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Need stats for child beauty pageants leading to mental health issues and eating disorders.?


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Hi, I'm writing a 5 page paper about the negative aspects of child beauty pageants and I am having a hard time finding actual statistics about it. I've found stats about eating disorders and mental health issues in children but nothing related to beauty pageants. All I can find are personal opinion pieces, which do offer great insight but I need actual evidence that I can cite in my paper. Thank you!

There aren't any actual statistics about it. While many people believe that pageants are extremely unhealthy for children, there is no statistical evidence about it.

How do you define Quality of Life?


I originally posted this in the Mental Health section of Health & Beauty, but I received a good suggestion to post it here as well:

Recently in a meeting while discussing job opportunities and whether a person should accept a job offer or not, someone commented "It all comes down to quality of life". What contributes to or defines "Quality of Life"?

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