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Hey guys this is more for the older people, but it applies to young people too if you started using wrinkle cream at a young age!

I am just wondering;

1. what age were you when you started using a cream that targets wrinkles/ or wrinkle prevention?

2. what cream was it? (if you dont remember thats fine, but what do you use now?)

3. what age did you start to worry about wrinkes?

4. what age should a woman begin to use wrinkle creams?

5. what kind of wrinkles do you have now at this stage in your life? (where on your face/ body)

5. how old are you? (if you dont want to answer thats fine!)

thank you!!

1. I started a skin care program at 45 years old.
2. Biotherm. Cleanser/mask, softening lotion and remineral moisurizer.I also use their foundation if I am going to wear make up.
3. Not so far. I like the ones I have.
4.If you start taking care of your skin seriously around 30 you will probably never really need them until well into your 50's to 60's.
5. Laugh lines and slight crows feet around my eyes.
6. 52 in September.

Just as a foot-note for you, use sunscreen, avoid wearing full make-up every day. I do smoke cigarettes which can cause wrinkles but the worst is alcohol! I actually look (and feel) younger or at least as young now as I did in my 30's, I am happy to say.The men that are attracted to me range from ages 35-45. (My boyfriend is 53 however and the first older man I've ever dated) The friends I have had since I was a kid always tell me I haven't changed since my 30's. Most of them still drink and smoke and have aged considerably. I'm not blowing my own horn, but I have been very fotunate with the aging process.

Do any of your men use skin care products and if so, do you like the result?

Q. My husband has a hygiene and skin regimen and now has more radiant skin that I do...he looks great at 45 years old.

Its a shame that most men think that taking care of skin is too girly and they do nothing. Then when they are 50 their skin looks like hell or like Chicken Feet. LOL
He uses my eye cream, his own face cream, he uses my body lotion and he uses Nivea lip balm.

After 6 months, the results are amazing. He looks so refreshed.

I fail too see why looking after yourself...your health especially, is considered feminine?

I use skin care products, because it gives me a confidence boost.
I'm able too smile, that's all that matters to me.

As long as i'm happy, I couldn't care what others think.

But yes, I'm a guy who uses skin-care products.

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