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What is the best Eye Cream for Young Skin???



Im 23 and want to use an eye cream for prevention. What is agood light moisturizer to use? Something not so harsh. Drugstore brand is preferred

Thanks so skin!

Avon has eye care products for everyone out there. They are affordable and work wonderful! I swear by them. =]

Since you are 23 I would recommend this producthttp://shop.avon.com/shop/product.aspx?src_page=product_list.aspx&level1_id=300&level2_id=302&pdept_id=322&dept_id=&pf_id=36357

Nothing shows your young age as much as a radiant glow.
If this not what you are looking for then you can browse through their other eye creams.

Like I said that was my recommendation and Avon products are amazing, well know, and very trusted. Plus, nothing beats the sale they are currently having!

I have HORRIBLE skin please answer:/?

Oh hello

Okay so I'm going to be 17 soon and just since the year that I turned 16 my skin has been HORRIBLE. People always think I'm so pretty but only because I wear alot of good qualty make up and usually only see people at night so there's always good lighting..But if they saw me during the day..with no make up on.. they wouldn't think I was so pretty then:| I have HUGE black heads..not just like 2 here and there..I mean all around my chin, all on my forehead, all on my cheeks, on my nose, and around my nose. I think it might be from using a gel cleanser but I'm not sure..there huge and gross especially in sun light, but there not really noticable after I put my make up on..Plus I have mild acne on my cheeks and forehead which is SO annoying..It's not bad with make up on but you know the texture thing its just gross and looks so bad with out makeup again..Plus I have sensitive skin or something I think because I have fair skin and it gets sooo red! like the creases around my nose is so red, and my cheeks get splotchy red. I have like 4 dark brown sun spots from this summer I never had before:| I have one on my temple that's really noticable, 2 little ones on my chin, and another one on my other temple that's a little lighter but I still notice it..I have 3 "indented" chicken pox scars from when I was like 5, two on my forhead and one by my hairline, like by my ear kinda. I just get up and look at myself everyday with no make up, and feel SO bad about myself. I always think why can't I just have normal skin like all the other girls my age..Plus I have a mole about the size of a pea on my forehead I think is totally gross..and pretty noticable veins and bags under my eyes. Most of the stuff I have is perminent I know which is why I feel so hopeless I think..I always think I wouldn't mind if I had *this if I just didn't have *this. like I wouldn't mind if I had pimples so much if I didn't have such reddness and blackheads or moles or whatever. I really want to get my mole removed, but my parents won't let me...Plus I have really dry skin. It gets like all flaky in the winter and I have to pick the flakes off, and then my skin gets EXTRA red for the next hour..I'm sick of feeling ugly:/ since my skin got bad and I have been wearing a little more make up to cover it people have been making comments about me "always having to look good" and they just act like I'm a super ficial shallow person or something which I'm really not... Just any expierence or any products you think could help would be much appreciated..

xoxo Nicoleâ¥

AWWW Nicole baby girl i feel your pain man..
Try alpha hydroxy acid moiisturizers
what they do is they take of the dead skin and reveal your beautiful complexion
They are basically fruit acids like glycolic acid which is from sugar cane
which dissolves the glue that is holding the dry flakey,blackheady pimpley skin on
Trust me on this one
it should take like a month sinse skin cells take 28days to regenerate

A couple are
Avon clearskin proffesional

they also have a product that reduces eye bags and that..

and kiss my face peaches and creme alpha hydroxy 8% check reviews of that too...

Lil research here & there and your sorted

Take care beautiful x

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