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What is the perfect skin care system for a 19 year-old with combination skin?


skin care dermatologist on How to Develop a Rosacea Skincare Home Regimen | Rosacea Skin Care
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I break out often and have combination skin, and I have a lot of acne scars. I have used clinique, which made my skin worse and cannot go to the dermatologist because it has been said that their prescriptions often fail once you stop the regimen. What kind of skin care would you recommend? (Professionals preferred) ...i'm tired of trial and error! Running out of options!

I've dealt with bad acne for years, my skin was either dry or oily with whatever skin care I used. But at the beginning of the year I started using Aveeno Clear Complexion Foaming Cleanser. Aveeno is a great line of product, and a normal woman can afford it! And I use the Cleansing Pads around the middle of my day if I've been sweating.
Stuff not to use:
Mary Kay - the worst stuff for your skin, very expensive, low quality, and ruins your skin.
Proactive - it may work, but you can't be out in the sun

What are different types of skin care specialist other than an estheticians and dermatologist?


I want to do something that deals with skin care other than an esthetician or derma. That also involves a 4 year college and a good pay. Plz help!!

I dont think so. My moms an estatician and i asked and she sed she doesnt kno about any thinh else

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