Where can I find Dr Singha's Mustard Bath in NYC?
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beauty health and you nyc
beauty health and you nyc image

I don't know of any local health/beauty stores that carry Dr Singha's Mustard Baths. I used it once in Boulder and couldn't find it again. Any ideas where I could find it?
could not find any stores that sell the product you where asking about so i found this website below just click on it,
Dr. Singha's, Mustard Bath, 32 oz (907g) - iHerb.com
could not find any stores that sell the product you where asking about so i found this website below just click on it,
Dr. Singha's, Mustard Bath, 32 oz (907g) - iHerb.com
When you live in NYC where do you go shopping for things like shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc.?

forest m
I am moving to NYC ever soon and im moving to the upper east side and i was just wondering what kind of stores and where are these stores that you go to to buy products like shampoo, conditioner, hand soap, etc. so basically where do i shop since i do not have a walmart to go to?? and is there any way to talk what you buy back to your apartment with carrying them?? please help me.
New York City is crawling with what we call "Health And Beauty Aid" stores, chief among them being a chain called Duane Reade... they're everywhere.
Most supermarkets will deliver your groceries to your apartment for a small fee, plus a tip for the guys who bring it up to you, of course.
Good luck!... :-D
New York City is crawling with what we call "Health And Beauty Aid" stores, chief among them being a chain called Duane Reade... they're everywhere.
Most supermarkets will deliver your groceries to your apartment for a small fee, plus a tip for the guys who bring it up to you, of course.
Good luck!... :-D
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