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Do skin-care products have expiration dates on them?


black sniz

what does FDA 05052009 mean? would it be the expiration date of the product?

Yes it would be.

does make up or skin care product expires?

Quinn Fabr

So I just want to know if (first) skin care stuff expires? because I bought a lot of skin care stuff and sometimes I dont use few of them, and they are still there after 2 years. (toners, moisturisers, suncream,etc)

And what about make ups? I collected it so i have tons of them, but some I dont use much. Can I still use them like for example after 5/6 years?

How long do you think skin care products and make up expires? thankyouu
i couldnt find any expiry dates...

Have you seen at the bottom of the pots or the rims of tubes? Or there might be on the paper boxes most items come in.

They might not even have expiration date written on them, because the law doesn't require for every item to have an expiration date written on them.

You cannot be sure when the product was made, how long it has been on the shelfâ¦
You know though when you first opened it. So you can look for icons like this: http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_content_width/hash/d4/8a/d48a632e930bc9b5695a54086f4758c3.jpg This number indicates the number of months that the product lasts once it's opened.

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