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Best skin care products?



my wife is looking to keep her baby face - nice quality healthy looking skin - she is looking at Dr Murad products - any good?

I have never used Dr. Murad products. I do like Olay, as another answerer said, and I really like Dr. Haushka and Dr. Nicholas Perricone. Both are a little expensive, but definitely worth it. If your wife wants a baby face, two words: gentle and moisturize. She should never resort to harsh chemicals to get back wrinkles. Obviously no wrinkle treatment or prevention can work without chemicals, but don't overdo it or it can ruin the quality of her skin. Moisturize as often as possible, more than she would ever thinks she would need. A good moisturizer with SPF is vital for soft skin. I like the brands I recommended above, they all have good products. They don't all have SPF, so buy some good sunscreen, which is an investment you won't regret. Toners and serums are also very excellent at renewing skin. Toners with alcohol aren't all bad, but if you are using another drying product I would use a toner with alcohol-free witch hazel or rose water.
Dr. Haushka moisturizer- http://www.saffronrouge.com/dr-hauschka/regenerating-body-moisturizer
serum- http://www.saffronrouge.com/dr-hauschka/regenerating-serum
Dr. Nicholas Perricone serum- http://www.sephora.com/browse/product.jhtml?id=P281516&categoryId=B70
toner- http://www.sephora.com/browse/product.jhtml?id=P292106&categoryId=B70
SPF moisturizer- http://www.sephora.com/browse/product.jhtml?id=P281518&categoryId=B70
Olay has really good wrinkle treatments, as well, and they are available at most drugstores.
I hope this helped!

online skin-care products?


Would you buy any skin-care products or have you ever bought skin-care products online? What would be your feedback? Please share your experience

Thank you!!

I am a skin care consultant with arbonne their products are vegan approved and recommend their on-line site for little investment you can be your own boss. visit them at www.arbonne.com to check them out. Let me know if I can be of help.

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