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Could you help me understand a few things about homemade, raw, natural skin care?


skin care essentials on The History Of Jamaica Or, A General Survey Of The Antient And Modern ...
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I recently have moved to a new apartment. The dry heat is brutal. My skin has been drying up. I got a book at Barnes and Noble on homemade skin care with all raw or natural ingredients. Some of it is hard to understand. Does anyone know a good source where I can buy these natural ingredients, like vitamin ester C, alph lipoic acide, DMAE, cold pressed carrier oils, beeswax, quality essential oils and flower waters??? I am hoping to save some money. Thanks!!

Emily's Oils & Essentials is a supplier of Aromatherapy products. The C, acid and DMAE aren't available from Emily's Oils, the other items that you are looking for are.

I formation and advice is available at eoils.net. You can use the interactive search engine to identify products that are appropriate for your needs.

Be Young LOVING CARE essential oil blend to increase your breastmilk supply?


Has anyone had success at using the Be Young LOVING CARE essential oil blend to increase your breastmilk supply?? I was told to rub it on the breasts after nursing.

It is not the essential oils that are important but rather the massage of the breast as this helps increase breast milk production

In fact I would suggest you use a natural carrier oil such as Jojoba Oil if lubrication is required to help with the massage. As it is almost identical organically-speaking to sebum, which is the natural oil produced by your skin.

Hope this helps!

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