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How to take care of a tattoo, busy schedule?


skin care uniforms on Nursing Scrubs and Medical Uniforms - NursingUniforms.net
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I love tattoos, I'm a scratcher in training from my friends mom (her ex taught her how to do tattoos) she recommends I wear shorts to take care of it fully but I work after school at McDonald's and we have to wear uniforms, I go to school at 7am, get out at 3, then get to work until 10 pm right after school. Could I cover it with anything to keep it saturated? I have a thigh piece but the color didn't stay on too well. I might go over it again soon. Any help? My tattoo on my wrist stayed on good since I don't wear long sleeved shirts.

You can cover it with saran wrap, which is what a lot of shops/artists do after you get a big color piece. Do not wear shorts! Especially if it's sunny where you live, the sun/heat will make the color fade and it won't heal the way you want it to. It's best to keep it covered, clean, and moisturized. When you get out of the shower, lotion up; make sure your skin/the area isn't dry.

Is it better to have never used skin care products in your life ?


Because my mother never used any products like scrubs, foaming wash, skin toners, moisturizing creams and her skin is beautiful

my skin is so so, not very uniform and and I'm wondering if should really bother with those products since I'm at a turing point in my life = 24, my skin is still youthful but will get older and older in the years to come, so what is the best thing to do for my skin ?

I believe it's down to luck and your genes,your mom is lucky she has kept her beautiful skin naturally.Certain products are not worth using because they have no beneficial affect,moisturisers&toners are good especially ones that have natural fruit extracts.To help your skin for sure is too stay out of the sun or at least use high protection,don't smoke and drink in moderation will help your skin and give the natural oils a chance.Try to smile more often it takes 4 muscles to smile and 17 to frown so less wrinkles.

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