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How old do you have to be to go tanning at Sun Your Buns?


Q. I'm thirteen years old and I want to go tanning. I'm naturally tan already because I'm half white and half black. But, over the summer I got really tan and I think I looked really pretty. And plus, my liquid foundation matches better when I'm tan because I got it when I was tan.

I know people are going to say "you're too young" and "you'll get cancer". I've heard it all before. But it's my decision so please just answer the question.

OH,and I live in Pennsylvania if there's any state laws or whatever.


Normally they will not allow you to tan under the age of 16 in some places, 18 in others. It usually depends on the place not on the laws.

I would also like to say that I have seen the result of excessive tanning. A woman I worked for tanned every week sometimes twice a week and looked like an oompa loompa from hell. Her skin was orange and looked horrible.

Cancer? Sure, you're probably too young to care about that. Sure it's deadly, but at your age, you're invincible. But what would you think about having skin that looks like old abused leather? Early wrinkles aren't pretty. It also damages your hair and makes it dry and brittle. That's certainly not pretty. So you want to keep it looking it's best? Here's a little advice:

As for the make-up, most adult women who wear make-up have multiple colors for varying degrees. I personally never wear it, and my skin is beautiful, acne free, and smooth. I do nothing to damage it, I don't tan, I wear hats, and I don't wear make-up but on very rare occasions. My mother always says that the only thing you should regularly put on your face is warm water. At nearly 60, my mother has the skin of a 30-year-old, and I never had any skin problems.

Why are women today wanting to keep a youthful appearance into their senior years?


I see women in their mid 40's up to about 60 still sporting long flowing hair. When I was growing up in the 80's and 90's, women cut their hair shortly after they turned mid 30's and generally kept it short. In other words, why are women looking younger for longer periods of time in today's world?

Well if it was me, I wouldn't want to look old. I think looking young is prettier, but it's just an opinion. Mostly because of tighter skin but looking young makes you feel young. When you're young, you feel strong and ready for anything. You're in your prime. I wouldn't cut off my hair just because I was 40! (To be honest I'd want a face lift and I'd do anything to look young!). Usually people see young women as more attractive and "hotter", if you will. And long flowing hair isn't just a young people only thing, lol. If I looked old I'd feel like "ugh I'm done with life I don't care bout trying to look sexy anymore". Maybe it's just me but I think even when I get older, I'd still want to wear make up and wear things in-style to look younger because I want to feel younger so I don't feel all crotchety and old and batty. I'd want to feel 'cool', I guess.

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