I need some baby tips care for my first baby ?
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skin care vocabulary

After getting married a year ago now i am pregnant and waiting for my first baby.I am very exited for this so i need any info about baby tips care. Thanks
Wow... there are a lot of great tips on here. I have to say I love 'dontfencemein's answer though the best. I am usually really wordy too but I dont have much to say because she pretty much said all I would have!!
Mischelle, RN had some really good points too... I had to giggle though -in a nice reminiscent way- you can tell she is a real nurse because of her first sentence, I remember with my first son the nurses all said the same thing about trying to wake the baby for its feedings and I thought... like hell... I aint waking a sleeping baby, that is a blessing, lol... of coarse until he is 6 months old and you are engorged at 8 pm, lol. My how things change, lol. Also with the bathing thing, with my first son I would of coarse bathe every night as part of our bed time routine and he ended up with horrible dry skin. Our doc said to only bathe once or twice a week or unless needed (overly poopy diaper, etc). As soon as I cut back, his cradle cap went away and his exema. I really caught hell from people who thought it was 'gross' not to bathe their kid every night, but I am on baby #3 and have no skin probs with my kids.
And kudos to Angela B for talking to her baby like an actual person. My neice was concerned that her daughter wasn't talking and when she did it was nonsense. They moved into town and I started spending time with them and just recently told her exactly what you said. She talks to her daughter in baby talk - dadoo for water - num num for food... etc... this child just turned two. She was baffled that my kids spoke well early on and now at 7 and 10 use pretty decent vocabulary (lol... my 7 yr old just told me the other day that he 'quite prefers' soda over water, mom' however cute btw didn't get him the soda, lol). I never put much thought into it, I was just older when I had my first kid and it always really irritated me when I heard moms talking all cutsie with their kids so I just never did it.
Kids learn what you provide them with. If you want them to speak like they have two touching brain cells then that is how you have to speak to them, lol
Anyway... Everything I could think of saying has already been said, I just think it is nice sometimes to get on and support some of the answerers. About the only thing I can think of that I hadn't seen in your answers yet would apply more as your child grows up and I live by this or I would go nuts because I am a major control freak, lol.... Pick your battles, not every battle HAS to be won. Take a deep breath and think things through before demanding your child do or dont do a certain thing. For ex: My son at 3 wanted to start caring for our dog, feeding him that is. All I could think about was the mess it would make and I would always tell him no... until my hubby said 'you need to start asking yourself 'why not' and letting him do some of these things so he can learn' He was so right. My son only spilled the food a couple times and he has been the one feeding the pup for 6 yrs now. Of coarse I hovered and reminded a lot or we would have had a starved pup, lol. But.. that is it.. when I really question 'why not' now, I just think of the bigger battles coming down the pike and how important it will be to win those, ie dating, driving, college, lol!!
You got some great tips on here! Great question!!!
Good Luck... have fun with your new one.
Wow... there are a lot of great tips on here. I have to say I love 'dontfencemein's answer though the best. I am usually really wordy too but I dont have much to say because she pretty much said all I would have!!
Mischelle, RN had some really good points too... I had to giggle though -in a nice reminiscent way- you can tell she is a real nurse because of her first sentence, I remember with my first son the nurses all said the same thing about trying to wake the baby for its feedings and I thought... like hell... I aint waking a sleeping baby, that is a blessing, lol... of coarse until he is 6 months old and you are engorged at 8 pm, lol. My how things change, lol. Also with the bathing thing, with my first son I would of coarse bathe every night as part of our bed time routine and he ended up with horrible dry skin. Our doc said to only bathe once or twice a week or unless needed (overly poopy diaper, etc). As soon as I cut back, his cradle cap went away and his exema. I really caught hell from people who thought it was 'gross' not to bathe their kid every night, but I am on baby #3 and have no skin probs with my kids.
And kudos to Angela B for talking to her baby like an actual person. My neice was concerned that her daughter wasn't talking and when she did it was nonsense. They moved into town and I started spending time with them and just recently told her exactly what you said. She talks to her daughter in baby talk - dadoo for water - num num for food... etc... this child just turned two. She was baffled that my kids spoke well early on and now at 7 and 10 use pretty decent vocabulary (lol... my 7 yr old just told me the other day that he 'quite prefers' soda over water, mom' however cute btw didn't get him the soda, lol). I never put much thought into it, I was just older when I had my first kid and it always really irritated me when I heard moms talking all cutsie with their kids so I just never did it.
