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im doing a resume and my current job is working at target. What is a good way to describe my job description?


health and beauty zone on ... zone anti wrinkle eye cream 7ml-in Creams from Beauty & Health on
health and beauty zone image


i work on the floor with hardlines meaning i only deal with stocking and zoning: health and beauty products, house chemicals, furniture ect.

tell them you are the person who runs away and hides when a customer needs help

when bleaching hair at home more than once, how many days should be left between processes?

Emily Coll

I'm planning on bleaching my hair with the Beyond the Zone 40 vol. kit, I'll need to process it more than once (I'm going for a super-light blonde so I can re-dye it purple and blue at a later stage) I was thinking of leaving four days between each process and using two hair masks in the between days. Is this enough or should I leave it longer?
and are there any other ways to minimize damage?

If you're bleaching more than a month, two months, three months, you're bleaching too much.
Playing with chemicals is not like playing with clothes, there are penalties for playing chemicals in the lab. Even hair color experts at the salon are not rocket scientists, they do a bang up dye jobs to their clients or their own hair.

The hair industry is a billion dollar business, they sell products that cleans & condition the hair. They also sell products that damage and causes hair loss. They also DO NOT give money back guarantee for damaged hair or hair loss due to 'abuse'.

I've responded to many girls (guys now too) under 15 experiencing in hair loss since 2009, due to hair straightening, relaxers and hair dyes. Women 60-90 have those same symptoms but it took them years to get there. But for 15 & under, giving advice here? They can't predict the future of their hairs, until they're in their 30's, but 15 & under with hair loss? C'mon! I've responded 7 in 2 hours 9-3-10, (before school started) 4 in 1hour 3-5-11 alone.

One example of hair loss on a 16 years old.
I'm 16 years old, i don't really die my hair that much i probably died it like twice this whole year. well i lose soooo much hair EVEY SINGLE DAY, i lose soo much, that I'm literally almost bald :,( my doctor said she thinks its some kind of hormone change, then my hairstylist says its because its waaay to dry, but idk what it is because it wont stop falling out!!! It might be because i use to straighten it when i had mouse in it, but that was like 2 years ago.. helpp!!!

Another example: Before i dye my hair, my hair is so healthy and thick, but now after i dye my hair , my hair becoming disaster... my hair doesn't health like before! my hair loss LOT! i tried to try all kind of shampoo!

Another example, ? about her age:
"I recently decided to dye my hair. I didn't like the first color so I dyed it again a week later. Then I permed it 4 weeks later, now its really dry and brittle and falls out everywhere, it comes out in chucks when I comb it or even wash."

When it does that, it is too late to do anything about it. That's another reason why the hair industry is a billion dollar business, their main job is to make tons of money and they do not give money back guarantee for damaged hair or hair loss, due to 'abuse'.

Google hair dyes & cancer spec. black hair dyes which is made from tar. Some people smoke & tan all their lives and do not get cancer. But there are 2nd hand & 3rd hand smoke who are now carrying their oxygen tank so they can breath or have cancer. Same with hair dyes. If you're not affected today, or next month, you may never be affected and you're one of the lucky ones. It doesn't take overnight, it takes years of hair experimentation with hair dyes.

Google: Hair Dye FAQ's Are Hair Dyes Safe?

Here's a new article I found re: henna, which is supposed to be better for you than reg. box dye. It's a good read! Google: Henna for Hair

I know hair. I have over 4 decades of hair know-how. I have silky, shiny, soft, smooth very healthy hair down to my knees. Previously damaged by perming & dyeing in the 80's & 90's. I've known people in their 30's whose hair stopped growing from ironing their hair in the 70's. FDA gov. Hair Dye & Relaxers for side effects. One is hair loss.

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