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Second guessing my decision to go to cosmetology school?


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Lets Be Re

I have had my mind set on cosmetology school since 5th grade. I'm always watching youtube videos on hair and makeup, always on Pinterest, always trying to keep up with the latest styles ect.

I'm second guessing myself because I am a pretty shy person.. also I have really bad anxiety.

any advice?

Perhaps you're referring to having some social anxiety (?) The licensed cosmetologist does need to interact with the public and should be intent on keeping a clientele of "repeat customers".

Just an fyi that it may take a cosmetologist a couple of years to "get a book" (of regular customers) before *possibly* making decent money.

Perhaps you can get a part-time job as a receptionist in a beauty salon, and find out if you feel comfortable in that type of environment. However, please be aware that even the receptionists may have some level of stress as the hairstylists (and/or nail technicians/make-up artists) may be particular about their scheduling (as per my cousin who worked as a hair stylist :)

I'm very sensitive to various scents and chemicals, so working at a hair salon is unrealistic for me (not to mention that I have neck and back problems and anxiety disorder/s, too).

If you're still interested in training (for any field), please do *avoid* those private For-profit schools and instead consider the more affordable (and usually more reputable) community college or even the county vo-tech school (or the state-public university) as long as the program is approved by the State board of cosmetology.

For general career info: http://www.bls.gov/ooh and can search.

U.S. colleges: http://www.utexas.edu/world/univ

With regard to the anxiety, please also consider making an appointment with a licensed therapist such as a licensed mental health counselor, licensed-clinical social worker (LCSW) or clinical psychologist (PhD or PsyD). Both the LCSW and doctoral-level psychologist may administer cognitive-behavioral therapy (cbt) which can be very helpful for both anxiety and depression (or other mental health issues).

This government site may have some local counseling agencies: http://findtreatment.samhsa.gov/ and can click the second link and go on from that point. Their toll-free 24/7 *referral* hotline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

For more general info re: anxiety and depression (though *not* for self-diagnosis or self-treatment): http://www.adaa.org/ Perhaps there is a local support group for those with anxiety and/or depression (however, please do *not* give out last names as to be anonymous since the group members may have other "issues" - and it's not always so apparent at first :)

Where can I get this nail polish?


There is this nail polish I'm in love with, but can't seem to find. I found pictures of it on pinterest (my addiction haha) It looks like this: http://www.luuux.com/health-beauty/mirror-nail-polish
It is mirror nail polish and I love it! Anyone know any beauty stores or online stores I can get this? Thanks!

The picture you gave it's not nail Polish my Dear these are Fake nails. I was searching for similar things a year back and I found this after wasting a lot of money on different nail polishes http://www.goosesglitter.com/2012/03/mirror-nails.html

So far some level of good mirror effect gives by nails Inc. Special Effects Mirror Metallic Nail Polish some of the nail polishes. But not like FAKE NAILS of course

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