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Careers in health/beauty?



Ok so I want to go back to school for something health related most likely....I really like helping people feel better about themselves so I was thinking about dietetics/nutrition or dermatology, what are the career outlooks, salary, best location for career, and what is a basic day like for these careers.....also, if there are any other careers that involve health/beauty, etc please let me know!!! Thanks

Imagine being a wholesale supplier for beauty salons . Contact me for more info.

Body Lotion. Beauty or Health?


Does body lotion have anything to do with your skin healthwise? or jst Beaty?

it can definitely work both ways, it helps the skin from drying out obviously so thats sort of a 'health' and 'beauty' benefit in one, because the idealized 'healthy' skin is not supposed to look dryed out & also some lotions come with SPFs to protect against UV rays it basically goes hand in hand because healthy is beautiful & the other way around

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