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I am looking for really great skin care distributors where I can buy reasonably priced products.?


skin care distributors on ... supplier skin care cleanse products for face health care made in Italy
skin care distributors image


I want to start selling skin care in my beauty shop, but, I dont want stuff that you can just go buy anywhere. I want a really great product with an affordable price.

Oriflame.com or Oriflame usa.

How can a start-up get its skin care line in retail stores?


I am in the research phase on how to get a start-up skin care line in traditional brick and mortal retail stores and have a few questions from people that have done this:
1) Do companies usually work directly with distributors or have independent road reps?
2) Are there any companies or agencies that people would recommend for either?
3) What is the percentage range that either generally earns?
4) What is normally used to "pitch" retailers (samples, lookbook of products, etc.)?

My best friend actually got her lotion and soap business into Rite-Aids. She set up her own personal website and did it from home for about 5 /6 years. When she got big enough she was featured on the local news and gave "samples" to the news people who then in turn raved about it. Rite-Aide saw, and contacted her. She got a lawyer and they hashed out financial crap. The only difference was that instead of making it at home, she had to use their facilities for FDA compliance/safety crap which took out of her net for each product BUT she was exposed to a lot more consumers so it all made up for itself.

Basically, you have to show that your products are worth stocking on their shelves before they are willing to do so, especially if you would be considered an "independent contractor" They aren't going to do it and take up room on their shelves without a few years of sales proof and growth charts.

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