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What are some good,reliable printable coupon websites?


beauty and health show on UK'S NEXT TOP HAND MODEL - 07/04/2009 (Health and Beauty Salon Online)
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Q. I am into couponing and only know of 3 websites.Does anyone else know of some?I use all kinds of coupons-food,drink,paper products,beauty products,health care,frozen stuff,snacks,etc.Please list all websites you know for good coupons.

There are a lot of good sites to print coupons from. Here are some of the better ones:


Also, here is a coupon site you should find really helpful.


They have a database that lets you search for specific coupons for items you may have on your shopping list. It will show you all available coupons for the product and direct you to the sponsoring website (most of the time the manufacturers website), to print it off. This site is also great at keeping you up to date on the latest deals, promotions, free stuff, samples and more.

Best of luck couponing!!!

How can people say dog show handlers dont love or care for their dogs?

Q. Ive seen the oh so many times. It just baffles me when i hear this. Is it that they just dont know? Or have they seen something? Cause every show dog i know i cared and loved more then most humans are.

It sickens me to hear people say this cause it just an ignorant thing to say.

What do you think?
my dogs are the same my weimaraners get out exercising everyday. my one loves to chase the others around the yard. I plant bird wings for her to find. she loves that. she wont give it back to me at first but still.

And jane my bulldogs are a healthy as can be. yes we do c-section and ai but so what. its for their safety. people wanted to breed that nasty attitude out of them.
my weimaraners are well taken care of and i only show the ones that like it. my bulldogs love to show.

They are first and foremost my companions my pets.
You know what jane your the misinformed one. My SHOW weimaraners can go out into the field and hunt and have proven so. I am on the way to getting a Junior hunter on the one.

Pointers can go out and point i have seen them do so and they are also show pointers.

If you get a bulldog from a responsible breeder the health problems are minimal.

Dont spout off your idiotic assumptions with no proof because you are absolutely wrong.
Ok once again you are wrong. Responsible breeders do not breed for color. Yes there are colors that they would like to see but they dont specifically breed for them. they breed for health first and foremost.

It is because most people only repeat things they hear and have no real experience. While of course some show dogs aren't treated well (the same goes for a lot of pets only) the majority are treated very well. They are first and fore most well loved pets. They get to run & play, they get to sleep on the bed, the couch, go for walks, have toys & treats, etc. They aren't kept crated 24/7, they aren't just bathed, groomed put in the ring and then forgotten about.

Many show dogs are owner handled not sent off to a handler.My own are owner handled.

A lot of time and training is spent with most show dogs. The majority have more attention & human bonding then most pets.

My own show dogs sleep on my bed, sleep on the couch, have a huge toy box full of toys, go shopping at Petco & Petsmart, go camping, hiking, go on doggie walks, go to doggie camp, etc. They are well loved pets.

*****a responsible show dog person/breeder does NOT breed simply for beauty (conformation is NOT a beauty contest) They breed for an entire package..conformation, heath, breed standard, temperament, longevity. Sadly people that think that showing is only a beauty contest are very mis-informed********
***** People most certainly don't show dogs for the money!!! there is no money to be made showing dogs...very, very few shows have money prizes. More money is spent on showing, keeping the dogs well fed & healthy, traveling, etc then is ever made******

*****Jane you are so totally misinformed and sorry but clueless/ Conformation is very important no matter if it is a show dog, hunting dog, earth dog, obedience dog,herding dog, etc... a dog with good conformation is far less likely to end up with injuries to joints & muscles because of stress to these areas then a dog with poor conformation..this is why there is a breed standard, a conformation standard..if you actually read a breed standard you will see that it takes in all aspects of a dogs anatomy, his temperament, his movement, not just bits & pieces of it..it is an entire package...it is also NOT the responsible breeders/show people that have created the problems seen in a lot of breeds (be aware these same issues are also found in mixes as well, there fore aren't limited ot just "show" purebreds) The problems you see are from irresponsible breeders, breeders who don't care about the breed who don't breed for an entire package, who don't breed to standard or for health, longevity, temperament...The dogs you used as examples are products of irresponsible breeding not from responsible show breeders, you really need to get out there and know what you are talking about, because right now you don't. A well bred Saint Bernard is defiantely not riddled with HD and is very capable of living a pretty long life...well bred terriers can certainly do what they were bred for..many hold not only conformation titles but also earth dog & hunting...you simply have absolutely no idea.
I show my dogs, my Danes not only meet breed standard and do well in conformation but also excell at obedience, rally, tracking and other venues...my husbands GSP has wonderful conformation, can hunt all day in the field (and stay sound) competes in rally & NAVHDA...I know many other dogs of various breeds that excell in the breed ring and can go out and do herding, hunting, etc Form helps function.********
Showing hasn't ruined any breeds, irresponsible breeding by people who don't breed to standard, health, longevity, temperament have.
****there is not always a winner..a judge reserves the right to not give any awards if he feels the dogs competeing aren't worthy and don't meet breed standard. I have seen this happen on several occassions and heard of it on many more, so just because there is a class at a dog show doesn't mean there wil lbe a winner or even placements.Again shows how little you really know about dog shows and the dogs in them.****
****as for color that is defiantely not the main focus of a responsible breeder..there are some colors taht aren't accepted in the show ring simply because they do carry health risks if bred irresponsible and the parent clubs by not allowing them in the show ring are trying to discourage the indeiscriminat breeding of these dogs. The parent clubs of a breed sets the standards for the breed and the judging criteria...not the AKC, UKC or CKC (Canadian Kennel Club) again something you had no clue about*******
*****Jane, let me see if I can put this in simple terms you can understand...the reason some colors in various breeds is not accepted in conformation is because if used for breeding they can cause some serious health issues.Since conformation is for selection of potential breeding dogs it is unwise to allow colors that have a known potential for health problems. The breeding of these colors is to be discouraged. Mismarks are allowed to compete in all performance venues. Color has nothing to do with performance, but it does impact breeding. Responsible breeders look at the entire picture and breed to add back to the breed that is of value in conformation, health , longevity & temperament. I've been a vet tech for 36 1/2 years, have studied genetics and have done extensive study on canine reproduction & breeding. In addition I have many years of experience with working dogs....herding & hunting as wel las competeing in obedience, rally and recently starting tracking. I've also been a dog trainer for 37 years********

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