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How to get a flawless skin on face and body? Skincare and makeup without buying extra skin care products?



I have super oily skin, and in some mirrors my face looks rough and my skin gets oily every 1/2 hour. Anything I can do without buying any extra skin care products, (I was told not to or else my severe acne would come back). But acne is not a problem though, my skin is fine. Plus, I'm kinda insecure about my skin when I'm out in the sun and under flourescent light. I want my skin face and body skin to look flawless. Smooth, beautiful skin.

Have you tried Nerium? It's an all natural organic night cream. It makes your face very smooth! Some people saw results in 5 days but to really make your face flawless, reduce any wrinkles or dark spots, I would use it for 30 days. If you research this cream, the results are remarkable and especially since the ingredients are organic (all natural!). Let me know if you have questions. I can provide you with more information. Hope this helps!

I have extremely oily skin and dark spots how do i get rid of it please i need help!!?


i have always had very oliy skin no matter what i did to fix it, it never worked. right now im using clean and clear and so far its ok but at night my face is a oil bucket ! now the dark spot thing is weird i get pimples but dont pick at them and it leaves a marking on my face i dont know what to do :'(

Try Nerium, its a night cream it should take care of the oil at night. It cleans the pores deeper than most cleansers so no pimples.

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