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Recommendations for basic skin care products?



I am in my early 20s, okay skin condition, usually no acnes. I want to get some basic skin care products-- cleasners, face creams, hydration products, mask,etc. Please give me some recommendations on brand(s) that are good and with reasonable prices. Also, where should I purchase these products from? Walmart? A beauty shop in the mall? A Department store?

I am in my late 20's and up until now i used neutrogena face wash. I recently switched to clinique because my skin started drying out because i switched jobs and work in a rather harsh environment where it is always below 40 degrees. I always used neutrogena and then I would follow up with the neutrogena face cream for combination skin. It has an spf in it which is something else to look for. The neutrogena you can buy anywhere and it's relatively cheap. The clinique you can buy in the mall and they will help you pick a product line for your skin. It's definitely more expensive but well worth it.

career in skin care?


I am a high school graduate, and have been working for the state for almost a year now, and I want to change my career choice. My mom just sold her salon, but i grew up around it, and have always been very interested in make up, hair, skin ect.. i love it, and i think i want to become a skin care specialist ( esthetician. ) Does anyone do this, or could tell me what its like, and how they became one? What school ect? thank you SO so so much! :)

I am an Aesthetician and Medical Assistant. If you are interested in that line of work, the first thing you need to do is find a school to go to in your area. They are cosmetology schools. Most schools you have to pay up front. Im in NV and it took 600 hrs and $5000.00 to become one. You do 40 hrs a week, a couple hours of theory out of a book and then you work on clients that pay a discounted rate for you to work on them. Most schools are Tues-Sat. After you complete those required hours you have to take your state board exam which consists of a practical in which you perform services in front of examiners and then a written test. After you pass both, you get your license in the mail!
I suggest going to the school you are interested in first to see the place in person. And just to let you know, it is a short period of time while you are there, but there will be DRAMA! It;s beauty school.

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