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Yahoo is there any way to find a specific skin care ad that was advertised by AdChoices?


skin care kit on NEW! From Aveda, Skin Care Starter Kits!
skin care kit image


The ad posted about two months ago while I was reading my email. It was an advertisement for a skin care product. That was specifically grouped by your age (20s, 30s, 40s). Is there any way that your company could view the archives for skin care porducts advertised ny AdChoices?

I got introduced to L'BRI and it has been the most amazing skin care I could have ever imagined for! The difference with L'BRI is it's Aloe Vera based instead of water! Go check your current skin care, I bet the first ingredient on the bottle is water! Our skin isn't meant to absorb water, otherwise imagine what we'd look like when we took a shower! lol : ) So you're just caking a layer of gunk on your skin and your skin can't breath and just gets clogged. Aloe has been a healing plant used for thousands of years for cuts, scraps and burns. Imagine what it does for your skin! Heals everything!
Anyways, I could go on and on. The company offers free 7-day starter kits (you do have to pay $6.95 for shipping but it's worth it)! Check it out, and I will bet anything, your skin looks amazing within a month!
www.cleanskin.lbri.com is where i buy my products.

*I also use the body wash on my kiddos because some baby washes contain a numbing agent that numbs their eyes and that's why they don't cry when it gets in their eyes! :( and the Aloe Jelly on my daughter when she gets diaper rash!

Good Luck!

What is a reasonable amount of money to spend on skin care products?

Hi :) I'm a 14 year old girl (highschool freshmen) and I care a lot about my skin. I want it to be healthy, radiant, and clear. How much money is a reasonable amount to spend on skin care products. How much is going overboard? Thanks :)

Well, when i was your age i used kits around 15 dollars and they never really worked. They bleached my facial skin and never really took care of the blemishes, just dried out my skin. But last year i found clinque acne solutions (its sells for about 48 dollars at macy's and younkers and lasts about 3 months per kit) and it works amazing! I dont think there is a ridiculous amount to spend on face care because so many people have different skin needs, but if you find something that works, its worth the investment! Good luck.

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