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How can I have the best skin possible?


skin care juarez on Tattoo | Body Art | Piercing | Permanent make-up | Escondido Body Art
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Q. Hello so I am 19 years old and I am going to beauty school (either Aveda Institute, or Gene Juarez Academy, I am going in either September or December of this year). I have NEVER been a chain smoker nor a huge drinker. I like to drink every once in a while, I recently started smoking cigarettes, artificial pot, and hookah but I just quit and I feel alive, energized, and great!!!!! I always try to use all natural, chemical and paraben free products (soap, shampoo, lotion, conditioner, makeup, chapstick, sunscreen, body wash, deoderant, perfume, face wash, face masks, etc.) I found out that sun does a lot of damage to your skin about 2-4 years ago and started wearing a lot of sunscreen regularly. Where I live it is cloudy and rainy almost everyday. I basically stopped wearing sunscreen and stopped taking care of my skin the way I should. I want to have young, beautiful, youthful skin forever. In my opinion when I am not wearing makeup I look about 14-16 years old and I am 19!!!! I just need to know the best skin care routines, and the best ALL NATURAL PARABEN AND CHEMICAL FREE products! (When I buy my skin care stuff at the drugstore I try to get: Burts Bees, Aveeno, and Neutrogena.) And which comes first face lotion or sunscreen? How often to apply sunscreen, etc. I just need a lot of good information. Because I want to look like I am 20 when I am 35, thank you so much!!!!!

You should apply every couple of hours, And buy a high factor, a good skin care range is simple.

Why do Mexicans have racist slur for white people when there are white Mexicans??

Pumpkin Pi

Like Basketball star Eduardo Najera,Paulina Rubio,Thalia Sodi,Salma Hayek,Luis Miguel,ect.On my vacation to Ciudad Juarez I saw many people with blue eyes,brown hair,light skin ect,actually all types.But I have a Mexican boyfriend,he is short & reddish brown skin of mainly indian descent.His uncle & other family members have called me "Gabacha" on several occasions.Don't defend this term,it is a very insulting term to white people.They say it & give me dirty look,they are cleary not being nice & very racist. Are they forgetting White Mexicans?I also dated a white Mexican man named Renne Torres.Also there are "Mexican" people on here saying crap about whites.I simply do not get this.

Who cares what they say ... Have some self esteem and realize it doesn't matter what they or anyone else says about you or to you. It's what you believe about yourself that matters...

Move on ... It will probably piss them off more if they see it doesn't bother you, they say it to get a rise out of you !

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