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Is it just me or am I just being tempted to quit already?


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I started with Mary Kay around the end of February, making it one month since I started. I have attended two meetings, the first one went great because I did learn lots of things but yesterday I felt really bad because I see that all these women get recognized for selling a lot of products and at the same time had lots of Skin Care Classes. I have only had one facial, and hope to have around three more this and next week(I have already spoken to some people about it). But, what I feel bad about is that I have had lots of people not order from the book because they either have had an allergic reaction or because they believe it is too expensive. What I think is that they do not know the product. But anyway, should I be thinking this way already? I know one of the main concepts from Mary Kay is "not quitting".I need to mention that I do have a full time job and have a married life with two young boys.How can I approach other methods to try to sell Mary Kay, and I do like it though.

DOn't give up! It will get easier. The first year of a business is the hardest and the first 6 months are the hardest of that. You business will have highs and lows. Right now you are comparing yourself to people that may have more clients, a different situtation at home, working their business longer, who knows. BUt, please don't let yourself compare yourself to anyone. Your goal should be to do the best you can right now and try to improve every month. The focus should be growing your clientele by seeing more faces. Don't worry about sales right now. Just see as many faces as you can and it will grow from there.

I suggest doing the power start: 30 faces in 30 days. I know this sounds like a lot, but with 6 classes of 5 people each, you would be done! Plus, getting referrels from each one makes a huge difference! When I hit lows I do the power start all over again. Whomever I ask I just say "I am working on a huge goal for my business and need to borrow your face" then I remind them to keep their checkbook in the car. It takes the pressure off and if they like the product, then they will buy.

I have 2 boys, work fulltime and my husband is deployed, so I totally understand your frustration. Just keep working at it and give it TIME!

Opinions on Avon and Mary Kay. Should I join and, start selling? Which one is best? How much is it?


Well, I contacted one woman in King William, Va. She said the cost to start was $20. But, I have seen numerous people on the internet say it's only $10. I am interested in doing this, but need to know opinions of people that have done this before. Also, if you have sold Mary Kay before, how much is that to start? Which one is better to do? Thanks ahead!

There are pos and cons to both companies you need to decide which is best for you based on the facts so talking with someone from both companies so you get facts not hear say or emotion information.
They are very different in the way they conduct business I know a little about Avon it does cost less to start however it seems to be harder to make money too. You also have to earn the percentage you make based on your sales. You can be an e consultant I think that is where the $20 comes in. Avon focus more on catalog sales but I think they also have consultant that do shows not sure or is it if you sign online verse with a person see ask someone who sell Avon I could be mixing it up. ( My mk Director sold it yrs ago before MK twice actually)

MK cost $100 to start plus shipping 8.75 and your state tax. You get over $300 in full size products to demo enough to do 30 faces plus business supplies and demo trays etc. You make 50% of what you sell always plus you can earn business and commissions. Books change quarterly some would say MK is expensive it is comparable to department store process so the market is there hence you don't have to work as hard to make money you get sales and the reorder business especially from skin care. In MK it is about the service of your clients not just passing out books.
Hope this helps

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