Would someone please let me interview them for a school assignment? HELP?
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health and beauty 5pm

I have to interview someone for a school assignment but I can't find anyone to interview. Everyone keeps giving me smart comments and I just want to interview someone so that I can turn in my assignment. I would really appreciate some serious help. The informational interview questions are about your job/career. The questions are below.
1. How did you get into this occupation?
2. What attracted you to this career/organization?
3. How do people usually begin in this career area?
4. What are your job responsibilities?
5. What products and services does your company offer? Who are your customers? Your competitors?
6. What essential abilities and skills do you need to do your job?
7. What preparation and training are required for your position?
8. What personal satisfaction do you get from your job?
9. Whatâs it like to work here? How is the morale?
10. What personal traits are helpful to succeed in your position?
11. Are there things that create dissatisfaction in this type of work? What are they?
12. Can you tell me anything else about the working conditions? For example, are there dress codes? Does this work require a lot of extra hours?
13. What is the beginning wage? Do you get yearly raises?
14. Who makes the decisions and how are they made in this company/organization?
15. Describe your typical work day.
16. Are there any opportunities to work part-time or during the summer?
17. Has the company experienced a lot of growth in the past few years?
18. Do you have any additional advice for me?
19. May I contact you again if I have other questions?
20. Is there anyone else you think I should talk with? Is it alright if I tell them
that you suggested I contacted them?
Hey! I hope I can be of help. So, this is my mum I'm referring to because I'm just a student like you.
Occupation: Beauty Therapist
1. Went to London College of Beauty (private) to study Beauty Therapy. Then went on to work in a beauty boutique/parlour but only had little jobs with very VERY little pay e.g. thread eyebrows. Pay was little and hours were LONG. Employees weren't treated very well either. So as I had built up my contacts in the salon I decided to start own free lance, mobile (go to clients houses) business as sole trader. The mobile bit was my USP. LONG LONG HOURS, hard work! Started off with about 5 clients, now ended up with about 250 after some sleepless nights (been doing job for about 15 years)
2. Interested in beauty. Was going to be a pharmacist but rethought it.
3. Same as me (her). Study in beauty college, get a job in a beauty salon and then if you want stay on in the salon or like me, start your own business
4. Taking care of budget of supplies (e.g. wax pots, wax spatulas, nail varnish). Beauty treatments - e.g. waxing, threading, massages, manacures, pedi, facial, lava shell massage
5. Different services as listed above. Don't sell any products. Customers/target market are usually rich women in need of treatments who are based in Central or north west London. Competitors: other mobile beauty therapists but not a lot of competitors as I have already established my client base and they are very loyal customers
6. Abilities - able to sacrifice any time of day for clients, less hours of sleep as sometimes can work late into night (about 1 oclock), able to drive, communication skills for talking to clients while giving them treatment, likability, have to present yourself well in the way you dress, able to do ALL the treatments correctly and more so that customers are more than satisfied
7. Beauty therapy course in private college, I also go to Olympia London Beauty shows to get more inside info into the newest products and services I can offer. Need to keep up with competitors and newer products if i want to retain my customers
8. Pride in my skill, the fact that clients consider it a neccesity and appreciate it, profit
9. Morale has to be high if i want to be successful. Cannot let myself be demotivated otherwise if i do, clients can see this and may be put off in using my services next time
10. Likability, great communicator, flexibility of times etc, happy
11. Yes as I get older I need more sleep and because sometimes I have to sacrifice my sleep this can take a toll on my health. Long hours sometimes, but able to get a lot of free time out of it too! Have to keep on a happy face. Always moving, travelling and mobile which is annoying when there is traffic
12. No dress code - just casual smart - black trousers, any top
13. Yearly raise only if sales annually better than last so profit increases (remembeer I am a sole trader so i keep all the profits to myself) - I do not employ anyone, it is just me
14. Me.
15. wake up at 7.30am, free time, gym at 9 -11am, client at 12-2pm, free time with family, 5pm+ clients, usually get back at about 11pm - Remember my work day varies as clients often want treatments at different times of the day!!!!
16. No apart from in a salon which is not a great experience
17. Yes, a lot!! Customer base expanded rapidly due to word of mouth etc - my clients often know one another
18. If you are fine with long hours and a lot of hard work this is the career for you!!!
19. Yeah, just message me on Y!A
20. -
Hey! I hope I can be of help. So, this is my mum I'm referring to because I'm just a student like you.
