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How important is having a cleansing and moisturizing skincare routine?


skin care 50 year old on making a baby shrug to go over it since it will be cold no matter ...
skin care 50 year old image


Im 19 years old, i know im not gonna get wrinkles any time soon but I want to take care of my skin as much as I can. I currently don't have any kind of routine... just splash my face with water and apply regular lotion. Anyways is it really important to have a good routine? what should i buy? what brands are good? I have normal/dry skin and i don't want to spend more the $50.

First of all I would tell you to only buy from high quality companies. You don't have to pay a lot but you get bettter service and better products.

I personally only use Arbonne Products. I get 35% off of my product orders and the products are great. I use a Acne Wash that I use about 3 times a week, and then a regular cleanser, then I use a Night and Eye Creme every night.

How I look at it is if I take care of my skin now at age 20 then at age 40 I will look like I am only 30 because I will have no wrinkles and nice skin.

Arbonne website: www.arbonne.com

My email is rebecca.harris.arbonne@gmail.com if you want to know more about it.

Miss America controversy is confused about what racism is?


Many confuse White and Caucasian with light skin and eyes.
But those from Italy to Iran to India are White Caucasian. It does not relate to skin color but a geographic area of the world and physical characteristics.
That's why scientists can determine what race a 50,000 year old skull is.

Hispanic is also White Caucasian but has been confused because they are a minority regarding government employment. Women of any color are also a "minority" so "minority" does not mean race. Anyway, many are confused and just thought I'd clarify .

So for those who think Miss America is suffering from racism from Whites, she can't be since she's White as well.
Seems everyone missed my point. I agree race and skin color doesn't matter.
I'm just addressing those who think Arabs and those from India are a different race.
oh well - I tried.

who cares what race she is. she is beautiful and people need to calm down. even though i thin beauty pageants are dumb anyways

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