I want to become a aesthetics assistant (skin care). Are there any intern positions for that?
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skin care colorado

I've been looking into classes on medical and non-medical aesthetics schools and all say that it takes 600 hours to pass it.!!!!!! Is there anyway/place that I could go to to find out if there are some aesthetic assistnant intern jobs out there (I'm in Colorado)?
Thank you~
I'm an aesthetician. The 600 hours goes by in a flash. I would highly recommend it over working at a spa as a trainee. You have to have 1,000 hours of experience as a trainee before you can even go to boards to get your license. Plus, I believe you will learn a LOT more in school then on the spot. Sure, the bookwork is boring (but there really isn't much of it). The classes are mostly hands-on. By my 4th class, we were giving each other facials, 10th class we had a "clinic" where real clients came in (most tip!) and I was a part-time student. The teachers really prepare you for boards too, which you'll need. You won't learn all of the safety precautions from working at a spa, because no one at a spa is actually that clean! Boards test you by an over-exaggeration of cleanliness and safety that you will never use in real life.
My advice would be to go to school, part time is a little less than a year (3 times a week) and will prepare you for what you want to do.
Good luck! :)
I'm an aesthetician. The 600 hours goes by in a flash. I would highly recommend it over working at a spa as a trainee. You have to have 1,000 hours of experience as a trainee before you can even go to boards to get your license. Plus, I believe you will learn a LOT more in school then on the spot. Sure, the bookwork is boring (but there really isn't much of it). The classes are mostly hands-on. By my 4th class, we were giving each other facials, 10th class we had a "clinic" where real clients came in (most tip!) and I was a part-time student. The teachers really prepare you for boards too, which you'll need. You won't learn all of the safety precautions from working at a spa, because no one at a spa is actually that clean! Boards test you by an over-exaggeration of cleanliness and safety that you will never use in real life.
My advice would be to go to school, part time is a little less than a year (3 times a week) and will prepare you for what you want to do.
Good luck! :)
how to take care of skin and prevent break outs and get rid of black heads?

rah rah
what kids of stuff can i do like vitamins to take and food to eat/ avoid.
Some things that you have to consider is where you live and what types of weather you are in. For example, I live in Colorado where it is super dry even when it is snowing, so when I wash my face more than once my face becomes just covered in dry skin. I wash my face once in the morning and once at night, and that does the trick.
But some things you can do are:
#1. Decide upon the wash you will use and keep it going. (No switching back and forth between products and/or skipping some days)
#2. When you wash your face, don't scrub it off! I like to basically give my face a nice soothing massage.
#3. Apply some type of toner and lotion after the wash. Occasionally (about once a week), try a mask.
#4. Try not to touch your face! Make it a rule and every time you find yourself touching your face, remove your hands and eventually that will just come second nature.
#5. One of the most cliche ones, but big ones, is to try to at least eliminate greasy foods and/or add good foods such as berries and fruit. This will help A LOT!
#6. When it comes to make up, use the good brands that are non comedogenic and such so they do not clog your pours.
#7. Last, maintain stress levels if possible. Go for that nightly walk, read a book, take a moment out for yourself. Sometimes acne can be triggered by stress.
I hope I helped:D
Some things that you have to consider is where you live and what types of weather you are in. For example, I live in Colorado where it is super dry even when it is snowing, so when I wash my face more than once my face becomes just covered in dry skin. I wash my face once in the morning and once at night, and that does the trick.
But some things you can do are:
#1. Decide upon the wash you will use and keep it going. (No switching back and forth between products and/or skipping some days)
#2. When you wash your face, don't scrub it off! I like to basically give my face a nice soothing massage.
#3. Apply some type of toner and lotion after the wash. Occasionally (about once a week), try a mask.
#4. Try not to touch your face! Make it a rule and every time you find yourself touching your face, remove your hands and eventually that will just come second nature.
#5. One of the most cliche ones, but big ones, is to try to at least eliminate greasy foods and/or add good foods such as berries and fruit. This will help A LOT!
#6. When it comes to make up, use the good brands that are non comedogenic and such so they do not clog your pours.
#7. Last, maintain stress levels if possible. Go for that nightly walk, read a book, take a moment out for yourself. Sometimes acne can be triggered by stress.
I hope I helped:D
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