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How can I buy health/beauty items in wholesale?


Im currently trying to open up an online store/flea market stand and sell health and beauty items, like cosmetics, hair products, body products, etc. How can I get them at wholesale? I realize im not gonna get them as cheap as lets say walmart or target does, but any wholesale price is great with me as long as I make a decent profit. Please help!!!(easy 10 points)

Websites may upon request provide wholesale prices, if they don't one yet in their price list.

Careers in health/beauty?


Ok so I want to go back to school for something health related most likely....I really like helping people feel better about themselves so I was thinking about dietetics/nutrition or dermatology, what are the career outlooks, salary, best location for career, and what is a basic day like for these careers.....also, if there are any other careers that involve health/beauty, etc please let me know!!! Thanks

Imagine being a wholesale supplier for beauty salons . Contact me for more info.

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