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How do you deal with neighbors who are mean in a manner that pleases Allah?


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I have two neighbors that have been driving me up the wall. One is an old woman who gossips a lot and is a busybody.

The other one has a child that screams in the wee hours of the night.
She has been badmouthing about my family (after my aunt confronted her) and my late grandmother who used to live in my house.

I have not dealt with the matter at hand but I am most curious: how do Muslims deal with such people?

**I am a convert

As salaamu 'alaikym warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, sister.

Insha'Allah, as to the neighbor who child cries at night, I would politely speak to her about the same inquiring if she might need some assistance with the child during the day that she might get some more rest so as to be better able to deal with the child during the might.

You might also find that the child has a health problem or some other difficulty and you assistance might make a big difference for the mother and the child. Alhumdulillah!

Insha'Allah, every time you busy body neighbor begins to back bite and gossip, change the subject to something totally unrelated like the weather, a pleasant news story you may have heard, and experience from your past, etc. You might also ask her about her hobbies, if she sews, knits, gardens, cooks and talk about that.

If she ask why you don't seem to be listening to her gossip politely explain to her that in Islam, back biting, gossiping and spreading rumors is haram/forbidden.

For both, keep them in your prayers during salaah asking Allah, Subhanna wa Ta'ala to guide them to the right path, and to allow them to discover the beauty, truth and wisdom that is Islam. Alhumdulillah!

In all cases, try to see what is going on with the other person from his or her point of view treating them with the same respect and kindness you would wish to receive. Alhumdulillah!

May we all be rightly guided.

ma'a salaam

(P.S., I am a revert, too. Alhumdulillah!)

How do people deal with the unexplainable death their dog?

out west

Our dog recently died a very painful death in the end. Massive internal bleeding brought on for no reason. Our vet and several others are stumped. He was in perfect health and died on his 8th birthday which is killing me. I have incredible guilt I should have gotten him to the vet sooner.

i started out on here in YA answering in the dogs section, and as tempting as it is to go into the possible reasons as to why this might have happened, you posted here in R&S, so i will answer from that perspective.

much the same as an unexpected and and unforeseen aneurysm can occur in seemingly healthy teenagers, massive injury can occur to our pets that leave us feeling as if we have been hit with a with a sucker punch to our soul.

do not torture yourself by replaying the events over and over in your mind. the "what if" game will only destroy and eat away at the beauty and happiness that your pet's life represented. in the end, what pain he might have had, he knew, in his canine mind, that he was with a master who had loved and protected and defended him all life, and there was no other safer place for him to be, no matter the circumstances.

you gave him the best life he could have ever had - this i'm sure of. you wouldn't be tortured with these feelings if you didn't care so much, and that type of owner treats and loves his pet well. the years you had with your dog were good ones, and he was lucky to have had them with you, instead of somewhere, anywhere else.

focus on the memories. remember a specific instance - a funny time chasing a ball, nipping at a bug, licking the toilet bowl water - anything good, and make that come to your mind when the dark thoughts threaten to take over. it will ease as time goes by...i've not been in your exact same situation, but i've been there as to the loss of a pet.

my thoughts and sympathies, as do the ((hugs)) from furry friends in the house here, go out to you and yours.

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