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What exactly do you have to do when your an inventory associate at Super Wal-Mart? How's the pay?


health and beauty hba on Jenis peeling beragam diantaranya ada TCA, Jesneer, AHA ( alpha ...
health and beauty hba image

Uncle Ruck

Everyone is an Inventory Associate at Wal-mart or a Super Walmart.

There is a specific team of associates that deals with inventory. This was called the ICS Team when I worked there, might be something different now. There are also office staff that deal with inventory. The pay depends on where the Walmart is located but usually starting pay is about $10.50. The office staff get paid a little bit more.

What they do is go from department to department with a picklist of merchandise to pull to the floor. They go into the bins of these departments and pull whatever merchandise on that list they can find. They always start with the consumable departments (high sales) first. These are Foods, Pets, Paper Goods and Chemicals, Health and Beauty Aids... or was that Home and Bath, not sure anymore (HBA), and sometimes infants (diapers).

The office staff total up the sales and shrinkage (loss) totals and figure out how much profit the store has made and what the percentage of shrinkage is.

Walmart help with HBA and cosmetics?

Rage Rage

I recently got hired at walmart and i seperate producs as they unload from trucks. I get very very confused between HBA VS Cosmetics products. could someone write a list which i can follow or how they are different from each other.
thank you for all your help.

what's hba?
health and beauty?

I always thought cosmetics was kind of like a sub-section of health and beauty.

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