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What sort of ingredients should I look for in anti-aging skin care products?


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Haylie Fla

Hi! I've been trying to find the BEST ingredients that I should be looking for in my skin care products that would prevent aging, etc. I know that nothing will completely prevent the aging process, however I would like to find the best ingredients to prolong the youthfulness in my skin.

Actually there is something you can do to prevent the aging process but that couldntt be answered shortly here you would need to learn more about it if you want to achieve it. Click here if you want to learn more about it: http://antiagingsolutionprogram.com/free

About your question the best natural ingredients for skin care products are coconut oil, almond oil, castor oil, and many others.

what is the best skin care product you have used?

Q. im looking for a good skin care product. i have a hard time finding anything that works well for me, because i have oily skin, so most stuff just dries out my skin and makes it worse. so yeah, any recommendations are helpful. thanks! =D
i've already tried proactive and found that it didn't help any more than stuff you can buy from the drug store for a wayy cheaper price.

Well, I cured my oily skin without any topical products. What actually worked for me was peppermint/spearmint tea. I read about it on acne.org, so I decided to try it. I got some Bigelow's Mint Medley tea at Meijer for $2.50, and I drink it twice a day. It tastes a little funky, but I got over that quick, because after about a week or two my skin wasn't oily anymore. And my skin was always drenching with oil and shiny enough to be used as a mirror, because of genetics, but this tea cured it completely which was amazing for me. I really suggest you try it, although any peppermint or spearmint tea should work just as well.

My own personal favorite skin care product, though, is Clean and Clear Persa-Gel 10. I have pretty stubborn moderate acne, but using this along with taking zinc and drinking apple cider vinegar (and spearmint/peppermint tea!) has really helped my skin.

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