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I am an undergrad student in my third year and am starting to hate my major, should I change it?


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Kelsey Bro

Basically: I switched to anthropology because I love it. I still love it, but I absolutely HATE all of the writing that the discipline entails. It's not something I considered when switching. And now that I'm in my third year, I feel not only as though I haven't learned any important skills to help me through this area of study, but I feel depressed and hopeless for now hating something I once loved. I am an intelligent person with an amazingly open mind, and I also happen to have quite a positive outlook in most situations. However, academic writing is neither my forte nor my passion. Sometimes I become so discouraged that I want nothing more than to drop out of school and go work on a farm (which I think I would actually enjoy, by the way), but I realize that I am also not a quitter. If I were, I would have given up on life many years ago and would not be here today continuing to try my hardest at everything I am faced with.

My question now is this: Do I continue in this area of study and bullshit through all of the papers until I find exactly what I CAN offer to the discipline? Or do I take a risk and change to another major? The only issue with changing my major is that I have no idea what I would switch to. Going into college, I was terrified because I didn't feel like I was good at anything, especially math and science. Anything involving either was immediately thrown out. I knew I didn't want to study history anymore than I already had, so I settled on English. I love English, and was planning on becoming an editor. But when I took my first anthropology class (never having heard of it before), I fell in love. And that's why I feel like I should stay.

So maybe my ACTUAL question is: How do I get through a major I love while being required to do something I hate over and over again? I try to stay as positive as I can when asked to write book reviews or research papers, but I get angrier and more discouraged with every one. And keep in mind that (if you haven't been able to tell), I'm not necessarily a bad writer. I'm just NOT a writer.

What are my skills?
Reading. Listening. Understanding. Finding beauty in all things, people, and places. Encouraging others. Organizing. Navigating. Asking questions. Lots of questions. Maybe there are some other things I could list, but so far you may recognize that all of these are traits many people have, and these traits are not enough to set me apart and get me through school and onto finding a job all on their own.

So again, I am pretty much stuck. I feel as if all options will lead me to distress. Now that you have (if you have) read all of this, maybe you can share some insight on my conundrum and help me out of it.


If you were my daughter, and you had no idea of what to do in lieu of your current course work, I would advise you to complete your degree. And, I would remind you that GPA is important for hiring and graduate school selection.

You should probably look into testing as to your personality traits, which can suggest occupational fields generally associated with those traits. Carl Jung theorized on personality types, and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator testing attempts to identify various human traits and indicates what career fields are appropriate for each type.

Whether or not an individual can perform the duties of any position well may be dependent upon their abilities and personality traits, except that even good performance my produce excessive stress for one not suited to that particular job. Working in a position requiring emotional strengths contrary to one's traits increases stress; which can result in physical and psychological problems. From the characteristics described, you may be suited for work with non-profit organizations, and an anthropology degree would not seem to be detrimental, and may be advantageous.


Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type by Paul D. Tieger

WebMD depression health check: http://www.webmd.com/depression/default.htm
Depression self-help: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/depression_tips.htm

Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the nonpharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality.
John W. Gardner

A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he becomes.
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.
John Milton, Paradise Lost, Chapter 1 (1667)

BTW: Compared to most of the questioners here, your writing is excellent.

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SOURCE(S): 20+ years research/experimentation - safe natural treatments to cure skin, scalp and hair problems and anti aging/rejuvenation treatments

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