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What is the difference between a aesthetic physician and a dermatologist?


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Q. I am very interested in studying Dermatology after high school and a little while ago I came across this website of a certain skin care clinic and I looked at the biography of the doctors that worked at the clinic, some of them had a diploma in dermatology and others in practical dermatology or both. One of the doctors didn't have a diploma but a certificate of competence in aesthetic procedure. However, it said that they were all Aesthetic Physicians, so now I am confused as to whether a aesthetic physician is the same as a dermatologist.

To be a Board Certified Dermatologist takes intensive training (a residency) and passing the Board examination. Aesthetic Physicians, according to their web site, practice "a discipline within medicine that does not require formal residency training or a fellowship and can be practiced by a licensed physician of any specialty."
There are also Plastic Surgeons who help make people look better. If you're going toward a specialty, you're best off heading toward one that actually requires a residency and that is recognized--Dermatology or Plastic Surgery, depending upon your interests and abilities.

Can skin care products recede hair line?


I read somewhere that skin care produts for your face can recede your hairline (on a male) or cause a type of hair loss. Is this true? I use Neutragena and Clean and Clean. Please help.


I doubt that those specific products will cause any serious hair loss for you, you can always check the labeling or online to see if there are any major side effects that come with usage though. Also, if on the off chance you do begin noticing significant hair loss, I'd suggest scheduling a free consultation with a Bosley physician at one of our many regional offices (all listed on our website).

Our people are hair loss experts who can diagnose the specific cause & recommend appropriate treatment options, if necessary. Best of all, the consults are conducted free of charge so there's no worrying about any major bills. Again though, this is only a last case scenario as I personally think you'll be ok with what you are using now.

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