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What are some gentle ways to exfoliate your face without using anything abrasive?


skin care hyaluronic acid on Hyaluronic Acid the Most Popular Anti Aging Compound
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I have super sensitive skin, even using a warm wash cloth irritates my skin, so your typical product like facial scrubs are completely out. Which i've also tried and are about 1000x worse than a wash cloth. I'm leaning towards getting an AHA chemical exfoliate *OR* something with lactic acid. (Products seem to be limited though...) if you guys have any advice or examples that would be great. I already have a mini hoard of products that have not worked out so trying something new makes me nervous, i'm afraid i'll end up wasting more money.

Consider a combination of AHA's and BHA's. Glycolic acid, lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, etc are all great and highly effective natural exfoliants for the skin. My favorite skin care line with these ingredients is Peter Thomas Roth. His products have literally improved my skin so much it's changed my entire life.

You can purchase them online from his website directly or at almost any major beauty retailer (Sephora, Ulta, Amazon, etc).

Also, a Clarisonic is essential! They have different brush heads designed for every type of skin - even the most sensitive.

Good luck!

At what age should you start using anti-ageing cream?

Pink Lily

Hope I spelled it right lol.
Ok I am 28, will be 29 soon. I have combination skin, dry checks and forhead and oily around the eyes and nose area. I was wondering at what age should I start using them ? I have a good skin so I want to start to protect it aginst wrinkels!!

Also could you tell me what is the best anti-ageing cream and make ?

Thanks :)

Hi Red Rose

Anti-ageing (spelled like this the american way) uk is Anti-aging. But who cares-its still the same frightening question.

Anti ageing is really all about prevention. I believe that anti ageing starts with using a good sun protection from day one, and this can start at a very early age. Then as soon as you start wearing make-up you should use a cleanser an eye cream and a moisturiser no matter what your age.

Choosing a good skin care range can be a minefield- at the age of about 20 you should start introducing products with active ingredients - I recommend taking the time to understand ingredients and their function in your products-this is not as complicated as it sounds. Use products with peptides and anti-oxidants and hyaluronic acid, but make sure these ingredients are right at the top of the ingredient list.

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