Occupation: Beauty Therapist
1. Went to London College of Beauty (private) to study Beauty Therapy. Then went on to work in a beauty boutique/parlour but only had little jobs with very VERY little pay e.g. thread eyebrows. Pay was little and hours were LONG. Employees weren't treated very well either. So as I had built up my contacts in the salon I decided to start own free lance, mobile (go to clients houses) business as sole trader. The mobile bit was my USP. LONG LONG HOURS, hard work! Started off with about 5 clients, now ended up with about 250 after some sleepless nights (been doing job for about 15 years)
2. Interested in beauty. Was going to be a pharmacist but rethought it.
3. Same as me (her). Study in beauty college, get a job in a beauty salon and then if you want stay on in the salon or like me, start your own business
4. Taking care of budget of supplies (e.g. wax pots, wax spatulas, nail varnish). Beauty treatments - e.g. waxing, threading, massages, manacures, pedi, facial, lava shell massage
5. Different services as listed above. Don't sell any products. Customers/target market are usually rich women in need of treatments who are based in Central or north west London. Competitors: other mobile beauty therapists but not a lot of competitors as I have already established my client base and they are very loyal customers
6. Abilities - able to sacrifice any time of day for clients, less hours of sleep as sometimes can work late into night (about 1 oclock), able to drive, communication skills for talking to clients while giving them treatment, likability, have to present yourself well in the way you dress, able to do ALL the treatments correctly and more so that customers are more than satisfied
7. Beauty therapy course in private college, I also go to Olympia London Beauty shows to get more inside info into the newest products and services I can offer. Need to keep up with competitors and newer products if i want to retain my customers
8. Pride in my skill, the fact that clients consider it a neccesity and appreciate it, profit
9. Morale has to be high if i want to be successful. Cannot let myself be demotivated otherwise if i do, clients can see this and may be put off in using my services next time
10. Likability, great communicator, flexibility of times etc, happy
11. Yes as I get older I need more sleep and because sometimes I have to sacrifice my sleep this can take a toll on my health. Long hours sometimes, but able to get a lot of free time out of it too! Have to keep on a happy face. Always moving, travelling and mobile which is annoying when there is traffic
12. No dress code - just casual smart - black trousers, any top
13. Yearly raise only if sales annually better than last so profit increases (remembeer I am a sole trader so i keep all the profits to myself) - I do not employ anyone, it is just me
14. Me.
15. wake up at 7.30am, free time, gym at 9 -11am, client at 12-2pm, free time with family, 5pm+ clients, usually get back at about 11pm - Remember my work day varies as clients often want treatments at different times of the day!!!!
16. No apart from in a salon which is not a great experience
17. Yes, a lot!! Customer base expanded rapidly due to word of mouth etc - my clients often know one another
18. If you are fine with long hours and a lot of hard work this is the career for you!!!
19. Yeah, just message me on Y!A
20. -
How long should I wait after tanning to shower?

I went tanning earlier today around 5pm.(Indoor at LA tan) People say you shouldn't shower after tanning to let it "sink in". How long do I have to wait?
Call the tanning salon.
I'll let Lisa & Glenna tell you about tanning beds.
Google Lisa and see what she looks like 2010.
"Plastic Week: Lisa Gastineau On The Dangers Of Tanning Beds"
She had 2-3 melanoma moles removed, one by her nose. She had nose surgery just to get her nose straighter, so she can breath again. She got those moles from a tanning bed.
Google: Warning in Tanning beds: About 13,200,000 results (0.25 seconds)Â
Tanning beds aged you by 10-15 years!
Google A Death by Suntan by age 26, Yahoo Shine 3-23-10. In April 2005, while working out at her college gym in Rhode Island, 22-year-old Glenna Kohl detected a hard, golf ball-size lump near her groin. . . . .In high school, Glenna did have an irregular mole removed from her leg. A pathology report identified it as benign, but the surgeon tested it again. The lab had made an error: The mole was an early stage melanoma.
Google: A New Jersey woman was arrested after police said she brought her 5-year-old daughter into a tanning booth, causing the girl to suffer burns. She is only 44 and looks like she is at least 90+ and now taking her 5 year old daughter to the tanning booth.
A new study conducted by the Indiana University School of Medicine Department of Dermatology has found that tanning bed exposure can be dangerous when tanners self-diagnose skin problems and use the radiation to treat skin eruptions. The study specifically found that a tanning bed user that used the radiation to treat a mild skin rash caused by an ibuprofen allergy developed a much more severe reaction called toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). When left untreated, TEN can be fatal.
Melanoma is the leading cause of death from skin disease. An estimated 76,259 new cases of skin cancer will be reported particularly among women in their 20's & 30's, and that's 6,020 more than 2011, people died from the disease, according to the National Cancer Institute. Two million people are diagnosed with skin cancer in the US each year, according to the EPA's Sun-Wise Program. That's more than breast, colon, lung and prostate cancer cases combine! Now however, a recently published study suggests that those people with ginger hair and fair complexions face a much higher risk of developing dead skin cancer even if they are completely protected. Nov 2nd, 2012.
