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suddenly i have a lot of pimples on my cheeks?


za skincare on Skin Care
za skincare image


Hi everyone.
I'm a 16 years old girl.
2 years ago I had a lot of acne, but the last months it all cleared up,
Yesterday I woke up and suddenly my left cheek is ful of pimples! about, 10-20 of them..
What is the cause of this and how do I get rid of it?
The rest of my face is pimple-free..
I can seriously cry now, because it's so noticable and red :(

There could be a number of causes.

Whether you recently changed a brand of skincare or makeup, your normal sleeping routine changed or even something you ate or you changed the amount of water you usually drink every day. Stress also plays a big factor.

It also depends on you skin type.

If you have very oily skin, in a lot of cases it's because your body is trying to keep your skin moist due to lack of moisture, which causes oily skin, which can get dirty and grimy if not dealt with properly, and thus pores can get clogged up. Using an oil-free moisturizer not only lessens the oil on your skin, it's also good for preventing future pimple and acne problems.

For very dry skin something like vaseline usually works just fine.

The remedies that helped me get rid of my acne and I still use as a prevention method:

-Add a teaspoon of lemon juice, and a teaspoon of honey to a cup of hot water, and drink in the morning before eating anything (and preferably wait a few minutes before eating too.) That gets rid of some of the toxins inside that tend to cause acne and pimples, and is a good detoxing remedy too.

-Using Dove beauty soap (the one with cucumber seems to work best).

-Drinking a herbal tea called 'Rooibos', which comes from South Africa (and works well as medicine as well).

-A hypoallergenic lotion and cream with olive oil in it, in the 'Olivia's Olive Oil' range, also from South Africa - http://www.reitzer.co.za/product_view.asp?ProductID=50

-And making sure I'm drinking enough water every day.

-For really quick results you can try putting lemon juice directly on the acne, just remember to use moisturizer afterwards, so you don't dry out your skin and make the problem even worse.

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