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Looking for a career similar to a dermatologist or dietitian?


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I don't want to spend 10+ years of my life in school studying for a career in dermatology. I'm interested in hair and skin care but I'm not interested in cosmetology. I like learning about what products cause aging and giving other people advice on what products to use to keep their hair safe from breakage. I also like nutrition and keeping your body fit and healthy. Have any ideas of any careers that fall into my interest?

This sounds like Cosmotologist and/or Esthetician.

There are lower level nutrition programs that teach you the basics and it's up to you to keep up to date from there.

And I want to clarify, schooling for a physician, any physician, is 8 years (other than a few specialized compressed programs). 4 years undergrad and 4 years med school. After that, you are off to residency where you are basically doing paid on the job training. For Derm, it's 3-4 years. So, yes, it's more education, but the pay is about 10 times more ANNUALLY.

why does itching everyday after shower?

saif BD

Is there solution for this problem? everday after shower start itching for approximiatly 1/2 an hour specialy on both hands and legs? but there is no spot or seed on skin visualy just creat thrill for itchy? what it is the matter? or i must disclose with skin care physician? i would be glad have an good suggestion.thanks.

The soap you use in the shower not only removes any dirt but it also removes the natural protective oils that keep some moisture in your skin. As a result your surface skin dries without your just lost surface oil protection which you cannot see - AND your skin then itches more as it further dries. One way to reduce the itching would be to use a moisturizing soap, and then after the shower, apply some moisturizing body lotion to the parts that itch. Good luck!

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