Oregon has the fourth highest rate of death from skin cancer in the United States, according to Dr. Brian Druker at the Oregon Health &Â Science University in Portland. KATU.com 2-12-13
Tanning comes & go, unless you do them everyday 24/7 for the rest of your life. But in the end the only thing you'll benefit is either moles, freckles, skin tags or discolorations from sunscreens, lotions, etc. and the more you do, the more they get larger, darker & bumpier. My nephew had a membership in a tanning bed salon for a year. After it expired, he stopped, now he's as white as before he began.
Tanning, is a result for 'damaged skin' and no products can reverse you from skin cancer or damaged skin, may prevent you from pre-mature aging, but that's part of the billion dollar beauty industry.
I've been protecting myself from the sun since age 9, but no matter, I got Discoid Lupus. Google that one. It was like someone punched my chin and it gave a purplish mark. It took 12 years for that to fade, so now I'm using a wide brim hat or umbrella for protection. Gene Simmons & Shannon both have been seen hold an umbrella during an event. They were invented before beauty products, for a reason. Google also Bullous Pemphegoid, photos, another skin disorder.
Take the Skin Picture Quiz - Identify These Common Skin Conditions on MedicineNet.
Call the tanning salon.
I'll let Lisa & Glenna tell you about tanning beds.
Google Lisa and see what she looks like 2010.
"Plastic Week: Lisa Gastineau On The Dangers Of Tanning Beds"
She had 2-3 melanoma moles removed, one by her nose. She had nose surgery just to get her nose straighter, so she can breath again. She got those moles from a tanning bed.
Google: Warning in Tanning beds: About 13,200,000 results (0.25 seconds)Â
Tanning beds aged you by 10-15 years!
Google A Death by Suntan by age 26, Yahoo Shine 3-23-10. In April 2005, while working out at her college gym in Rhode Island, 22-year-old Glenna Kohl detected a hard, golf ball-size lump near her groin. . . . .In high school, Glenna did have an irregular mole removed from her leg. A pathology report identified it as benign, but the surgeon tested it again. The lab had made an error: The mole was an early stage melanoma.
Google: A New Jersey woman was arrested after police said she brought her 5-year-old daughter into a tanning booth, causing the girl to suffer burns. She is only 44 and looks like she is at least 90+ and now taking her 5 year old daughter to the tanning booth.
A new study conducted by the Indiana University School of Medicine Department of Dermatology has found that tanning bed exposure can be dangerous when tanners self-diagnose skin problems and use the radiation to treat skin eruptions. The study specifically found that a tanning bed user that used the radiation to treat a mild skin rash caused by an ibuprofen allergy developed a much more severe reaction called toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). When left untreated, TEN can be fatal.
Melanoma is the leading cause of death from skin disease. An estimated 76,259 new cases of skin cancer will be reported particularly among women in their 20's & 30's, and that's 6,020 more than 2011, people died from the disease, according to the National Cancer Institute. Two million people are diagnosed with skin cancer in the US each year, according to the EPA's Sun-Wise Program. That's more than breast, colon, lung and prostate cancer cases combine! Now however, a recently published study suggests that those people with ginger hair and fair complexions face a much higher risk of developing dead skin cancer even if they are completely protected. Nov 2nd, 2012.
Oregon has the fourth highest rate of death from skin cancer in the United States, according to Dr. Brian Druker at the Oregon Health &Â Science University in Portland. KATU.com 2-12-13
Tanning comes & go, unless you do them everyday 24/7 for the rest of your life. But in the end the only thing you'll benefit is either moles, freckles, skin tags or discolorations from sunscreens, lotions, etc. and the more you do, the more they get larger, darker & bumpier. My nephew had a membership in a tanning bed salon for a year. After it expired, he stopped, now he's as white as before he began.
Tanning, is a result for 'damaged skin' and no products can reverse you from skin cancer or damaged skin, may prevent you from pre-mature aging, but that's part of the billion dollar beauty industry.
I've been protecting myself from the sun since age 9, but no matter, I got Discoid Lupus. Google that one. It was like someone punched my chin and it gave a purplish mark. It took 12 years for that to fade, so now I'm using a wide brim hat or umbrella for protection. Gene Simmons & Shannon both have been seen hold an umbrella during an event. They were invented before beauty products, for a reason. Google also Bullous Pemphegoid, photos, another skin disorder.
Take the Skin Picture Quiz - Identify These Common Skin Conditions on MedicineNet.
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