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Do people frown upon you if you have a visible piercing?


skin care las vegas on Hair Salon | Skin Care | Las Vegas, Nevada | Foxy Lady Beauty Salon
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I want a lip piercing.
I'm 14.
I live in Las vegas, so it isn't uncommon.

But will people frown upon it? I can always just take it out and let it heal it is that important.

I live in Vegas also, and I always see people with piercings, so it isn't uncommon and I don't think people would frown upon it. Of course people who are conservative and hate piercings and tattoos and all that wouldn't like it, but this is you and you shouldn't care about them. If you really want it, then get it.
As for jobs, it might be more difficult, but some places still hire with piercings, and you could always put in a clear/skin colored retainer.

Is the a native american sweat lodge in Las Vegas?


I heard there's one on Mt. Charleston, but I need details!

Are you Natve? I doubt it...... If not why would you care?...There are alot of non Natives doing this and getting killed cause they don't know what the hell they are doing?.....This sounds like some newage crap to me...and most likely its all phoney and fake. This is why our ceremonies need to remain within our own people and tribes cause silly people who want to do these things get hurt every time and also take what does not belong to them!...Hope they don't charge money then you'll know its a scam!....not all tribes do sweats either....if you looking for details you wont get any from any REAL SKIN!

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