue Pens
3 Red Pens
1 Ruler
1 Pkg. Pencil Crayons
2 1" Binders
8 Subject Dividers
1 Scientific Calculator
1 Geometry Set
1 Pocket Dictionary
1 Thesaurus
1 Pencil Sharpener
3 Highlighter Pens
1 Agenda Book/Student Planner
1 Stapler

For hair stuff you should have:
1 Large Shampoo Bottle (Garnier Fructis)
1 Conditioner (Pantene)
2 Cans of Hair Spray
1 Hair Straightener
1 Curling Iron
1 Blow Dryer
20 Bobby Pins
10 Clips
10 Hair Bands
(Depending on if you hair is naturally curly or straight you may need more or less stuff)

For skin care you should have:
Face Wash
Body Wash

Good luck! I hope this helped! :)

How does a city boy become a country boy ? What state do i move to ?

I've just purchased a shotgun, rifle and a 4 wheel drive, what do i do next ? How do i skin a trot or run a buck line ?

1. Move out of the city. Find a small town near your city and you won't have to leave all of your old life behind. Just about every state has country areas.

2. Owning "country boy" items alone will not make you a country boy. You must know how to use them, enjoy using them, and use them often.

3. Get a job on a farm or ranch, doing mechanics, or doing construction/concrete work. Country boys love to be outdoors and care more about having a good time at work than about making money.

4. Get your priorities in line. They should be 1. God, 2. Your woman, 3. Your family, 4. Your town, 5. Outdoor hobbies (hunting, mud bogging, etc)

5. Saying country words will not make you a country boy unless you know what they mean and they come natural to you when you use them. If you don't know what "running a buck line" is, then ddon't say it.

6. Start collecting baseball caps, but know that the best ones are the ones that are good and worn in.

7. Stop caring about material things like clothes, shoes, cars, gadgets. Who needs a computer when you've got the great outdoors right outside your house.

8. Realize that the most romantic date is on a blanket in the bed of your truck on a hot summer night watching the fireflies and listening to frogs. Going to busy places where you have to pay to get in really isn't that romantic...why share your evening with anyone but your special someone.

9. Get some good, sturdy, waterproof boots and heavy-duty jeans. And be prepared to get them all dirty.

10. Get a dog.

11. Nights out with the guys will include beer, playing cards, and standing around in a garage where you intended to work on your truck/car, but nothing will actually get done.

12. Be prepared to be well-known. Secrets, stories, and other news fly faster than birds in small towns.

13. Be ready to know everyone - your grocer, your gas station attendants, and the waitresses at the few local restaurants around your home.

14. Have a tough outter shell with a big teddy-bear heart on the inside.

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How can i promote myself as a freelancer tattoo artist?


beauty and health games on Slogans were received from 14 other Lab employees. EH&S would like ...
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been doing this for 7 years im skilled but i HATE the game workin at studios. and want to work on MY time.

Tattoo Designs

Hope it can help You

What things should i get for becoming a Rodeo Queen?


Im a first time Rodeo Queen trying to figure out what i might need to stay on top of my game!
every thing that i might need

Congrats on running! I recently ran, but fell short and got runner up! lol
Rodeo facts are a must!!! Make flash cards of terms, where the IFR is held, etc.
Know facts about your tack and horse (tack wise: how long your reins are, what kind of bit you use and why. Horse, parts of the body)
Know health facts about horses.
Practice carrying a flag and waving a at nice slow gallop.

These sights helped me a ton and some of the questions were used:

Know who the past queens, princesses and sweethearts were!

For clothing:
Ask what you are supposed to wear. Sometimes there is a dress code and other times not. If not, bling is a good thing for your shirt. Nice jeans and clean boots. Make sure to try and match everything. My colors where white, baby blue and brown. I wore a white hat, white shirt, blue jeans, and brown boots. I had a brown saddle pad with white and baby blue stripes and my bridle was brown.
Sometimes there is a beauty pageant and you have to wear a dress, but again, ask!

It never hurts to ask the judges any questions before the competition. Ask the coordinator questions as well.

Another thing, you will usually have to give a speech (usually 3-5 minuets long). Make sure you practice memorizing your speech and saying it in front of people. You will also probably have to do either a simple reining pattern or horsemanship pattern. Work on lead changes.

Most of all, relax and SMILE LOTS!! :D

Hope this helps and answers your questions!

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