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what was the best and worst of 2010?



moms death
friend not really best friend


fall depression
start of ib
friend-maybe not so much a friend
city terrorism/riots

stronger friendship
summer in nyc
discover new people
announcement of quite a few engagements-->marriages of people i love (something to look forward to)

Is it a realistic goal to become a hairstylist and move to NYC?

If you're good, would you make enough to move to and live in the big apple?
I have a part time job and am saving up, almost out of high school, and plan on going to beauty school as soon as possible. I'm going to save up a biiig hunk of cash for when I first move there. Is this even a realistic goal, or am I just wasting my time? It's always been my dream to become a hair stylist, and it's always been my other dream to live in New York City. I'd work my *** off for a couple years to get to that point, I don't care.
But I just want to know if this sounds completely childish. What other steps should I take? Ugh or just tell me your thoughts, opinions on this, anything!!

Always have a fall back plan.

Also, what shall you do for Health Insurace and Dental? Women are more susceptible to ailments than men, unfortunately, so you may need these services later on and your sole practitioner income may not meet these need especially if you are renting a salon of your own and not out of your residence.

You could also become a hairstylist for a salon (or even better... a spa) then have your services on the side like on weekends or day off from work.

Women are always happy to get married in New York City and want to look good so your services will come in handy. If you look through the "discover" section, you see request for good shops and spas.

Good luck on your endeavor.


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