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Skin care . From Head to toe . :D?


i need skin care 101 . Its summer and i want beautiful skin . Any tips for my whole body .?

Well first step to having beautiful skin during summer, protect it.

Please, don't fall into that whole artificial tanning bed scheme, and tanning outside. I can't even stress how dangerous a tanning bad actually is, it's direct UVA rays (usually what reaches your skin from the sun is UVB) and listed to be a known carcinogen as potent as arsenic.. People don't actually realize what tanning is. It's your skins response to injury, when the UVA rays penetrate to the bottom layer of the dermis, it causes the skin cells to signal for a increase in the production of melanin, the pigment that makes your skin darker in effort to aid the injury.

Any well reputable dermatologist will tell you, if you want beautiful skin, wear sunscreen, it needs to be at least an SPF of 30, covering broad spectrum and UVA and UVB rays, and look for one with helioplex that makes it last longer. Neutrogena ultra sheer coverage is a good one. You need to apply about a tablespoon to the face and equivalent of a shot glass to the body. At least twice every hour when outside for extensive amounts of time, it really does aid in the prevention of fine lines and other skin impurities, like aging and discoloration.

I'm 17 and I can't stress how important it really is.

Now, make sure to exfoliate your body! This pretty much takes off the dead skin cells that shed of your body every 7-10 days from the epidermis, you can use a loofah or body scrub brush to gently take it off, paying special attention to knees and elbows, and other rough body parts such as heels.Don't exfoliate your chest, instead use a Japanese cleansing cloth like Sensai with some gentle cleanser and go over your decolletage and neck area.

When getting out of the shower make sure to moisturize really well, with just a moisturizing lotion to all over the body, then apply a thick moisturizing cream (if you were to tip the can over it shouldn't budge) to the knees and elbows, etc to make sure they stay moisturized.

When picking out a moisturizer for your face especially, if you have oily skin, use an oil-free moisturizer, if you have dry skin you need to use a cream with hydrating ingredients in it that wont strip the natural oils off your face, such as something containing hyaluronic acid or gylcerin. Acne prone skin should use a gel, and make sure it's non-comondogenic, meaning it wont clog your pores.

In fact if you have acne on your body wash with a cleanser that has Salicylic acid in it, to combat the acne.

For your face, after cleansing, use a toner, which takes away any residue left behind from make-up or a cleanser, find a alcohol-free toner, which wont strip your skin, and if you feel your skin tightening do not use it.

Exfoliate your face around twice a week, and moisturize it night and day.

You can get a nice, safe summer glow from self-tanners, don't believe all that hype about them being orange. You just have to find one that contains a DHA thats not too much for your skin. Try using St. Tropez mousse or even Jergans daily.

Hope i helped :-)
xoxo Gemma

Skin Care(101)?


Ok my face is peeling like especially on my nose what is the best face cleanser to get also i have dark spots on my fave how do i get rid of them
Second question what kind of lotion is best for me i have very very dry skin like almost to you know no t scales but its hard to explain what's the best lotion to use please answer both questions thanks in advance

I like Clean & Clear. Works good.

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