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Question for the great looking older women?


skin care 50 year old woman on Monday, May 3, 2010
skin care 50 year old woman image


I have seen tons of women in their mid 30's and beyond that look great and have bodies that can rival a 20 year old. I can't help wondering what you guys do to look so good. I just want some tips and advice on looking great now, and when I'm much older.

Take care of our skin, eat properly and lots of exercise and body shaping by weights.....at least, that's what I do !!!! I'm 50, 5'10" tall and weigh 145 lbs, and still rocking it off girl !!!

How do you feel about your stretch marks and post baby body?


I LOVE MY BODY!!! I feel as if my stretch marks are a symbol of my daughter and that she was a healthy baby. I used to be bothered by them. Now, I feel very confident. I embrace what I was given and what I was blessed with. My husband tells me that they are another part of me. I think they are beautiful for they are from my beautiful daughter.

If you could go back, would you wish you did not have them?
Does your spouse care if you are covered in stretch marks?
Are you just as confident about your body?

Ah I'm glad someone else has said this!

I really don't care about what has happened to my body.

I'm 20 and before my baby I had a pretty good figure (I can say that now as it's in hindsight lol!) - slim and toned and not a stretchmark in sight!

Now I think I have the body of a 50 year old lol! My skin is loose and saggy, belly is wrinkly, I have stretchmarks covering every inch of skin. I have a muffin top waist and saggy boobs! I have had to buy an entire new wardrobe of clothes because none of my pre-pregnancy ones fit.

But, here I declare, I AM HAPPY!

It kind of annoys me how many people you hear going on about stretchmarks etc. HOW can they care when they've just had a baby?! My son is the most wonderful thing to ever happen to me and as you so rightly said, every mark on my skin is a symbol of him. Okay if someone is overweight then it is fair for them to be concerned as that is a health and comfort issue. But just a few extra lbs and stretchmarks and sagginess? Who cares! People should stop being so shallow!

Also, I'll just add, I'm single, so if I ever want a relationship again I have the issue of meeting someone new and introducing him to "the body" lol. And a lot of guys in their 20's would still expect a woman my age to have a pretty decent body. But, still, I DON'T CARE! A lot of these women you hear moaning on are happily married and don't have that issue to worry about. I do, but I can accept it, because my son makes up for everything ten fold! I wear my stretchmarks as a badge of honour!

Edit: Haha, ooh the thumbs down police are out today! Funny, all I said is basically, "I care more about my baby than my body" and THAT many people disagree with me. Seem to me that there are a lot of guilty mums out there who have their priorities just a tad wrong!

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