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what is the best skin care product for young adults?


skin care websites on Has anyone used Indulekha skin care oil?? I would like to hear a ...
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Jin Z

I am trying to find a skin care brand that is suitable for young adults, I am 20 years old. Is there a website that I can look up the reliable reviews?

try the 3 in 1 cleanser from mary kay. it is really good, i have used it for a long time, and people always ask me how do i keep my skin so clear. email me angel082485@yahoo.com and i can show you how you can get some.

Are there affordable skin care products that won't cause cancer?

I recently discovered that many skin care and hair care products can cause cancer. I am trying to lead the healthiest lifestyle I can and I was wondering if there are any organic or natural products out there? Also, I am very much so on a budget, so any websites that are inexpensive or any "do it yourself" style recipes for home, would be great! I am looking for all types of products from skin care, to shave gel and toothpaste and shampoo:) Thanks so much in advance!

No one really knows what causes a particular individual to get a particular cancer. It is not necessarily skin care. There are a lot of factors involved.

However, at the same time, there are a lot of skin care products with ingredients that are perhaps not as harmless as we would like.

A great resource is the Skin Deep Website at www.cosmeticsdatabase.com which lists product ingredients and rates them for safety. Companies who sign up to join the Campaigh for Safe Cosmetics agree to submit their products to this site for assessment. There is some great information there that will help you to choose your products.

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