Kids learn what you provide them with. If you want them to speak like they have two touching brain cells then that is how you have to speak to them, lol
Anyway... Everything I could think of saying has already been said, I just think it is nice sometimes to get on and support some of the answerers. About the only thing I can think of that I hadn't seen in your answers yet would apply more as your child grows up and I live by this or I would go nuts because I am a major control freak, lol.... Pick your battles, not every battle HAS to be won. Take a deep breath and think things through before demanding your child do or dont do a certain thing. For ex: My son at 3 wanted to start caring for our dog, feeding him that is. All I could think about was the mess it would make and I would always tell him no... until my hubby said 'you need to start asking yourself 'why not' and letting him do some of these things so he can learn' He was so right. My son only spilled the food a couple times and he has been the one feeding the pup for 6 yrs now. Of coarse I hovered and reminded a lot or we would have had a starved pup, lol. But.. that is it.. when I really question 'why not' now, I just think of the bigger battles coming down the pike and how important it will be to win those, ie dating, driving, college, lol!!
You got some great tips on here! Great question!!!
Good Luck... have fun with your new one.
What are all the different types of doctors?

I think there are close to 10 different types of doctors and I have no idea what any of them are. Anyone can fill me in? Say what they are and what they do and maybe an example if you are feeling nice? Thanks.
1. The obstetrician provides care for pregnant women, delivers babies, and gives post-natal attention to mothers. He practices obstetrics.
2. The pediatrician takes over after the obstetrician. He specializes in the treatment of infants and very young children; he practices pediatrics.
3. The podiatrist treats the minor ailments of your feet. More popularly, he is called a chiropodist. The practice or profession is podiatry or chiropody.
4. The osteopath works on the theory that diseases arise chiefly from the displacement of bones, with resultant pressure on nerve centers and blood vessels. Hence, his treatment is manipulation of the affected parts. He practices osteopathy.
5. The ophthalmologist is a medical doctor and often a trained surgeon who treats the troubles and the diseases of the eyes. Popularly he is called an oculist, or, even more popularly, an eye-doctor.
6. The optometrist checks and corrects vision, usually by prescribing and fitting eyeglasses. He practices optometry.
7. The optician is a technician who grinds lenses to an ophthalmologist's or optometrist's prescription or who makes or sells eyeglasses, binoculars, and other optical instruments.
8. The gynecologist specializes in the diseases that are peculiar to women. His profession is gynecology.
9. The dermatologist specializes in diseases of the skin-rash, acne, allergies, lesions, psoriasis, eczema, etc. His specialty is dermatology.
10. The psychiatrist is a medical specialist in mental ailments, emotional problems, psychoses, neuroses, etc. He practices psychiatry.
11. The orthodontist specializes in straightening crooked teeth and in corrected bad "bits," or, as they are called in the vocabulary of orthodontia, "malocclusions."
1. The obstetrician provides care for pregnant women, delivers babies, and gives post-natal attention to mothers. He practices obstetrics.
2. The pediatrician takes over after the obstetrician. He specializes in the treatment of infants and very young children; he practices pediatrics.
3. The podiatrist treats the minor ailments of your feet. More popularly, he is called a chiropodist. The practice or profession is podiatry or chiropody.
4. The osteopath works on the theory that diseases arise chiefly from the displacement of bones, with resultant pressure on nerve centers and blood vessels. Hence, his treatment is manipulation of the affected parts. He practices osteopathy.
5. The ophthalmologist is a medical doctor and often a trained surgeon who treats the troubles and the diseases of the eyes. Popularly he is called an oculist, or, even more popularly, an eye-doctor.
6. The optometrist checks and corrects vision, usually by prescribing and fitting eyeglasses. He practices optometry.
7. The optician is a technician who grinds lenses to an ophthalmologist's or optometrist's prescription or who makes or sells eyeglasses, binoculars, and other optical instruments.
8. The gynecologist specializes in the diseases that are peculiar to women. His profession is gynecology.
9. The dermatologist specializes in diseases of the skin-rash, acne, allergies, lesions, psoriasis, eczema, etc. His specialty is dermatology.
10. The psychiatrist is a medical specialist in mental ailments, emotional problems, psychoses, neuroses, etc. He practices psychiatry.
11. The orthodontist specializes in straightening crooked teeth and in corrected bad "bits," or, as they are called in the vocabulary of orthodontia, "malocclusions."
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