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Do cold showers actually help your complexion and reduce wrinkles when you are older?


Krista B

I read in a book that this 50-year old woman took cold showers and baths her whole life, and it actually helped with her complexion. One of my friends parents, a skin-care specialist, actually recommended it. Should I start taking these cold showers everyday, or is it just a waste of time??

Genetics are the key here....not cold water. Although too warm or hot can dry or traumatize the outer-most layer of the derma (skin) and the upper layers, in the long run it will not insure the prevention of wrinkles. Cold baths and showers will not cleanse the body properly anyway....warm water activates most cleansers and moisturizers in a skin/shower product. DRINK plenty of water...that is the key. Keep hydrated....that keeps the skin and your other internal organs healthy.

What is the best skin care regime for women in their 50's?


What are the best products for skincare over 50 years old for women

i use sorbeline cream because i'm allergic to most creams with fragrance in them. its not to heavy a cream and doesn't make my skin feel tight. i put cream on morning and night, wear it alone or under makeup. a good soap for cleansing but not perfumed....like neutrogena. i don't think wrinkle creams work.

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