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Do they have skin care products in Chanel Stores?



Chanel sell skin care products. I want to get some. I believe they do samples?
Their is a Chanel store in The Mall at Millenia, Orlando Florida.
I will be going their in October. Do they have a skin care counter?

Do they have Chanel at Macy's - because their is a Macy's in The Mall at Millennia - but I don't know if they sell Chanel.
Do Macy's have Estee Lauder & Clinique?
Any ideas?

Thanks for answering!

They sell at Neinman Marcus, Nordstrom, and Macy's. I don't think they sell at the Chanel stores.

Best lotion for dry skin FOR MEN?

Ball Playe

any suggestions I have very dry skin

are you older?

because dry skin is usually found in men.
other things to take into consideration are your face wash, over exfoliation, and couple other things.

but for the most part when it comes to skin care, it doesnt really matter too much whether its for men or women (unless it has a really girly fragrance or a lame looking container - then id probably skip it haha)

also are you looking for something really cheap?
or can you spend a few bucks?
what my friend who works in the skin care industry told me, is that if theres one product you should invest money in, its a moisturizer. mainly because cheap ones lack a lot of ingredients that will help your skin, and can also clog your pores

is this for your face or body?
if its for your body, simply lubriderm will work. thats what i use when i get dry skin on my elbows or hands, and it gets rid of it.
i know vaseline just made a lotion specifically for men that can be used on your face too (although id advise against it because lotions are way different than a moisturizer.)

if its for your body, the cheapest ones i know would be things like aveeno.

the one i use, and it costs a little bit more, is peter thomas roth oil free moisturizer.
personally i feel its justified because it has antioxidants. antioxidants protect your skin from free radicals, antiaxidants are like vitamin E and vitamin A.
and its oil free, which is a must if you have break out prone skin like i do. oil free is water based, while most are oil based - increasing chances of clogged pores.
but my skin is not oily at all. i have pretty normal skin, and i definitely dont have combination skin. but i still get breakouts and use a neutrogena acne wash. since that dries my skin out, this moisturizer does an excellent job of restoring moisture.
most oil free ones, people complain of not enough moisture. thats not the case with mine, and it also lasts a pretty long time

so just be sure to do a little research and youll find something. just dont be afraid to go into the "girly zone". this is the reason i want to work at nordstroms or some other place where they sell skin care items. because mens grooming is a booming business right now.
but so many men are intimidated to go into a shop like sephora because of the girly stigma

with more men in there to relate to and talk to about specificly mens grooming, then i think there business would boom. so we;ll see how that goes
and i hope you got something out of my post.
i didnt really know what to suggest because you didnt give us much to work with.

dry skin can be on face and body, and most people on here are talking about their face. but you said lotion. and lotion should only be used on the body.
so if you need more specific help feel free to send me a message

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