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What are different types of skin care specialist other than an estheticians and dermatologist?


skin care dermatologist on skin care beauty products by huda heidi kattan
skin care dermatologist image


I want to do something that deals with skin care other than an esthetician or derma. That also involves a 4 year college and a good pay. Plz help!!

I dont think so. My moms an estatician and i asked and she sed she doesnt kno about any thinh else

What is the best skin care advice?


What is the BEST skin care advice that you've ever received to clear up acne? The best products, the best home remedies, the best daily activities, I want to know them all! Thanks so much to everybody in advance.

Besides washing your face morning and night (no sleeping in make-up!), toning, and moisturizing, the best advice I had was to see a dermatologist. I was given a prescription that cleared up my skin problems (acne during pregnancy) like a charm.

The best "trick" I ever heard of was for a spot treatment. Pure tea tree oil applied with a cotton swab. Hold it on the blemish until it starts to feel cold (a good 60 seconds). If you do this at night, it will dry up by morning, but the bump might still be there. Careful though, this can be very drying. Only apply it to the blemish.

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