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How do I fix my moses in the cradle (oyster) Rhoeo, plant?


Janis S

It does not look like it is supposed to, it resembles a bamboo plant if anything. How do I get it back to it having those thick, purplish- green leaves?

More sun, warmth and a little fertilizer will get it back to health but it still might not win a beauty contest. Cut the leggiest parts off and root in water. Then you can repot them or add them back the the 'mother plant' pot to fill her out. RScott

My skin has pimples, blemishes, how to get rid of it....I heard of honey and lemon mask...is it really works?

King Moham

And also skin covered by tan...it doesnt look gud....how jains are looking beautiful...what is theie secret of beauty???,

They can help.

Genetic and Stress can affect hormones and can theoretically promote acne.
Here are some home remedies that can help but do not mix them together.
1) Tea Tree Oil- An essential oil is diluted and applied topically to acne lesions.
2) Lemon oil or juice - Applied lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to face or you can drink it through using it in water a few drops a day. You can leave overnight don't expose yourself to sunlight. Will help with both acne, and scars as well.
3) Mandarin oil
4) Cedar wood â good for eczema
5) Lavender
6) Apple cider vinegar
7) Bamboo extract or Sarna lotion â good for rosacea, psoriasis, eczema
8) Bio Oil or BB cream for dark spots or scars
9) Toothpaste is very effective for acne leave on face for about 20 to 30 minutes then wash.
10) Zinc really works on acne
11) 2% Erythromycin
12) Benzoin Peroxide
13) Neem oil- good for acne, psoriasis, eczema, skin ulcers (taken either orally or externally)
14) Hydrogen Peroxide 3% - It can help to dry out acne by killing bacteria on the skin.Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and apply it either to the acne breakouts on your face. You also may opt to apply hydrogen peroxide to your entire face to help prevent future breakouts. Allow the hydrogen peroxide to do its job -- wait until the bubbling stops in approximately a minute or two. Rinse your face with water. Apply an oil-free moisturizer to prevent skin from drying out.
15) Vitamin B3- also known as niacin. It promotes healthy skin, can be utilized as an acne treatment.
16) Retinoid- increase collagen production and plump fine lines, making it a good choice if youâre dealing with acne and wrinkles.
17) Sulfur- dries up pimples and keeps sebum production in check, helping to prevent future blemishes. Sulfur has a distinct smell think rotten eggs.

This is something I use every day and I got rid of my cystic acne and my eczema. I really recommend this.
Neem oil: It is powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties, beneficial to those who suffer from various skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema, skin ulcers, helps one treat hair related problems like dandruff and itchy scalp. Dental care products like toothpaste, mouth washes and rinses all use the neem oil's antiseptic properties to keep teeth health and gums free of infection. Other benefits also include its use in household items like mosquito repellents, disinfectants and personal hygiene products. If you like you can purchase at Lucy Vitamin or in health food stores. It is the same price as some of the acne medications, either prescribe or over-the-counter.

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