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Guys how do you define "beauty" in a girl?


sweet kiss

I'm only talking about the physical here, although I know that inner beauty is very important as well, I'm just a girl who wants to know what makes a girl beautiful to guys minds.

a great adaptable personality great all around girl someone not scared to get her feet wet/dirty someone who loves sports or cooks good into nutritional health has a good mind set on what she wants in life very confident these are all good qualities i look for in a woman that to makes up her physical beauty of course a nice butt goes a long way to lol

What is beauty?

Q. in your eyes, what do you view as beautiful?

Beauty is confidence, contentedness, happiness, and love. Someone who is perfectly at ease with who they are, both physically and mentally; a person that loves and is loved by their family and friends is beautiful. Happiness and health give such a natural glow and radiance that it heightens someone's beauty. When you're in love, the corners of your mouth soften, the lines around your face wrinkle with all the smiles you give, your eyes speak volumes about your partner, and it gives you the confidence to be yourself because you've found someone else that finds you as wonderful as you do.

Confidence is also key because someone who can storm into an office, give a presentation, and sell themselves to their clients is not going to be frowned upon - that determination and motivation is instead envied and admired. Someone who loves themselves is obviously going to have a better demeanor and attitude, and it will be reflected in how people perceive them.

Beauty can be as simple as having symmetrical features, high cheek bones, doe eyes, long sumptuous lashes, and a pouty lip, but that kind of beauty always fades as time ages us, and it's the inner beauty that pulls us through and keeps us young and gorgeous all of our lives.

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