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How do I market my line of skin care products?


skin care on a budget on Budget Cleansers for Oily and Combination Skin|Skin Care Products|Skin ...
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Troubled L

I started a line of Dead Sea skin care products 3 years ago. Despite all my efforts our sales are still low. I have a informative web site, I've posted every where on the net, I have a brochure I've mailed and emailed everywhere, I lost tons of money sending samples out. I've tried to recruit direct sales people as well as commission only business to business reps and I got no where. Is this just a failure business or what? I am working on a very small budget at this point and can't afford a national ad campaign should I just quit or what?

I've been successfully self-employeed for over 30 years. I realize you've spent a lot of time and money on your skin care products and probably won't like what I'm about to say.(You might want to get a consultation with a mass media marketing person to hear the truth of what I'm about to tell you. )

It is repulsive to think of the word "DEAD" when it comes to putting something on my skin when I want my skin to be alive and vibrant.

You might want to think of some other way to describe and label your products. Such as "Skin Care Products from the Sea".

Often times we get so in love with our products/inventions we don't grasp whether our approach is marketable.

What are some good beauty/skin care items for snowboarders?


I have a friend who's really into snowboarding, and I thought it'd be nice to make her a gift basket of various beauty and skin care items that a snowboarder could use. Any suggestions? I'm on a budget, so I'd prefer inexpensive items; that way I can buy a few things and make a nice basket.

I think you should definitely put some chapstick in the basket its a girls best friend on the slopes, sunscreen, moisturizer, waterproof mascara. Some mini handwarmers & a cute bandanna & maybe even a mini handheld massager. You could also put some warm socks & sunglasses/goggles.

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